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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (PC, XBOX ONE, PS4)


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d
Glad I hung back with W3 - barely got anywhere with it.

Will definitely be giving it a go over the Christmas holidays with the next-gen upgrade.
Same I've hardly touched it knowing the next gen update was coming, so looking forward to this :cool:


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
I had a quick go the other day and dived into a well at the beginning, also I noticed you can override side missions, as I had one enabled but some how I had another one enabled.

what do you lot recommend on what to do and not not to do, hints n tips for noobs on this game?

is it worth collecting as much stuff from the chests like looting them and collecting the flowers and that?


ClioSport Club Member
I can't remember if I finished this or not🤔. I can remmebr getting stuck in a fight in the dlc with a previous save hours before and after far too many losses ejecting the disc and never playing it again!


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
I've got mine downloaded and installed now about 2 hours ago, was easy enough on the PS5, just needed to download The Complete Edition just under 110GB. I've now deleted the Game of the year edition, so all new fresh start

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
I've got mine downloaded and installed now about 2 hours ago, was easy enough on the PS5, just needed to download The Complete Edition just under 110GB. I've now deleted the Game of the year edition, so all new fresh start
Was this with a PS4 disk?
Might look at it later if I get chance


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
from what i read a few weeks back, the people with the disk get the update later but things might of changed since then. Mine was a digital copy of the PSN store Game Of The Year edition, all i needed to do was press where the *** (3) dots are on the game on the menu and press for the Game Of The Year Edition it'll come up FREE and you install that as a full new game


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ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
Had a quick go from the very beginning with the tutorials even though i've done this bit a couple months ago, for me it's a little bit fidly going through all the buttons for conotrols, . I'm sure you'll get use to it like any other game.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Had a quick go from the very beginning with the tutorials even though i've done this bit a couple months ago, for me it's a little bit fidly going through all the buttons for conotrols, . I'm sure you'll get use to it like any other game.
That was part of the reason why I shelved it initially. I couldn't gel with the gamepad at all and it didn't really work with K&M either.

It had the pros and cons of each control method without really making the most of either, imo.

I forced myself with the original Batman - Arkham Asylum to use a pad and got there eventually. But even when I completed it, it still felt a bit awkward when I fired up Arkham City, not long afterwards. Pads are great for immediate, clickable actions - yet terrible for looking around and aiming, I feel. More so on 3rd-person views in games.


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d
Had a quick go from the very beginning with the tutorials even though i've done this bit a couple months ago, for me it's a little bit fidly going through all the buttons for conotrols, . I'm sure you'll get use to it like any other game.

Not played much yet, but it looks great and I have 2 weeks off work now, so (wife permitting LOL) I should be able to get some time on this.


ClioSport Club Member
Warframe is fine with K&M mate - I never have to use the pad other than using Kahl's jetpack. It just doesn't work properly in K&M! :)

I know mate, just pulling your leg!

I haven't pulled the trigger on the updated version of this yet as the horror stories and performance issues are putting me off. It's a shame really as I wouldn't mind having a dabble with it again. I don't think I actually saved my game progress though hence my top Level 85 character and 280 hours of gameplay have all been wiped out! :ROFLMAO:
