This is getting a bit like the 1.2 137mph thread.
What does it matter that a messed with 1.2 handles better than a standard 172? A Go-Kart handles better than my 182. So what? I'm not saying the 1.2s can't be fun, but apples for apples, the quicker car on the same setup will always be more fun (up to a point where the chassis can't handle the power)
That's just my opinion though, so on to the original titular question. I bought my 182Cup having never driven one, but it wasn't based on looks. Rather, my choice was based on countless road tests proclaiming its greatness, and the extreme value for money. It just so happens I also love the looks. I don't spend 6 hours a week cleaning it. In fact, right now its utterly filthy and I like it that way because I prefer to drive it how it was intended rather than spend every weekend rubbing carnuba wax and micro pro-vitamins into the paint using silk gloves spun from the arse of Tibetan spiders.