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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (PC, XBOX ONE, PS4)


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
I havn't downloaded the game, so is it worth getting a refund on the game and get the remastered version, i din't know that there's one coming out soon. If so I'll hang fire. Any idea on price? i got this for £6.99 on PSN Store


ClioSport Club Member
I havn't downloaded the game, so is it worth getting a refund on the game and get the remastered version, i din't know that there's one coming out soon. If so I'll hang fire. Any idea on price? i got this for £6.99 on PSN Store

As long as nothing changes between now and release, the remastered upgrade/update is slated to be free. That said, we're probably looking at a mid-2022 release for it... CDPR are currently prioritising CyberPunk 2077.


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
Ah ok, i presume it would be a whole new game with a newer price tag like ghosts of tsushima


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Im also under the impression it will be free, adding Raytracing support and hopefully sorting the movement out, I also dont think CDPR are working directly on it as its been outsourced to another studio, at least the last time I read about it.

"Based on recommendations supplied by teams supervising the development of both games, we decided to postpone their releases until 2022," a statement from the company on Twitter read. "Our current target for Cyberpunk 2077 is the first quarter of 2022, and second quarter of 2022 for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Apologies for the extended wait, but we want to make it right."

Lets hope their 'make it right' is more right than 2077, although for these sorts of changes you would hope they wouldnt break the core gameplay.


ClioSport Club Member
Im also under the impression it will be free, adding Raytracing support and hopefully sorting the movement out, I also dont think CDPR are working directly on it as its been outsourced to another studio, at least the last time I read about it.

"Based on recommendations supplied by teams supervising the development of both games, we decided to postpone their releases until 2022," a statement from the company on Twitter read. "Our current target for Cyberpunk 2077 is the first quarter of 2022, and second quarter of 2022 for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Apologies for the extended wait, but we want to make it right."

Lets hope their 'make it right' is more right than 2077, although for these sorts of changes you would hope they wouldnt break the core gameplay.

I believe there are some collaborative efforts between different parties in terms of The Witcher 3 remaster. My understanding is that CDPR are overseeing some of the core tech upgrades (like DLSS, raytracing, etc). whilst key members have been brought in from the gaming community to help in delivering upgraded assets. These community members are known/acknowledged for their previous work in terms of providing updated texture packs, model packs, etc.

Of course, things may have changed again since then!
  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
6.5 years late to this.

The GOTY version was recently £6.99 on Xbox store, and after loving the Netflix Series I decided to give it a punt.

f**k me dead. It’s the best game I’ve ever played. I’m not really much of a gamer, I have a launch Xbox One running this, and I’ve managed to put in a dreadful amount of hours already. Even my other half, who has never played a game in her life, is completely obsessed.

Any game which included real time beard growth as a detail is going to be good.

It's an insanely good game, literally one of the greatest of all time. It was my number 1 until GOW knocked it off my top spot. Even the expansion packs alone are Game of the Year quality. Unpopular opinion but I actually preferred Hearts of Stone over Blood & Wine. I just really liked the characters, especially Gaunter O'Dimm :cool: Still they're both absolutely incredible.

I'm really jealous you get to experience it all for the first time. Have fun!

PS - If you want some genuine lols tell Lambert he's a genius ;)


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
It's an insanely good game, literally one of the greatest of all time. It was my number 1 until GOW knocked it off my top spot. Even the expansion packs alone are Game of the Year quality. Unpopular opinion but I actually preferred Hearts of Stone over Blood & Wine. I just really liked the characters, especially Gaunter O'Dimm :cool: Still they're both absolutely incredible.

I'm really jealous you get to experience it all for the first time. Have fun!

PS - If you want some genuine lols tell Lambert he's a genius ;)

Totally agree with this, such a good game when I originally played it, didn’t quite have the same feeling when I came back to it but I’m hoping the remastered edition will solve that.

I’m looking forward to GOW coming out this month as I’ll be picking that up as I’ve heard very good things about it and no doubt it’s going to look amazing on PC, I’m currently playing Horizon Zero Dawn when I get a chance and loving it, I missed all these PS games coming to PC, that’s what I get for growing up and becoming a more casual gamer!

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Totally agree with this, such a good game when I originally played it, didn’t quite have the same feeling when I came back to it but I’m hoping the remastered edition will solve that.

I’m looking forward to GOW coming out this month as I’ll be picking that up as I’ve heard very good things about it and no doubt it’s going to look amazing on PC, I’m currently playing Horizon Zero Dawn when I get a chance and loving it, I missed all these PS games coming to PC, that’s what I get for growing up and becoming a more casual gamer!
Granted - a good number of console titles migrate well to the PC, but unfortunately their control systems do not.

If I can't even 'back-peddle' through the menus using the decades-old Escape key - then I'm immediately wary. Some games make an amazing transition to K&M whereas other flatly refuse to use anything other than a pad.

The worst ones however, are the half-attempted ones - almost as if one dev team is pro-gamepad and the other team is trying to get it to align with K&M players. Holding down keys with a circular animation to perform an action? Insisting that attack/use can only ever be assigned to the F key. Not being able to assign anything remotely useful like weapons selection or equipment to the mousewheel? Nope - off-you-fcuk - not wasting my time trying to game that forces you to a specific control setup.

The worst in recent memory I recall was Remnant : From the Ashes. I think that was installed for all of 15 minutes before the incomprehensible control defaults got me to uninstall it. Like giving you a brand new M3, but to drive it, you need to sit on the roof, face backwards and the brake pedal being in the left tail-light housing.
  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
Totally agree with this, such a good game when I originally played it, didn’t quite have the same feeling when I came back to it but I’m hoping the remastered edition will solve that.

I’m looking forward to GOW coming out this month as I’ll be picking that up as I’ve heard very good things about it and no doubt it’s going to look amazing on PC, I’m currently playing Horizon Zero Dawn when I get a chance and loving it, I missed all these PS games coming to PC, that’s what I get for growing up and becoming a more casual gamer!

Oh mate you're in for a treat if you haven't played GOW yet! It's an absolute masterpiece.

I'd recommend you get up to speed on the story before playing though. It's not totally essential but there's some mind blowing parts in the game that relate to the previous titles :)


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
I kinda jumped the gun a bit as i did buy it for £6.99 then it was mentioned about a remastered version thinking it they would bring out a new version with a new price so i canceled the order and got the refund, then looked back at the forum and it might be a free upgrade the remastered. I'll just get it again for the sake of £6.99 as you lot say it's a great game and have a play about with it and wait and see down the line if they do it for free It'll be a great game for my channel full walkthrough


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d
Now on sale in the Microsoft store again for £6.99 which is a bargain considering the next gen update coming later this year will be free!


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d
Thank you, purchased and remote installing as I type this 👍


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
Is there any more news about the Next Gen release for end of this year? I might do a couple of hours very soon just to see how it is. Any hints or tips you can give me to start off with


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d
Is there any more news about the Next Gen release for end of this year? I might do a couple of hours very soon just to see how it is. Any hints or tips you can give me to start off with
Heard it was delayed


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
it's finally happening , it's getting a free next gen update arriving next month for digital first then hard copy later on. Only if you've already got the game according to the report. Might do some videos for the channel. Do you think it'll be at 1440p , 4k at 60fps for the ps5?


ClioSport Club Member
it's finally happening , it's getting a free next gen update arriving next month for digital first then hard copy later on. Only if you've already got the game according to the report. Might do some videos for the channel. Do you think it'll be at 1440p , 4k at 60fps for the ps5?
Bit gutted, i only played this last year, wish i had waited now and played it on the PS5.

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
GOW, God of war?

I liked the one with his kid. Remember is being quite short though.

Not played cyberpunk yet, worth it? Such mixed reviews.
I can't get into Cyberpunk.

Started again and it just feels clunky. Driving mechanics are akin to something PS2 era.

It was cheap at £20 and I've got enough space on the PS5 to jump in whenever I fancy.


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d
it's finally happening , it's getting a free next gen update arriving next month for digital first then hard copy later on. Only if you've already got the game according to the report. Might do some videos for the channel. Do you think it'll be at 1440p , 4k at 60fps for the ps5?
Yup 14th December, can't wait! :cool:

It's going to be 4K @ 60fps with ray-tracing according to the information I've seen.


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
GOW, God of war?

I liked the one with his kid. Remember is being quite short though.

Not played cyberpunk yet, worth it? Such mixed reviews.
Nah, Witcher 3 is getting the update. Same for me GOW 2018 I enjoyed it but some of the puzzles got me frustrated snd it was a short game reason i cancelled my order on Ragnarock


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
Yup 14th December, can't wait! :cool:

It's going to be 4K @ 60fps with ray-tracing according to the information I've seen.
I might have a go over the weekend getting use to the controls , been on twice for a few mins but story seems really good


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d
I might have a go over the weekend getting use to the controls , been on twice for a few mins but story seems really good
I bought it cheap a while ago knowing this was coming and have not played much, need to do the same


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Still the best game I’ve ever played, hands down.

Look forward to the remaster!


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d
And it’s coming to Gamepass so I didn’t need to buy it 🤦🏻‍♂️


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
I bought this on sale on PS Store so I’ll be getting the update for free. Didn’t play on this today but try tomorrow


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d
And it’s coming to Gamepass so I didn’t need to buy it 🤦🏻‍♂️
To be fair, I got it using some HUKD link using a VPN for a couple of quid, so not really like it cost me a lot to buy LOL


ClioSport Club Member
I can't get into Cyberpunk.

Started again and it just feels clunky. Driving mechanics are akin to something PS2 era.

It was cheap at £20 and I've got enough space on the PS5 to jump in whenever I fancy.
i struggled with Cyberpunk, just felt like a really poor GTA,


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
From what I remember from reading that site before, people who got the digital version of the game will get the next Gen update first and the disk version will get it later.
