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Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/Video

  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
I thought I would do a quick writeup of our recent trip to the ring for some tourist days, followed by a closed circuit trackday at the ring, and then a trackday at spa.





Me and the mrs went over on our own, Mike Woodford was meant to be in convoy with us but he was unable to make it in the end, so we cruised over alone instead, we got to dover the night before and stayed locally, then headed to the ferry port in the morning.




The car was a total pleasure to drive, it might look a bit tatty as its a bit of a leggy car now (145K on the clock!) but everything underneath is new suspension wise etc, and it is just a total pleasure for this sort of motorway munching, and the trophy seats are great for long distances too, when I first sat in some I didnt find them comfy but if you sit in there with your arse back so you have decent posture you can just do epic amounts of miles and get out fresh as a daisy the other end.

However the journey still wasnt without drama, as we went through belgium I was cruising up a hill at about 100mph or so and just put my foot down to accelerate a bit more and felt there wasnt the sort of urgency to accelerate there normally is, we pulled over onto the hard shoulder and the car sounded like a bloody scooby, it was clearly running on 3 cylinders and I was obviously a bit concerned there might be something serious up with it.
We limped it off into a side road where it was a bit safer to be playing with and I got out the diagnostics and identified the fault as injector 3. When I looked at it, was an actual physical failure, the eletrical connection on it had broken away from the injector body, Ive peeled it up a bit here for the photo to show what I mean.


We exacted a temporary repair with some eletrical tape and a cable tie, and carried on our way, it behaved a bit intermittantly after that, with it working for a few miles the not working for a few miles etc but even on 3 it still made reasonable progress.


It seemed a good excuse to stay off the big roads now though as we knew we didnt need to be there in time to do laps that day anyway now, so we changed route and had a really enjoyable trip through the mountains instead, there are some epic roads up there and I wish we had got some pictres of some of the views.

As Mike hadnt come along I asked him to take some injectors over to porkie's place as he was heading over the next day.

We got to our hotel, unloaded all the gear into the room and went out for food with some friends we had arranged to meet over there.

The next day we went and did a bit of go karting up at the new track complex while we waited for our new injector to arrive.


Porkie's mate Stu was driving Porkie's lotus over and was given the injectors to go on ahead with as they were trailering the westy so were making slow progress.

I fitted the injector and straigth out onto the track, it was absolutely epic as it was properly soaking wet, I love the ring in the rain as its such a challenge and daft as it sounds it was the perfect way for Lesley to start learning it, it gave me more time to talk her through the lines as the pace was slower, and there was far less traffic out there, so we just spent as long as we could out there getting her plenty of practice.

By the time we finished the others were already a few beers ahead of us so we headed to Pistonklaus to join them for steak on a stone.

Sunday the weather started wet again, and there was a bit of track closure as a result of accidents, we got a call from Porkie to say there was someone in his hotel carpark with a problem with his car (who turned out to be fellow cliosporter "weird japenese name") and he informed me that he had volenteered me to fix it, which was nice of him, LOL
Grabbed the laptop and diagnostics etc and headed over. It was running lumpy as hell and big loss of power, and one of the lads with Porkie (Renton who some of you might know as former editor of Redline magazine) had already decided it was probably injector number 4 at fault.

I got the guy to take his air filter off so I could see the injectors (was on bodies) and it was very apparent that was the case, I informed him he literally must be the luckiest person Im ever likely to meet as I happened to have a spare 172 injector with me as we had just had one fail and got a set brought over. We refitted that and it was running mint, he asked me what he owed me for the labour and injector and I told him it was the standard ring price of a beer, but in the end he paid us back instead by helping us push James' car back through the garage from the mentally steep pitlane which was far more useful than a beer would have been anyway, lol. Its great when people all much in and help each other on these sort of trips, in fact its what makes them possible really for those of us on too much of a budget to take 2 spare cars like Porkie does, lol (he took his exige S and his westfield cosworth too)

By the time Bigash got over just before the end of the day it had dried out. Lesley drove our car round with me in the passenger seat to instruct her a bit as she was still very much only starting to learn the circuit and he followed us around in his BMW tow car just to get a feel for the place, towards the end of the lap we had a bit more exhaust noise and James pointed out the silencer hanging down, it was a bit rusty on the joint to the silencer anyway and I think lap after lap boucning around the caroussell and up down all those kerbs etc had taken its toll, no way to fix that evening so I just removed it and then I took him out for a lap in our car as there was just enough time before the ring shut for the day. Then it was time for more steak on a stone (2 in his and porkies case) and some beers again.





Here is the only video we got of the trip, which is me with James in the passenger seat out for a tentative first dry lap, sorry about all the mindless talking nonsense etc but we werent out to set a lap record (good job, it was nearly 10 minutes long, lol) just for a cruise around to enjoy the circuit, the ring is the only track ive been to where I actually enjoy driving it at 8/10ths.

Pictures of us out on the same lap:





Monday morning was the closed circuit trackday, but I needed to get the exhaust fixed first as although noise isnt an issue at the ring, I thought it might be at spa, so I whipped off the section that it had broken off from at the side of the ring and went off in search of a welder to borrow, in the end we had to pay rent4ring to weld it up for us as I couldnt find anyone who wanted to lend some random english person a welder, we then quickly refitted it and managed to squeeze in a few laps before lunch with Les driving which meant it was her that the official photographer snapped:



The standard of cars out that day was mental, gt3rs was literally a common car, and for the first time I can remember I think I was actually getting overtaken by more cars than I was getting past, which was a bit of a weird feeling! TBH I think I prefer the tourist days, if you wanted to really push yourself for the perfect laptime etc then the closed circuit day was far better as there were so few cars on track and the general pace was so quick, but I think I actually enjoy the getting through traffic as much as I enjoy the driving the track so for me TF days are still my favourite, not sure if I will do more closed circuit days or not, I guess I will if others are, but its not something high on my list of priorities like the TF days are.



After the ring had shut we headed off to Spa, booked into out hotel and then headed over to Porkies "baller spec" hotel at the circuit for some of the most dissapointing waiter service and distinctly average steak Ive had in a long time, but at least the company was good and by this time we were getting pretty excited about Spa the next day as none of us had been there before.

It was damp initially at spa but quickly dried out.

We went out for sighting laps first of all, and James had problems with his car not starting (turned out just to be a flat battery so my jump pack got it going) and I suggested he did his sighting laps in our car instead, so he jumped in the drivers seat, and I got in the passenger seat and we joined the queue, by the time we got to the front we were informed the circuit had gone green though, so instead of sighting laps for him we just had to head out on our own and work it out, lol.
At this stage (ie with us still learning the track) it didnt seem to matter what car we were in, so James actually stayed out for quite a few laps and was starting to get pretty reasonable in it by the time we came in, he seemed to love the fact there is such a good spread of torque all over the rev range and he didnt have to keep it in a very narrow rev range to work well like his car, so it was probably better for these initial laps anyway.

I got quite a few laps in after that and was starting to really get the hang of it after a bit on instruction. Ultimately though our car was out of place here, the suspension wasnt firm enough and we werent running enough camber on the car for all those off camber downhill bends which really lean you over, we had a good time and it was fine for learning the circuit in, but next time I go there I think I will probably try and take on of our other cars instead thats a bit more track focussed, this car was epic as a road car on the journey and at the ring, but spa is a place for racing cars really!










I jumped into James's car for a few laps of passengering with him and he was really starting to get on the pace after a few, we were literally passing everything on the way down the steeper sections, and he was using his "racing drivers special skill" of sitting 18 inches of peoples bumpers to get a bit of a tow off them to help keep up even when his engine power alone wouldnt havecut it, lol.

Sadly though at this point the car decided it had lasted long enough and decided to expire with a massive bang. I commented that was either the box totally gone or the engine had put a leg out of bed, he raised the clutch as we coasted and the box felt normal so that narrowed it down to being the latter.
There was smoke coming from it and I wanted to get the bonnet up and get an extinguisher on it but he wouldnt let me and told me to get over the barrier instead as it was "only a car", my argument that decent cars are hard to find but people dont matter as there is 7 billion of them on the planet anyway so lots of spares feel on death ears and we retreated over the barrier (seeing someone ashes size climing a 5 foot high tyre wall was piss funny, lol) and waited for the marshal.
As this point it was obvious we had made the right decision as a lambo lost it and started heading towards us, although luckily there was no contact it did show that James was right about getting over the barrier.
It was just before lunch anyway at this stage so we stayed there for about 15 mins watching Porkies exige go round with Lesley waving at us from the passenger seat grinning everytime she went past, she now wants an Exige S I think, and TBH I cant blame her, that thing is epic, I really fell in love with it when I took it out at bedford recently, but TBH its just too much money for me to be throwing around a track, I cant afford to be binning cars of that value and the golden rule on track is if you cant afford to crash it then dont take it out of course!

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX pictures of james car on track


(he made short work of getting though that queue of epic cars, he is VERY quick in that thing!)



Once the circuit was quiet I had a look for damage while we waited for the tow truck and promptly found a hole in the block which pretty much sealed my diagnosis of it putting a leg out of bed, number 2 conrod had obviously decided to make a break for freedom as there was a hole visible!

I got in a few more laps, and then got a passenger ride out with Renton in the westfield (I didnt fancy driving it for the reason I just gave about binning cars you cant afford on track, lol) and then stayed in the passenger seat while porkie jumped in the drivers seat and proceeded to really have it, we stayed out for ages, and I can honestly say that was one of the best passenger rides I have ever had at any circuit in any car, it was just a total pleasure, the westy was just perfect for spa, the grip and power combined with Porkie's fearless ability really came together to put in some fantastic laps, hopefully some of which he managed to catch on camera.


Then it was time to head off home, after a truely epic holiday with some fantastic people.

A bit of a satnav messup (or my not paying enough attention problably, lol) saw us lose a load of time and we were in a situation of having just under 200 miles left to do in just under 2 hours, but luckily we arrived still with a good 10 mins to spare, god I love that car so much, it sounds silly when talking about the clio like its a GT car or something, but it really does just effortlessly and comfortably soak up distance at high speeds and you always now that if you do need to swerve or anything there is not going to be a problem doing so with such a sorted chassis underneath you.

Here are a few extra pictures from the journey as well if anyone is bored enough to have managed to make it this far without clicking off onto another thread by now!

































































Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

Epic trip, epic photos - looks like you had a right laugh

Can't wait for my 14day euro trip next year!!

Love the macgyver style fixes to the car too! :D
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

Epic trip, epic photos - looks like you had a right laugh

Was brilliant fun mate, Lesley really enjoyed it too, I've been loads of times before but it was her first time (pretty sure it wont be the last though!)

Can't wait for my 14day euro trip next year!!

I'd like to do a proper tour at some point but just never seem to have the free time for it. V jealous!
You doing stelvio pass? (not sure if it would actually be an anticlimax or not as Ive never been, looks epic from a distance, just not sure how enjoyable the actual driving of it would be)

Love the macgyver style fixes to the car too! :D
Just pleased nothing major happened, considering it was about 1500 miles total, including best part 500 miles on track, I think the little car coped really well with it all :)


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

Looked an epic trip!
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

Looked an epic trip!

Sure was mate, was nuts how many people we ran into that I knew as well, it really is a very small world over there, bumped into loads of people I didnt even know were going that weekend as not spoken for ages etc, like Kelv off here and his mrs Kim for example who we've not seen for a few months and then randomly bumped into in pinnichios.


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

The whole car scene does seem very close knit tbh.

I would love to go over there at some point. I'd like to it properly.


ClioSport Club Member
  V6 Mk1, Golf GTI Mk5
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

Great pics.

Love the scud
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

The whole car scene does seem very close knit tbh.

Yeah its surprising how many people on here I know from other forums etc, like Porkie for example who I had known for years and didnt know he was on here when I first joined.

I would love to go over there at some point. I'd like to it properly.

If you do, then rather than go the motorways, go through the mountains for the last bit, its an epic drive to put you in the mood for a trackday weekend, even if it takes a little longer (although TBH not much in it)

I think the next time we go I would like to have an extra day before and after to just chill out a bit more so we arent quite as non-stop.
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

Awesome write up mate thanks for writing it up so quickly :)! I will try and write mine on the train tonight. I may be down an engine but it was one hell of a trip and that certainly out weighs the worries of no engine lol

I won't ever forget the trip and thanks for all your help over the few days along with all the passenger laps and even letting me drive the cracking car :) So much fun just to spend a few days with great company, great cars and great food! Bring on March! I owe you and Porkie big time for having me along and giving me such a good time :)
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

I'd like to do a proper tour at some point but just never seem to have the free time for it. V jealous!
You doing stelvio pass? (not sure if it would actually be an anticlimax or not as Ive never been, looks epic from a distance, just not sure how enjoyable the actual driving of it would be)

Yes - a mate of mine has done 10+ euro trips and has planned it all

2,600+ miles, 5 countries, stelvio, alps, monaco, spa, ring etc..
10 days of driving non stop around europe then 4 days relaxing at the Ring to end it off - I literally can't wait

My only concern is we might not do it in the Clio - as much as I want to throw the Clio around Stelvio and St Bernards pass etc... I don't fancy a drive to Monaco in the middle of summer in a stripped out track car with plastic windows and no air con lol

My current plan is to try and trailer the clio to the Ring hotel - then leave the clio and trailer there and do the euro trip in a diesel barge, then come back and do the ring and spa in the clio. Covers me in case of a brake down too :)
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

Awesome write up mate thanks for writing it up so quickly :)!

Was going to do at the weekend but decided to throw this morning at it instead.

I will try and write mine on the train tonight. I may be down an engine but it was one hell of a trip and that certainly out weighs the worries of no engine lol

Cool stuff mate, not like you have really lost anything that matters, will be a different story if the next one lets go though, which is something to bare in mind when deciding what you do, although spending money can increase the chance of reliability it doesnt guarentee it absolutely.

I won't ever forget the trip and thanks for all your help over the few days

Was an absolutely pleasure being in your company mate, its just gutting that we live at opposite ends of the country or I would imagine I'd see you a lot more often!

along with all the passenger laps and even letting me drive the cracking car :)

Glad you enjoyed it mate, its not a race car, but I like to think we have made it into a really good "occasional track day" daily, even though this year its not been very occaisonal as we've done about 15 trackdays in it, lol
Must pull my finger out and get a couple of the others finished so this one can go back on the reserves bench where its meant to be, not keep getting hammered all the time on track like it is currently.

So much fun just to spend a few days with great company, great cars and great food!
Abso-fecking-lutely :)

Bring on March! I owe you and Porkie big time for having me along and giving me such a good time :)

Hopefully Mike will be along as well next time, that was the only thing missing this time, he's such great company too, and not mention ludicrously handy to have around if anything goes wrong with a clio.

Im sort of thinking I might sit out the March one though as I have a busy start to next year, and will just do the october one again, but hopefully take a couple of cars next time, probably the mk1 on a trailer and get Les to drive the 172 over, that way I can do the ring again in this car, and then do Spa in the mk1 instead, but will have to see how things pan out.
  S3, Polo
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

Looks absolutely amazing, Chip!

I can't get over how much grunt that car seems to have!

Also, some of the photos really are exceptional, some even look like you've parked up for a photo shoot.

Hope you don't mind, but this is now my desktop pic (with some levels editing done on my copy):

Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

Fabulous trip. Probably my two favourite ever trackdays actually!

All my cars were sooooo well behaved for once!

Really pleased you enjoyed the Westy laps Chip. I actually thought you were bored as you didnt say anything! Its a f**king MONSTER car... I absolutely love it. Its been a looooong road with it.... but I think its there now. Just need another radiator for charge cooler system at the back as anything over 1.2 bar held and it cant cope for lap after lap. Me and dan were designing it in bar on tuesday night!

The dudes car you fixed got the best ride in the Westy.... when I was chasing the Radical SR3 around the track and I could follow his lines and then push him along the straights! I had no idea I was there. I don't think Radical SR3 drivers are used to looking in their mirrors much!

Clio was equally fab. I drove it for the afternoon TF session... pasted the s**t out of it playing with Dan in my Lotus. Didn't drive the Lotus at all as Clio was so fun. Then again.... we did Lotus v Clio all morning at the Ring Trackday and I didnt do a single lap in the Exige! I just love the Clio at the Ring....

I will pull out the the video of me following James around Ring in his Clio... fuk me the big boy can drive. It was his 3rd ever lap and he had NO power steering.... I was having to try VERY hard to keep up. He can really really drive. Another level to me I think. Very impressed.

Thanks to you and Mike for building/speccing/mapping Clio engine.... its took an utter pasting and seemed to be loving it!
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

Looks absolutely amazing, Chip!

Was definately one of my best trips over there so far :)

I can't get over how much grunt that car seems to have!
The combination of the RS2 and 197 cams really does seem to work well, fair play to Mike from MWM for doing the cam timing for me as I wouldnt have had the time to do the development to find the right timing point myself.

Also, some of the photos really are exceptional, some even look like you've parked up for a photo shoot.
Some of the pics are ones we took, some are ones that pro photographers took that we bought.

Hope you don't mind, but this is now my desktop pic (with some levels editing done on my copy):


We dont mind at all, in fact Lesley said she is flattered you want a pic of her car on your desktop.

Can you upload the edited one out of interest? We'd like to see that one too :)
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

I assume he means this one:

Good spot! but I bet he meant the Challenge Stradale Lookalike actually ;) That Scud is owned my Olivier Varrin... I have his business card in front of me right now!
Last edited:
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

Loved reading that! Looked fantastic. Great write up of what seemed to be an epic trip!!
  R5 gtt, R27 F1 team
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

Great writeup mate! Looks like a great trip with a few ups and downs!

Luckily faith sometimes turns out to be a good thing! Saved you a lot off hassle and headaches i can imagine!

Sorry for Bigashes car!
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

Fabulous trip. Probably my two favourite ever trackdays actually!

All my cars were sooooo well behaved for once!

Its a little worrying that the clio seems to be using a touch more oil than expected (forged builds always consume a bit, but how you were describing it sounded worse than I expected) but other than that they are a trio of really really well sorted cars now, I absolutely love how your car drives, you must jump in Les's at some point and try it to see how similar it is in a kind of roadcar version of yours way, same willingness to rev, same strong midrange, just a little less peak power and likewise with the suspension it turns in great etc, just all a bit softer and tamer than yours but very much with that same "this is sorted" feeling about it :)

Really pleased you enjoyed the Westy laps Chip. I actually thought you were bored as you didnt say anything!
It wasnt especially quick on the boost level you were running, so was a bit boring on the straights compared to normal, but was still a truely fantastic experience over a full lap, but it was as I came in that Les was worried (thnakfully wrongly) her car had an oil leak so I rushed off to sort that out rather than chatting away like I normally would, sorry if I seemed uninterested, I wasnt at all, it was one of my highlights of the trip, bettered only by just what totally epic company James is, it was hard to believe we havent all known each other years like me and you have, just a shame we are all so far apart so its not easier to meet up more often!

Its a f**king MONSTER car... I absolutely love it. Its been a looooong road with it.... but I think its there now. Just need another radiator for charge cooler system at the back as anything over 1.2 bar held and it cant cope for lap after lap. Me and dan were designing it in bar on tuesday night!
Yeah its a really well developed package now, was making GT3RS's look pretty silly really and all with about 30% of its power still not in use yet till you can sort the intake temps.
Personally I would be sacaficing the looks at the back and and putting radiators in back there.
You really need to monitor the charge water temps as well though to see if its a problem with cooling the water or a problem with heat exchange between the intake charge and the water in the first place.

The dudes car you fixed got the best ride in the Westy.... when I was chasing the Radical SR3 around the track and I could follow his lines and then push him along the straights! He had no idea I was there. I don't think Radical SR3 drivers are used to looking in their mirrors much!
Lol, very impressive stuff mate :)

Clio was equally fab. I drove it for the afternoon TF session... pasted the s**t out of it playing with Dan in my Lotus. Didn't drive the Lotus at all as Clio was so fun. Then again.... we did Lotus v Clio all morning at the Ring Trackday and I didnt do a single lap in the Exige! I just love the Clio at the Ring....
I dont know how I somehow managed to avoid going in your clio at all, that was a real **** up on my behalf, I love that little car, especially since Mike changed the cam timing, it really feels "finished" now :)

I will pull out the the video of me following James around Ring in his Clio... fuk me the big boy can drive. It was his 3rd ever lap and he had NO power steering.... I was having to try VERY hard to keep up. He can really really drive. Another level to me I think. Very impressed.
Yeah, he is good, although if he keeps being so brave with trusting people by sitting 18" off their bumper at 100mph+ he is going to have a nasty surprise somewhere like a combe action day.

Thanks to you and Mike for building/speccing/mapping Clio engine.... its took an utter pasting and seemed to be loving it!
The oil consumption is a little worrying, but lets just see how it goes, it certainly saw a LOT of full throttle at Spa and seemed to take it in its stride, so I dont think there can be much up with it.
Really pleased its working so well for you, that was the whole point in us giving up the time to do it in the first place after all.
If you do find any little splutters anywhere in the mapping or anything on the road though dont be shy just hand it back and I will sort it, I did my best in the time I had available but I am sure there are some sites not quite perfect still.
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

Was going to do at the weekend but decided to throw this morning at it instead.

Cool stuff mate, not like you have really lost anything that matters, will be a different story if the next one lets go though, which is something to bare in mind when deciding what you do, although spending money can increase the chance of reliability it doesnt guarentee it absolutely.

Was an absolutely pleasure being in your company mate, its just gutting that we live at opposite ends of the country or I would imagine I'd see you a lot more often!

Glad you enjoyed it mate, its not a race car, but I like to think we have made it into a really good "occasional track day" daily, even though this year its not been very occaisonal as we've done about 15 trackdays in it, lol
Must pull my finger out and get a couple of the others finished so this one can go back on the reserves bench where its meant to be, not keep getting hammered all the time on track like it is currently.

Abso-fecking-lutely :)

Hopefully Mike will be along as well next time, that was the only thing missing this time, he's such great company too, and not mention ludicrously handy to have around if anything goes wrong with a clio.

Im sort of thinking I might sit out the March one though as I have a busy start to next year, and will just do the october one again, but hopefully take a couple of cars next time, probably the mk1 on a trailer and get Les to drive the 172 over, that way I can do the ring again in this car, and then do Spa in the mk1 instead, but will have to see how things pan out.
Yes I had a good chat with Fred about it yesterday will let you know the current plans when we finalise them :)

Yes it really is a shame but I'm sure we will do many of the same track days next year!

Oh yes it certainly is and along with Porkie's they just have so much low down grunt! The setup felt really nice from the driving seat and is a great compromise for what the car does :)

That would be great and was a shame he couldn't make it, No worries well I'm sure along as the October one does't collide with racing then I will be there too :) i'm in Love with both tracks! Sounds like a very good plan with the cars mate
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

Great writeup mate! Looks like a great trip with a few ups and downs!

I must admit I was quite nervous about taking an engine we have only just built (I did the bottom end only 2K before this trip, and the mrs rebuilt the head at the same time) and had only one brief shakedown at llandow since on such a long trip, especially considering the hammering I knew it was going to get (Spa must be the hardest track in the world on your engine!) but luckily it did it with only a couple of really minor glitches that were easily sorted.

Luckily faith sometimes turns out to be a good thing! Saved you a lot off hassle and headaches i can imagine!

Sorry for Bigashes car!

Dont be sorry for his car mate, he isnt bothered so you certainly shouldnt be :)

Good excuse for him to do a proper engine anyway :)
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

Yes I had a good chat with Fred about it yesterday will let you know the current plans when we finalise them :)

Am I right in thinking that Fred doesnt do mapping? If so just let me know if you want me to map it for you, although Im sure Paul would make more sense as he is so near you anyway.

Yes it really is a shame but I'm sure we will do many of the same track days next year!
Yes mate definately, get booked onto bedford in Feb as soon as you know the new engine will be done by then.

Oh yes it certainly is and along with Porkie's they just have so much low down grunt! The setup felt really nice from the driving seat and is a great compromise for what the car does :)
Thanks mate, we are just SO happy with it, most people would think we are mental spending about 7K or so on what is essentially little more than a standard clio but the subtle differences really do make it a great all rounder.

That would be great and was a shame he couldn't make it, No worries well I'm sure along as the October one does't collide with racing then I will be there too :) i'm in Love with both tracks! Sounds like a very good plan with the cars mate
Fingers crossed on the dates then :)
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

Loved reading that! Looked fantastic. Great write up of what seemed to be an epic trip!!

Thanks mate, glad you enjoyed it as TBH I spent far longer on it than I could really afford, meant to be working on the mk1 today, oops!


  RS2'ed 172 Cup
I really need to pull my finger out and make a trip to the ring, something I have wanted to do for a while now.


ClioSport Moderator
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

LOL @ quick write up, but lets be honest, I expected it.

Great read mate, and it looks like an awesome trip, with great company and some serious cars. I'd love to get in the passenger of that westie.

This also explains why you've not been posting.. the server was coping overly well recently.
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

Fabulous trip. Probably my two favourite ever trackdays actually!

All my cars were sooooo well behaved for once!

Really pleased you enjoyed the Westy laps Chip. I actually thought you were bored as you didnt say anything! Its a f**king MONSTER car... I absolutely love it. Its been a looooong road with it.... but I think its there now. Just need another radiator for charge cooler system at the back as anything over 1.2 bar held and it cant cope for lap after lap. Me and dan were designing it in bar on tuesday night!

The dudes car you fixed got the best ride in the Westy.... when I was chasing the Radical SR3 around the track and I could follow his lines and then push him along the straights! I had no idea I was there. I don't think Radical SR3 drivers are used to looking in their mirrors much!

Clio was equally fab. I drove it for the afternoon TF session... pasted the s**t out of it playing with Dan in my Lotus. Didn't drive the Lotus at all as Clio was so fun. Then again.... we did Lotus v Clio all morning at the Ring Trackday and I didnt do a single lap in the Exige! I just love the Clio at the Ring....

I will pull out the the video of me following James around Ring in his Clio... fuk me the big boy can drive. It was his 3rd ever lap and he had NO power steering.... I was having to try VERY hard to keep up. He can really really drive. Another level to me I think. Very impressed.

Thanks to you and Mike for building/speccing/mapping Clio engine.... its took an utter pasting and seemed to be loving it!
Got to agree with you mate! Even with the final outcome for me I think it was the most fun i've ever had on track days and I can't stop thinking about how fun the whole trip was including feeling a little worse for wear after those stupidly strong drinks at PK lol!

Your cars are just so well sorted the clio handles like it's on rails and the way that engine pulls it up the hills in high gears is amazing!

The westy is on another level to any other car I have been in, I felt like a little kid laughing away in the passenger seat lol. My helmet was getting pulled undone while going up the kemmel straight lol! It honestly was the most fun i've ever had in a car and can't thank you enough for taking me out in it! How you control the car really is awesome to sit, watch and absorb :) I just loved the guys in the queue at the ferry talking about the car lol!

The passenger laps by you in the clio were such fun at the ring and was amazing how well matched the clio and the exige are :) Thank you for showing me the way round and really showing me how much fun the Ring can be!

I would love to see the video if you get time to load it up :) All my vid's are wonky unfortunately but will go through them tonight and try and pick some bits out! Thank you mate but seriously you are been too kind you can pedal anything you get in ;)

Trip of a lifetime and gutted its over :(
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

Sorry for Bigashes car!
Thanks mate, As Chip says I am gutted but it was kind of inevitable for various reasons! If it hadn't been such an epic trip I would have probably been in tears but it was all worth it :) Really got me buzzed up to get the car well sorted over winter for next season!

bettered only by just what totally epic company James is, it was hard to believe we havent all known each other years like me and you have, just a shame we are all so far apart so its not easier to meet up more often!

30% of its power still not in use yet
That is very kind of you to say mate thank you! Getting pissed and chatting away all night in PK felt like we had all known each other for years! The atmosphere on the whole trip was awesome :)

I'm not sure me/ my helmet could deal with 30% more power lol!

Am I right in thinking that Fred doesnt do mapping? If so just let me know if you want me to map it for you, although Im sure Paul would make more sense as he is so near you anyway.

Yes mate definately, get booked onto bedford in Feb as soon as you know the new engine will be done by then.

Thanks mate, we are just SO happy with it, most people would think we are mental spending about 7K or so on what is essentially little more than a standard clio but the subtle differences really do make it a great all rounder.

Fingers crossed on the dates then :)
That is correct mate and thank you for the offer it very kind of you :) I will have to see how we do for time with the engine but would be great to see what we could do!

I've never done Bedford before so need some tips from you and Lee but would be a great way to shakedown the car after winter!

Yes mate it really does go well :)

A few more free days between racing and the trip next year would be nice for next year lol!
This also explains why you've not been posting.. the server was coping overly well recently.
Haaaah pmsl!
  Merc A class
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

Nice writeup and great pics!
  Clio 172
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

Great write up Chip, I can't see all the pics for some reason but I'll have a look again when I'm home. Looks like an epic trip just hurry up and get the vids up so we can view them. One day I hope I'll be able to do a day lol

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

lolz at sleepy lesley
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

That was on the ferry on the way back. Several late nights and early mornings and plenty of beer taking their toll on her. Lol
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

Great write up Chip, I can't see all the pics for some reason but I'll have a look again when I'm home. Looks like an epic trip just hurry up and get the vids up so we can view them. One day I hope I'll be able to do a day lol

TBH its probably timing out on your browser as there is a fair bit of bandwidth to load them all.
  pimp mobile Zafira
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

Great pics and probably one of the best write ups I've read in a while.
  Lotus Elise
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

superb, sounds bloody awesome! Spa is my favourite circuit by far.

How did you find the tyres Chip?

(I havent read the full thread so feel free to mock me if its already been answered)

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

Awesome write-up. I'll be heading to spa then nurburg on sunday, will try to get a write-up like yours :)


ClioSport Club Member
  Jim's rejects
Re: Our ring and spa report (3 TF days, 1 trackday at ring, 1 trackday at spa) Pics/V

It was a long read. I can summarise.

Jon Goodman went to the ring and spa.

The end.
