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Would this work

Could i cet a peice of MDF the size of the whole for the spare tire put that ontop of the wheel, screw the amp to it, then cut a layer of MDF that fits the boot perfectly and place that down, place 2 fans and a perspex window in it, (fans have covers) then carpet on top of the lot and cut holes for fans and window??

Are there any problems/better ways of doing it, withough removing wheel.

Thanks Guys, any help would be much appreciated


yes it would, but the surrounding mdf would have to be raised slightly, and some supports for the spare wheel mdf would have to be made,

im in the process of doing the same for mine, i really do need access to the spare and tool kit in the boot

just looked at the boot, for some reason i thought that there was a dip were the wheel is. oh well, i think i may do it at the side of the boot.

Thanks Mate

