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The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Cheers Bully & Brazo for the comments.

Brazo - i prefer the second bee shot, looks sharper (on phone at moment)

Scott - that sunrise is lovely, really like the colours.

Adele - LOL at the face in the second picture!
cheers, both shots are tack sharp on the eye where i focused but i prefer the shot with the entire bee, impresed with the macro lens, might post a 100 percent crop later.
  Merc A class
Nothing special, i just like the effect and the surroundings


Rocco Pan by Riad Ariane, on Flickr
  Fiesta ST-3
Scott, how about some action surf shots when you are up and riding. Tuck in to some close outs and get some in barrel shots?

Got a waterproof housing for my SLR but no winter suit so not trying it in the sea until May.

You should wear earplugs or you will end up deaf like me, surfers ear isn't fun, way too many cold winters in the water. I miss it though.

It was my first time back out since my accident mate so it was fairly flat no more than 4ft. Not to many barrels forming. And I have ear plugs, somewhere :p It was so so cold on my head and hands I got brain freeze, I only had a 4x3 on and I was more than warm enough though.

I may even prefer this one from a technical and compositional viewpoint


Beeing by Brazo76, on Flickr

Love this shot. Can not wait to get my macro out this summer.
  Clio Sport 182
Another photo from the ghan i know.....but i love this one


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Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Love this. A little grainy in large format.

Cheers :) I've noticed a few have been really grainy recently. Must be the ISO bumping up (I had it set on auto ISO).
Was shot at F8 - 1/100th - 800ISO and tweaked a bit in Lightroom.
  Fiesta ST-3
Cheers :) I've noticed a few have been really grainy recently. Must be the ISO bumping up (I had it set on auto ISO).
Was shot at F8 - 1/100th - 800ISO and tweaked a bit in Lightroom.

What camera do you role with? Because imo 800iso is not high, my D5000 goes to 3200 and then I get graininess like yours.

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
What camera do you role with? Because imo 800iso is not high, my D5000 goes to 3200 and then I get graininess like yours.

Canon 550 - Upgraded from a 30 last month, I was also getting grainy shots with that too so I am thinking it might be the lens? EF-S Canon 55-250 4-5.6 Is II
Like the tug boat shot. Never use auto ISO mate, always set manually to get best image quality, don't know what focal length you were using but f5.6 would have been fine with that type of shot and half your shutter speed would have given ISO 200.

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Like the tug boat shot. Never use auto ISO mate, always set manually to get best image quality, don't know what focal length you were using but f5.6 would have been fine with that type of shot and half your shutter speed would have given ISO 200.

I'm going to try to not use auto ISO from now on. It was at 55mm (on a 55-250), set in aperture priority at F8. Plus I was on a moving boat (if that matters)
  2004 1.5 DCi 80 Dyna
Smile :)

The great thing about having access to underground places is you can do light painting in complete darkness!!

I'm going to try to not use auto ISO from now on. It was at 55mm (on a 55-250), set in aperture priority at F8. Plus I was on a moving boat (if that matters)

It may matter mate yes as higher shutter speeds will need to compensate for movement of boat. That said I think we have the issue nailed from the love thread.


Scotland - NW
ClioSport Area Rep
Not too sure whats been said in the forum now, f**k reading through 158 pages :p

This is my favourite picture of the clio so far :)

Ive got 2, not sure which angle i like best?


Starting to get the hang of it a bit more now, I think? Been shooting in manual to try and get the hang of the settings and what does what more, helps a lot more than reading guides! Was really getting in to it before security turned up and moved me on, he was bigger than me so I jumped in the car and moved straight off and couldn't find anywhere else to go! Any thoughts on the pic? Criticism welcome.


car night edit 2 by sufc1990, on Flickr

The photo made me realise just how much I need to drop it and put a splitter on! Will have to get it done soon!


ClioSport Club Member
First attempt at light painting tonight, I need a more powerful torch though, I suppose it isn’t a completely light painted car, its more a partly light painted/normal night shot, I’ll defiantly try again with a new torch! :)


Clio 182 at Night by Niall97, on Flickr
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It is a great idea, next time stick your camera bag inside the cab ;) can the camera pole be shopped out like on some of iirc dans car shots?
