You shouldnt have to rely on third party products in order to make it usable..
if you go out and buy a microwave.. should you have to buy an extra product to stop the harmfull radiation comming out ? or should it come with it ?
Not every person it technically orientated enough to know how to protect their systems.. they shouldnt have to spend time/money on products to fix problems with the product they just bought.
XP is s**te.. fact.
its not s**t tho, i look after 300 xp built machines and we have no problems with them at all. they have ad-hoc systems running on them that need to be as reliable as possible, and they generally are (unless one of the unix bits of hardware fails like today)
not every person is technically orientated no, but id like to see a non techy try and use any other kind of OS that will do what they want and be secure out of the box with no need to add any updates or additional firewalls/AV etc.(especially linux, iv had 4 goes with it and its only worked twice, and both times I couldnt do fek all with it as i didnt know any command promp stuff)
its common sense. you should be concerned about security for everything in life, including your computer.