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Wirless Router Issue


ClioSport Club Member
  Octavia vRS

I have a Belkin (I can get the exact model if needed) wireless router at home, and recently (within the past 4 months) it has been giving me some problems. When ever I am downloading something from Giganews, my connection just drops out. I'm pretty sure it's the router that's at fault, as rebooting it solves the issue. This only started happening after we got rid of our old desktop, and replaced it with two laptops. So to clarify, there was originally 1 desktop and 1 laptop WIFI connected, and now there are 3 laptops WIFI connected.

I have reset the router to factory and set it up again but this has had no effect. Any IT boffins got any clue why it keeps dropping out?

  dCi 65 + C2 (<Sold)
Mine drops out because it can't handle the download speeds. I lowered the amount of connections and this solved it.


ClioSport Club Member
  Octavia vRS
Have you tried moving the router ?

Sorry, I probably should have mentioned. This can happen when I'm in the living room, literally sitting next to the router.

Mine drops out because it can't handle the download speeds. I lowered the amount of connections and this solved it.

I have already set a speed limit on newsleacher of 75% of my line speed. Do you think I should reduce connections from 20 to say maybe 15 or 10?
I had exactly the same issue with a belkin router. I spent ages on forums and google but could not find a way to solve it. In the end I took it back to the shop and got a second one to try but that had the same issue. I swapped for a Cisco/ Linksys router and the problem was solved.
  Audi S1
My netgear dropped out all the time with my MBP... f**king annoying it also sets my firefox to work offline.
have you tried upgrading the firmware on the router? are you using any wireless encryption? what broadband connection do you have? and what model router are you using?

generally cheaper routers cannot handle multiple connections to things like newsgroups/torrents and tend to reset themselves with netgear, belkin and even cheaper linksys's suffering from this.
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ClioSport Club Member
  Octavia vRS
Right, I've updated the firmware and dropped my newsgroup connections from 30 to 20. Will see how it goes.

Thanks to all so far!
