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xeons - different colours


ClioSport Club Member
  ph2 172
recently i have noticed that my passenger side xeon isnt as bright as the drivers side, also appears to be more yellow than white when looking at them (any time of the day)

Is there a reason this is happening? what do I need/can I do to resolve the issue?

  Fiesta ST-3
When your Xenons tend to go, they turn pinkish in colour. So the fact one is dimmer than the other it suggests one is on its way out. Always change both when you do though.


ClioSport Club Member
  ph2 172
now you say it, there is a pink tinge. What needs changing? the whole headlight? or just the ignitor/ballast part?


  PD130 Peach
just the bulbs! easy enough to get of ebay, can be a bit of a chew to fit though
