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my smashed clio :(

  clio 1.4
was parked in Tesco when my friend wasn't looking where he was going and he reversed into me , nothing to massive on his car but this is what happen to mine , went to a garage and they want 500 pound for new lights and wing , the cost is many labor because all the fixings to hold light and wing on have snapped off . managed to get hold of a old light from a friend and that is being held on with gaffa tape at the mo , cant say it looks the best .

jobs to do to the car light wing
3. sport bumper and grill

only had the car for 2 months and pasted for 1 month .


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  clio 1.4
yeah true , just im new to driving and new to the website so was really looking forward to doing stuff to my car then s**t like this happens , and money being spent on repairs and not on mods , thats life though :l
  clio 1.4
new plates to go on when all it sorted

thought i would cheer myself up and added a sticker

currently held on with gaffa tape that some people wont recognize but i will :(


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  clio 1.4
yeah , i told him 500 for real parts that will work and he keeps finding s*** cheap parts online to try and keep some money but i want the job done correctly , i would try and do the job myself with the light and wing swap but seen as he is paying ill get a pro to do it hehe
  Black Sheep
Your friend must be a really s**t driver.

but we have all been there with these " friends "
  clio 1.4
Your friend must be a really s**t driver.

but we have all been there with these " friends "

yeah as i say glad it wasnt to much damage as i lover my clio ( 1st ever car ) but pissed i have to wait for repair , taped up cars isnt a good look
  MG ZR 1.8
It's not too hard to change yourself. Might as well if your new to the car thing, the bumper swap is quite self explanatory really on where to undo ect.

Shame your 'mate' wasnt concentrating though.
Its not that difficult to do yourself mate. Few bolts and the wing pops off. Find a cheap wing/bumper on eBay thats that same colour and wack it on.

No point in paying £500 odd for brand new parts when it can be done for £50 if you look hard enough !
  Jap Box
yeah , i told him 500 for real parts that will work and he keeps finding s*** cheap parts online to try and keep some money but i want the job done correctly , i would try and do the job myself with the light and wing swap but seen as he is paying ill get a pro to do it hehe

Id take the £500 in cash, can get that repaired a hell of a lot cheaper!

New light approx £50, wing £60odd on ebay in the right colour, job done.

Shouldnt be hard to fix, know your pain though if you only just got the car.
  Clio Extreme 1.2
yeah , i told him 500 for real parts that will work and he keeps finding s*** cheap parts online to try and keep some money but i want the job done correctly , i would try and do the job myself with the light and wing swap but seen as he is paying ill get a pro to do it hehe

wow you have some patience, I'd just say £500 or insurance time.
friend or not he shouldn't f**k you about tbh.
  120d M-Sport
£50 - £60 to fix that yourself no problem in less than 1 hour!!!!!!!!!!

Whoever wants to charge you £500 is trying to rape you without lube.
Not that you'd want to be keeping your friend sweet after doing that, but its really no major work to unbolt the smashed stuff and fix the new stuff on.

Id give it a go !
i do accident repair and who ever said 500 needs gunning down, bearing in mind they will get part on trade aswell, take the 500 do the repairs yourself and with the rest get an rs grille and xenons!
