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The Pirate Bay blocked by BT ?

  AB182, Audi A5 3.0
Are you saying theft of ideas, information and intellectual property is legal now? If so, bang goes patenting and copyright. Because protecting what's rightfully yours is obviously morally wrong. Excuse me while I go and sing all Ed Sheeran's songs, preach Stephen Hawking's theories and write all JK Rowling's books, claim that it is all my material and make a f**king fortune out of it. Legally.

I dont think thats what he is saying, and I agree with him. Providing a link to something illegal does not make the provider of that link responsible for whats at the other end of the link. A website that only hosts likes to external content is not hosting anything, and thus is not braking the law.

When you buy or download any software, you agree to a EULA (even books will have an equivalent of this). This is a LEGAL CONTRACT which states that you are not allowed to make it available for unauthorised use. Hosting it for people to freely download without the author's permission is a breach of this contract and that is a civil matter i.e. they can sue you for it.

Add to that with the fact that you are stealing intellectual property, which is theft and a crime, and you are simply in the wrong.

The top lawyers of the world have tried to defend copyright theft cases, and very few prevail. If you know better than them then I would suggest you switch career to one in law because I'm sure they would need someone like you with your undefeatable talent.

It's not enough to say 'we're only helping people to break the law', because that is handling stolen goods and to some extent, aiding and abetting a criminal activity.

these EULAs you speak about normally have the quote that you have listed above. This quote does not mean the software should not be distributed over the internet via third parties, it means the software should not be distributed in a way where it can be used without authorisation. For example, it is perfectly legal to host a copy of Windows for download, provided you have not tampered with the image and all authorisation code is still intact.

Also it is not illegal to 'support' something that is illegal. It only becomes illegal when you take part.


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
Like I said, it's helping create demand for the crime and helping people to access stolen property. Drug dealing, when the morals are put aside, is a similar process. It's criminal to obtain and posess the contraband but far worse to make it available.

If the website was created to hold legitimate content but is struggling to prevent it being used illegitimately, this would be legal. However, TPB is set up with the specific purpose of distributing stolen information (with plenty of evidence to back this up) and no attempt is made by the site owners and operators to prevent it. This is definitely illegal.

The content on TPB is, I'd say 90% in breach of the EULA, i.e. it can be used by third parties without the authorisation of the author. What isn't usable without individual consent from the author (i.e. license keys, activation servers e.t.c.) is cracked. The other 10% is pretty much mongs who didn't know what they were doing.

This is why I agree with the takedown of TPB but not the takedown of Megaupload, which was set up and run as a legitimate site, but simply didn't do enough to prevent piracy.
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  AB182, Audi A5 3.0
Drug dealing, when the morals are put aside, is a similar process. It's criminal to obtain and posess the contraband but far worse to make it allowable.

i dont fully understand the point your trying to make with this - its not illegal to support he taking of drugs, there are plenty of campaingers that are constantly trying to legalise canabis for example. Its only illegal if you are in possesion and is worse if you are with intent to supply... its not illegal for someone to 'link' to you to someone who could supply (for exmaple). If someone is then stupid enougth to follow that lead and take drugs then thats there choice. I personally think you have to be very stupid to do such things...


ClioSport Club Member
Like I said, it's helping create demand for the crime and helping people to access stolen property. Drug dealing, when the morals are put aside, is a similar process. It's criminal to obtain and posess the contraband but far worse to make it available.

yes its far worse being the drug dealer as well as supplying it hes also carrying it! but thats not what the pirate bay is doing in comparison.

what the pirate bay is doing is the same as if someone comes to me and says they are looking to score a few pills and i say - go ask that dude! ive not done nothing legally wrong!
  BMW E34 540i
I think now they really blocked it. When I try the obvious way it shows Error - site blocked
  Evo 5 RS
Depends on your ISP, I can't get on it from work with BT without using a proxy. Begs the question why you would want to though, it's s**te


  911 GTS Cab
Pirate bay being blocked doesn't other me, over used it, but this is a bad sign of things to come.

I am in Dubai at the moment, and the web over here is really restricted, we should thank ourselves lucky. You can't access p**n, dating sites, I mean, what is the main point of the Internet, p**n, and they've taken it away!
  Jap Box
Ah was wondering why it wasnt loading recently, im with Sky myself and it seems they have blocked the original address for it. Assumed it was just down for a short while again, pointless the ISP's blocking it, theres always a way around it.


ClioSport Club Member
Proxy's popping up all over the place for them. I really see little point in blocking them, if people want access they'll get access. I just got on kick ass a second ago.
  Clio 172
Proxy's popping up all over the place for them. I really see little point in blocking them, if people want access they'll get access. I just got on kick ass a second ago.

Keeps the courts happy I suppose. Wonder how many people have been genuinely put off by the ISPs blocking the sites.


ClioSport Club Member
i dont understand any of what youve just said lol.

anyone fancy explaining in lehmans terms what a proxy is?


ClioSport Club Member
i dont understand any of what youve just said lol.

anyone fancy explaining in lehmans terms what a proxy is?



ClioSport Club Member
ahh thanks :)

think its a bit beyond me to work out how to get onto these sites so the block has worked on me :(


ClioSport Club Member
  Superleggera'd Bean
Download opera, turn on opera turbo, access to blocked torrent sites. Job done.
