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Uch gone crazy

  Clio touran and a4
My son has been given his grandads 2000 1.2 8 v clio well looked after from new,to learn general mech etc etc.
It seems to have developed the usual fault uch issues damp or possibly wet over years.
I'd say ours is a white cassette type white in colour which I can't seem to find anywhere to repair it at all.
Pic attached. Found one which matches all numbers except one. Been told the n3 is the most important part as that's the level of what it does.
Anybody know if I get the one pictured I would still need a rewrite
Thanks Jeff
Mine is the one on right number above date is only difference


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  Clio touran and a4
I'd send it off to dieselpumprepair2 on eBay, highly recommended on here and from his eBay listing he repairs the N3 units.
Thanks for the reply I messaged them with number and they can't do it.
Looks like only do the complete black euh mine is the white box which slides out of the holder leaves wires on holder this type


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G Hut

ClioSport Club Member
  ph1 172, V90 T8
My ph1 172 also has that type and they told me the same, if you do find a repair person please drop into the thread
  Clio touran and a4
Hello again.
Would anyone know if the number avouve date of manufacture is important or even what it represents.
I've now found 2 exactly matching numbers except the date made and number above it.
  Clio touran and a4
So had the ecu decoded got another n3 uch and was told to cut wire 30 to ecu should all be fine.
but alias nooooooooo uch is good all seems to work and no flashing indicator relay but seems like immobiliser still kicking in fires cuts out after a second.
old uch back in starts first flick of the key, what am i doing wrong anyone with a idea would be a great help.
i cut the wire before euc came back from the company who said the virginised it apparently immobiliser should be out of the loop and run any key etc etc
