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wiring help

  clio rxe
just wired in the autoleads cable for my stereo headunit to allow usage of the steering remote, however, the headunit isnt remembering the stored radio channels or time whe engine is turned off. Consulting the trouble shooting guide for the stereo, it says this is beacuse the wiring to the cars power supply isnt right. The leads are all connected up as they should be, can anyone help?
happend to me also, you need to swap some wires around the power ones i cant remember which ones but im sure someone here can help:)
  1967 Classic Mini
Red and Yellow cables on head unit connection block

thses are the Switchable and Live power cables, once swapped this will solve you problems

Make sure you do this with the power disconnected, you do not want a short circuit on the car
  1967 Classic Mini
Remove the yellow and red pin connectors for the head unit connection block (ISO) swap them round, then refit them

have a look at the wiring loom to see what i mean, it's a very easy fix
  clio rxe
sorted, got it done cheers folks. Why is it so complicated, and why do the autoleads instructions miss out the bit about taking off the dash, and swithcing over the red/yellow connectors??
  clio rxe
have to take the dash off if you want to fir the leads to enable the new headunit to work with the present renault steering controller. This is becasue the connection for it is on the rear of the clock display and you need to connect the new lead into it. Its very easy to do though
