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woman + no sense + brake pedal =

i accept im partly to blaim, but she shouldnt have hit the brakes, the only reasont she did that was to make me hit her, and it was just badly timed, i would have been able to stop had i not been accelrating to over take.

and like i said, im not saying all women drivers.
lesson to be learnt there keep your distance before overtaking that way you can also see more of the road ahead.. I think you got off very lightly Dan and glad to hear your not hurt just be more careful..


ClioSport Club Member
  BMW I4 M50
Danlp6 said:
i accept im partly to blaim, but she shouldnt have hit the brakes, the only reasont she did that was to make me hit her, and it was just badly timed, i would have been able to stop had i not been accelrating to over take.

and like i said, im not saying all women drivers.

No.. the reason she breaked is because she was startled by your manoover.. ive had people do it to me too.. Just like those people who break when theres a car coming past them on the other side of the road... its like a reaction thing..
you should slow down a tad fella imo, first you go into a ditch, then you have a narrow miss with an old womans car, now you hit this womans car. judging by these accidents and watching vids that you've posted in the past on public roads at less than sesible speeds you need to take a bit more care and responsibly for your own actions instead of laying the blame onto other people, you give all us young drivers a bad reputation;)


ClioSport Club Member
  BMW I4 M50
Danlp6 said:
no she wasnt. she braked, to make me back off, and then braked even harder. she even admitted that to my passenger.

So you were close for her to have to break test you then?
  Monaco Blue Mk2
Martin. said:
agree with run into the back of someone and you only have yourself to blame imo

This is true but you don't expect people to do things like this. I nearly smashed into the back of a woman on my way to work before...They are especially shite at roundabouts and I was crawling along about 10-20 up to this roundabout. I had and early look and could see it was clear. Looked back infront of me to see what she was doing - No brake lights or signs of slowing, I then had another check - Roundabout still clear, I started to accelorate as I turned to look forward again and had to slam on coz she had stopped at at a completely clear roundabout. I slammed on an was fine, but if I had hit her it would of gone down as my fault but really it would of been hers. You don't expect people to do things like this on you.
^never pull away until your path is clear then, should never assume what another driver will do just because you would do it.
