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[PC/PS3/XB360] Battlefield 3 Official Thread

  1.8 Civic EX
Am I right in thinking you can only knife someone if you are directly behind them?

I done the usual "run after someone for a couple of hundred meters dead set on knifing him", got right up next to him and he turned around, the knife went out but didn't do anything, he shot me.
  Megane 225 F1
Was too drunk to come on last night :( Being enticed to the pub after work FTL. Still feeling the effects.
  1.8 Civic EX

There's a big animation for it, not like COD where he dies if you touch him with a knife.


Well aware of the animation as I've already started my tag collection (all two of them), just suprised me that just because the guy is facing you the knife becomes about as useful as a chocolate teapot.
  Not a 320d
Is it possible to kill people when you first start the game. if Im against someone with an F2000, and ive got my lowly aksu thing or an m4, i lose.
  Evo 5 RS
I've recieved a service star as engineer. i.e I've unlocked 100% for that class, I still use M4 with IRV scope.. had a 24 kill streak last night lol

Only thing is it's a bit weak at proper range, just got to stay well hidden

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
I'd need to test out knifing from the front TBH.

You also can't knife someone if they are prone and you are standing. You just stand there waving the knife around until they shoot you in the shins.
  1.8 Civic EX
You also can't knife someone if they are prone and you are standing. You just stand there waving the knife around until they shoot you in the shins.

From behind them you can... I've been knifed and knifed others

If you crouch you can, same as when trying to revive someone, have to crouch first so you can reach them, unless your soldier has Mr Tickle arms which I doubt...

Favourite weapons and extras with each class?

I'm still using the standard weapons, (no idea what they are) in assualt class. I've not tried any that I've unlocked yet. With the ACOG scope, heavy barrel and fore-grip job. Seems to be working fine for me. Set fully auto for up close or switch to single shot for taking out the odd sniper :)


You also can't knife someone if they are prone and you are standing. You just stand there waving the knife around until they shoot you in the shins.

If you crouch you can, same as when trying to revive someone, have to crouch first so you can reach them, unless your soldier has Mr Tickle arms which I doubt...


You can do it standing behind someone lying down.
  Monaro VXR
Noticed stats look more impressive for console players

Aim assistance, so spraying actually works to some degree. Makes it much easier. Also lower number of players, smaller maps. Will play very differently from the PC version. 24 players max on the console version also means lot less to look out for.

I mean when you are in a 64 player server it is absolutely mental. Annoyingly so at times when you are losing as they can just cover everywhere you can come from with the large player count.
  Ph1 172
Found alot of love for the AK74-uks and the A-91. Loving this game still, still piss poor at using jets but hey can't have it all lol


ClioSport Club Member
Dont think you can knife laying down either. i crawled behind an enemy who was also laying down and went to stab just slashed him bit of blood came out think it may have affected his health but it wasnt an instant kill. plus to top it off the c**t turns around and shoots me dead.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Dont think you can knife laying down either. i crawled behind an enemy who was also laying down and went to stab just slashed him bit of blood came out think it may have affected his health but it wasnt an instant kill. plus to top it off the c**t turns around and shoots me dead.

How inconsiderate.


ClioSport Club Member
Tbh i was just confused as to why it didnt kill him with my kife so i was dead before i even had a chance to try and pull out a weapon.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Sometimes you just wonder what the f*ck you're playing at. For example, trying to shoot down a jet or chopper with your rifle, blatantly attracting attention until you're shot. Or aiming down the scope trying to get a perfect shot knowing full well the other guy is aiming back at you and isn't going to miss. Then there's chasing guys down hoping for a knife kill yet you seemingly forget you're running clearly in no mans land and are promptly shot in the head.

Y U no just shoot him down out of sight? Y??


ClioSport Club Member
Dont think you can knife laying down either. i crawled behind an enemy who was also laying down and went to stab just slashed him bit of blood came out think it may have affected his health but it wasnt an instant kill. plus to top it off the c**t turns around and shoots me dead.

I have had that three times to date, it's infuriating!


ClioSport Club Member
Sometimes you just wonder what the f*ck you're playing at. For example, trying to shoot down a jet or chopper with your rifle, blatantly attracting attention until you're shot. Or aiming down the scope trying to get a perfect shot knowing full well the other guy is aiming back at you and isn't going to miss. Then there's chasing guys down hoping for a knife kill yet you seemingly forget you're running clearly in no mans land and are promptly shot in the head.

Y U no just shoot him down out of sight? Y??

PMSL!! Have you been watching my screen? so so true lol.
  Evo 5 RS
Aim assistance, so spraying actually works to some degree. Makes it much easier. Also lower number of players, smaller maps. Will play very differently from the PC version. 24 players max on the console version also means lot less to look out for.

I mean when you are in a 64 player server it is absolutely mental. Annoyingly so at times when you are losing as they can just cover everywhere you can come from with the large player count.

I've stayed away from the 64 man servers for a few days now, gets a bit irritating at times depending on what sort of 'bunch' you're landed with lol

64 man Rush, and you've got over half the team just sitting on the ridge picking people off instead of going for the objective...fuckkkk offfff
  Integra Type-R DC2
Sometimes you just wonder what the f*ck you're playing at. For example, trying to shoot down a jet or chopper with your rifle, blatantly attracting attention until you're shot. Or aiming down the scope trying to get a perfect shot knowing full well the other guy is aiming back at you and isn't going to miss. Then there's chasing guys down hoping for a knife kill yet you seemingly forget you're running clearly in no mans land and are promptly shot in the head.

Y U no just shoot him down out of sight? Y??

Thats when it becomes a battle of nerve. The other guy will miss.

Until he blows your f**king head off because hes rocking the M40a1.
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
Shottys are great fun sometimes!

Nailing a guy who's sprinting toward you or across you at knee/shin level provides hilarious body flail.
  Evo 6, E92 320d
Spent a few hours on this today, excellent fun, probably been covered but when can I get access to back to karkand?


ClioSport Club Member
Shottys are great fun sometimes!

Nailing a guy who's sprinting toward you or across you at knee/shin level provides hilarious body flail.

I was running through a passageway on some level today when a guy just stepped in running towards me. Got a shot off with the shotgun as soon as I saw him and he went flying, happy days.

Glad to have got the flares for the jets, just need the air to air missiles now to start having more fun :)
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
I was running through a passageway on some level today when a guy just stepped in running towards me. Got a shot off with the shotgun as soon as I saw him and he went flying, happy days.

Glad to have got the flares for the jets, just need the air to air missiles now to start having more fun :)

They're ok for taking out new flyers but once you start facing more experienced pilots it's all about the chain gun mate trust me.

Air to ground missiles are wear it's at. Tanks ent safe!!


ClioSport Club Member
Yeah the chain gun is pretty good, strafing tanks with it is fun and seems to do plenty of damage!

I don't do the jets much but is fun once in a while.
