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World Series infield

  Subaru 330s
Whose was the dark blue 172 (at least I think it was a 172 lol), it had colour coded front grilles, some different silver alloys, blacked out windows and a few stickers?
  Monaco Blue Clio 172
Mine was parked in the support race car park if thats the one you mean.......... Monaco blue 172 with on cup wheels with sticker in the rear window but no colour coded grilles or blacked out windows???
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  clio sport 172
come to think of i tmine is the only one around will fully colour coded front grills and blacked out windows , so got to be me and thinking back lokking at you pic i think you were parked next to me i was right on the end by the sign marking where the groups are
  Subaru 330s
Just wondering if you were aware that either you or your passenger or whoever it was dented my drivers door with your passenger door?
  clio sport 172
how the hell , your shor mate , fsr a i know they were no where near you car cus i know how anoying that is, you got a photo of the mark at all , are you shour was caused by my car , as that would have to be a good swing and i know me and my mrs would not let that happen to us or another car cus would have mark on mine as well and cant see any on my door ,
  Subaru 330s
Yer it has definatley been caused by a door as it is a straight line down the side of my door, about 4/5 inches long so it would have been a pretty hard knock as it's really bad and it is really noticeable. I was totally gutted when I saw it on Sunday and it wasn't there in the morning as I had cleaned it before leaving the campsite.
I've just tried to get a pic of it on my phone but it can't pick it up as there are too many refelctions outside the front of the house, so I will try again later when I am at work.
  google image


  clio sport 172
well if it was that bad and me i would have a mark or paint loss wich i have not got , and i know what you mean i would be pised off and gutted as well , but , i am sure it was not caused by me or my door , i would have know and would of thouhgt of heard it and seen it happen, send us a pic when you get it mate
  Subaru 330s
You don't always get paint loss though, it has happened to me before and the other persons door didn't have a mark on it.
It definatley happened when I was parked infield, as I said it wasn't there in the morning and I only noticed it when I went back to my car in the afternoon by which time your car had gone so I could not ask you about it, and the reason I posted it up was because obviously you were the only car that was parked next to me and the dent is consistent with one from someones door. Don't get me wrong i'm not trying to blame you, but hopefully you can see where I am coming from and I just wanted to see if you knew anything, as I know some people don't like to admit to things.
I will try again with the pic in the morning, but it is hard to pick it up on my phone, it is very noticable though.
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  clio sport 172
ok cool yer i know whta you mena mate , and if was m i would hold my had up but sorry to ssay dont know a thing about mate , let us have pic when you cna get one
  Subaru 330s
Not the best picture as there are too many reflections and my phone can't pick it up, but if you look in the reflection of the wall you can see it.

Anyway, the dent is currently being removed frm the door.
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  Monaco 172 (02)
Not the best picture as there are too many reflections and my phone can't pick it up, but if you look in the reflection of the wall you can see it.

Anyway, the dent is currently being removed frm the door.

Sorry to poke my nose in, how much is the dent removal ?
  Subaru 330s
It cost me £40 to have it removed. Although due to where the dent is and there being a bar behind the door it has only been partially removed :(
  Monaco 172 (02)
Sorry to hear bout that, but I have an identical one that happend some point last week. It coudln't be more of an awkward place
