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Possible cause ABS, ESP, Service light on 182

  Clio 182
I know this subject has been mentioned before on the forums but I am still yet to find the solution as to why i have the three lights up... I bought my 182 about 3 months ago and ever since iv been trying to resolve this issue!

The guy i bought the car from said it was an ABS ring on the drive shaft. so first i got the car home checked them and couldn't see any cracks or issues with the ABS rings so that was out the window. I also tried swapped the driver shafts for some spare ones i had.

I then put the car on a diagnostics at a garage twice which i was told the steering angle sensor was not responding by two garages, so i swapped out the squib with one i had which came from my last 182 which was working fine. The lights turned off but then eventually came back on after a while.

I have tried the brake switch and adjusted that so the brake light come on as soon as the brake pedal is pressed and tried a setting that made the lights come on a little later and this has still not resolved the issue.

I have just read online that wheel bearings can be a cause for no ABS or ESP? is this right or do the ABS sensors not regulate wheel bearings on the clio mk2?

I am at my wits end with this now and my only resort is to give in and take it renault dealership which i know will have my pants down over this.

Does anyone have any other ideas?


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
The light always on from the moment the cars started or does it go off, then come on when you move the car?


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Most likely to be an ABS sensor then or a fault in wiring elsewhere. You'll have to get it looked at to get the data off each abs sensor, either that or plough money into it without knowing the problem. Anyone local with clip?
  Clio 172 Merc ML55
Depending on where about you are in the country speak to one or two specialists rather than dealerships, they will be cheaper and these are the only cars they deal with really.

There's no point throwing money at a problem when you're not 100% sure of said problem in the beginning, I do understand and share your hesitancy spending money needlessly but I can almost guarantee that speaking to a specialist will work out cheaper than just throwing parts at a problem in the hope it will fix things (I'm honestly not nagging, but I've seen far too many people either get ripped off or spend many times more money than they would have needed too)
  Clio 182
Most likely to be an ABS sensor then or a fault in wiring elsewhere. You'll have to get it looked at to get the data off each abs sensor, either that or plough money into it without knowing the problem. Anyone local with clip?
That's what iv been thinking but when put on diagnostics as I say I went to two different garages those codes never showed up. deffinitly not going to be loading money into it aha
  Clio 182
Depending on where about you are in the country speak to one or two specialists rather than dealerships, they will be cheaper and these are the only cars they deal with really.

There's no point throwing money at a problem when you're not 100% sure of said problem in the beginning, I do understand and share your hesitancy spending money needlessly but I can almost guarantee that speaking to a specialist will work out cheaper than just throwing parts at a problem in the hope it will fix things (I'm honestly not nagging, but I've seen far too many people either get ripped off or spend many times more money than they would have needed too)

I'm in Hertfordshire so don't have Ktec near only company is engine dynamics which I can think off but is still a little drive to them. I haven't spent any money on the issue as off yet is iv had a lot of spares left over from my last car which were all working perfectly and the garages iv been to are all friends so didn't charge anything for the diagnostics from them.

Renault have told me they will do a full diagnostics and then let me know what they find and then I can fix it as i wouldn't say I'm a novic with these cars
Just find someone local with CLIP to diagnose the issue. Trust me it's the easiest way to diagnose a fault within the ABS system. Cost me £10 from a local Renault specialist.
  Clio 182
Just find someone local with CLIP to diagnose the issue. Trust me it's the easiest way to diagnose a fault within the ABS system. Cost me £10 from a local Renault specialist.
Ok mate and what issue was it with yours?
  Clio 182
ABS ring, then NSR sensor, then the ABS pump. Pissed about for months throwing time and money only to be sent on a wild goose chase diagnosing through a snap on solus ultimate scanner.
Aha that sounds like a right pain the ass! So it was a combination of all those things? Glad I've only done the easy this to start with lol
Aha that sounds like a right pain the ass! So it was a combination of all those things? Glad I've only done the easy this to start with lol
Yeah a combination of them mate, the ring and sensor at the same time and then the pump shortly after. PITA is an understatment and I very nearly fucked it off at one point as it was costing me money in lost track day fees, even done one with no ABS which was hairy as the cars bias goes to 50/50 with a fault resulting in rear lock ups, not ideal when braking hard at 110-120 though.
  Clio 182
Yeah a combination of them mate, the ring and sensor at the same time and then the pump shortly after. PITA is an understatment and I very nearly fucked it off at one point as it was costing me money in lost track day fees, even done one with no ABS which was hairy as the cars bias goes to 50/50 with a fault resulting in rear lock ups, not ideal when braking hard at 110-120 though.
Ouch! Hopefully my issue isn't all that then lol! This is the reason I need it sorted as I'm going round Europe next June on track days and don't want to be locking up or just sliding through corners although as you say can be fun I don't think it's going to help my timings aha
  monaco 172
Have you got an oscilloscope? If so then attach probes to the end of the abs sensor wire and spin the wheel.

That's how I diagnosed my old 182 abs problem. The faulty sensor will either show a weak sine wave or a deformed one
  Clio 182
Have you got an oscilloscope? If so then attach probes to the end of the abs sensor wire and spin the wheel.

That's how I diagnosed my old 182 abs problem. The faulty sensor will either show a weak sine wave or a deformed one
Can't this be seen with a volt metre? The turning of the wheel produces a current which can be seen in volts if I'm not wrong?
  Clio 182
Could it be the YAW sensor? Think that can cause abs/esp issues if faulty/removed, but don't quote me on that.
i believe it can be but I don't want to jump into just buying things otherwise this job could become a never ending pit of money. I'll get it plugged in and let you know.
  dan's cast offs.
you really need to scope it to see what the signal is like.

if you can get it on live data and look at the wheel speeds that will give you a point in the right direction as rear faults can be the tricky ones. if you get it done post the results for each wheel. don't be surprised if the nsr goes up to about 2000kmh!!!!
  Clio 182
you really need to scope it to see what the signal is like.

if you can get it on live data and look at the wheel speeds that will give you a point in the right direction as rear faults can be the tricky ones. if you get it done post the results for each wheel. don't be surprised if the nsr goes up to about 2000kmh!!!!
Ok well iv had aloof this morning results are as follows:

Rear abs sensors: both showing 1.00
Front left: 1.52
Front right: dead

I think iv found my issue... plugged in a spare abs sensor I had and bam all light go straight out on dash! Clearly a new abs is need on front right
  Clio 182
Was this with a voltmeter mate? Did you unplug the connector and just put the probes on each pin? Need to check myself!
Ye it was mate. I'll put a pic up of the setting and how it looks in difference with the old to new. It's a simple job tbh
  Clio 182
Only issue is getting the old one out but iv just cut through it and then used a hammer and bar to push the sensor itself out
