easy all,... got up nice and early to order my alloys only to be told they wont fit my car! im pretty much sure this guy on the other end of the phone didnt really know what he was on about but i thought i better double check before i do i actually buy them over the phone. Bassicly these alloys
I want to get, ive been told not to get 17`s and get 16`s so ive found myself a set that i really like and all my mates said 16`s will fit... i thought those wheels would fit but the guy on the phone said that wouldnt fit a standard clio mk1 rt 95 model. is he right? please say he isnt becuase i want these weheels ;/ any advice greatfull, cheers
I want to get, ive been told not to get 17`s and get 16`s so ive found myself a set that i really like and all my mates said 16`s will fit... i thought those wheels would fit but the guy on the phone said that wouldnt fit a standard clio mk1 rt 95 model. is he right? please say he isnt becuase i want these weheels ;/ any advice greatfull, cheers