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What have you done to your car today ???

  clio 172 cup
Corrected the tracking, added a little toe out and put some new 15" wheels on.



  BG 182 FF
Changed front/rear brake discs/pads.
Brembo HC front discs
Genuine Renault rear discs
Brembo OEM pads all round

Ordered from G172 - strongly recommend him!
  mk1 Octavia VRS
1. Re-did cat to mid and mid to rear exhaust joins as it was still leaking after the last garage had three attempts at doing it. Fingers crossed it's sorted now!
2. Adjusted the RARB to the harder setting in preparation for Brands Hatch on Thursday.

Needs a wash and a hoover but I didn't have time unfortunately.
  '20 Zoe, '09 V70
Washed it, after Thursday's grimace.

Found melted chocolate on the passenger seat. Can only have been me so nobody else to blame. :rage: Arse.
  Clio 172, Mondeo Est
Today's list.
Polybush wishbones
New steering arms (still to finish)
New ball joints
New track rod ends.

Tommorows jobs
Finish steering arms
Fit wheel studs
Brake fluid change
Get tyres put on other set of wheels
Check camber and tracking

Then usual track prep for Saturday!!
  Track 172 Cup
Had the dog bone mount replied with a power flex one last week, today I took it over too Bloke and diagnosed I need track rods and ends (drivers side but may do both) and after that went home stripped drivers door down as my glass had stopped working found the little motor had come out of the hole in the glass all working and can now go home off nights via the maccies drive thru lol
  RB Clio 182
Had the dog bone mount replied with a power flex one last week, today I took it over too Bloke and diagnosed I need track rods and ends (drivers side but may do both) and after that went home stripped drivers door down as my glass had stopped working found the little motor had come out of the hole in the glass all working and can now go home off nights via the maccies drive thru lol
Should have reversed in before imo.
not so much anything on my car, but a friends one. he has a 1.2 clio and we visited the local breakers and found a silver 172 within, so we took to gear knob cover, sport kick plates and body coloured door/quarter panel gaurd things and after cleaning them off put them on his car! also took the piper cross cone filter from it and DIY'd an induction kit for him!
i meanwhile had away with the parcel shelf for my sport as mine is bent :/
Still at it!
Just about finished on engine bay. Have paint to 're paint the inlet, looks terrible silver. Will do another day.

Onto interior now. Hmmm, night time interior detail..... [emoji53]


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  BMW 320d SE
Today I have insured and taxed my 182. Brought it home from storage. Fitted silvatec indicator bulbs all round along with a whole new number lamp and led bulb. Oh, and paid for my CS membership!
  BG Clio 182
What you having done mate?
Haha well I've got a Yanoo Kit 3.0 going in :)

Carbon badges for the front and rear diamonds and the interior clock instrument surround also, and a handbrake button coz it's silver and it's irritating!

Also got him checking something with the engine and the boots decided to stop opening I presume solenoid so that's being done too!

Also getting the mid pipe on [emoji14] and my snappy wheel haha!
