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Looking for advice with regards to a Garage and where I stand!

The garage was quick enough to rip you off and keep your car for 4 months. They have taken the piss. Have they reimbursed you for the inconsideration of being without a vehicle for that length of time? I think that equates to more than 75quid in my book
  RenaultSport 182FF
The garage was quick enough to rip you off and keep your car for 4 months. They have taken the piss. Have they reimbursed you for the inconsideration of being without a vehicle for that length of time? I think that equates to more than 75quid in my book

Luckily I had my 182 so it was just money wasting away :( they haven't reimbursed me. I will be visiting them tomorrow to sort things out.
However i feel the same way with regards the time they have taken to resolve the issue.
I wouldn't bother writing a postdated cheque. Most places will just bank it now and get away with it.
  clio 182 cup
to be entirely honest ..yes maybe the garage ripped you on 700quid to fit the engine BUT you was happy to pay it!! if you wasnt happy to pay 700quid for the engine etc you should NOT have had it had a choice as thats a bit too much yet you had it done so thats the price.. the **** up was on there side but every body makes mistakes..maybe the person who led you to your car thought that you had paid..and realised after you left that u didnt pay. IF that was me i would have gone back in there and paid ..honesty is always the best policy personally if they had my car for more than 2 weeks i would not take any s**t let alone 4 months..thats your own fault for waiting that long..gaskets let go at times and if engine you bought is 2nd hand then its obvious it may need bits doing..dont be a kunt it will bite back 1 day lol why take all the hassle and look like a clown lol you say your self you owe them the money so pay it..if you want to give them a taster though post it for 4 months time lol


Scotland - NW
ClioSport Area Rep
4 months waiting? Seriously? Id be on the phone every day and if it had taken over a couple of weeks id be turning up at the garage daily!

Is this your daily car?
  Nissan 350z
So let me get my head around this.

Renault sacked a bunch of your mechanic mates who are now employed at a Hyundai garage.
Your engine dies so your mechanic mates supply and fit you with a replacement engine (£700)
Replacement engine has a leak
Garage takes ages repairing
They let you drive away without paying the £75 fee that they are now charging.

No offence but your mechanic mates sounds like right cowboys, and no wonder Renault let them go if they are supplying unknown parts to customers and then bringing the garages reputation into the frame when things go wrong. Why didnt they (your friends) hold their hands up??

Stop being a dick, pay the £75, chase your mates for the money later as this reads like their **** up. You only paid the garage to fit the engine your mate supplied which they did, you cant argue that!
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  Clio 182
I see it this way from what has been said.

You asked them to replace the engine. They did and you paid.
You found a leaking sump gasket, you asked them to fix it and they did.
They gave you the car back, and an error at the garage allowed you to take the car before paying. You still owe them the money for the job.

The fact it took them 4 months to replace the sump gasket is utterly ridiculous, but immaterial to you paying. You could request that they cancel any bills considering the vast time it has taken them to complete this minor job, but ultimately they have carried out work at your request and are charging you reasonably for it.
LOL @ letting someone have a car for almost a year to do an engine swap! Pay them, it's your fault for taking it to a bunch of cowboys in the first place.
  Fiesta ST2 MP215
Just remember they know where you live and there are some spiteful people out there, for the sake of £75 I'd just pay it, paypal it to them and be done with it, wouldn't want to come outside and find it damaged during the night now, will cost a lot more, and if you do get a small claims court summons it'll be more expensive for you.
  RenaultSport 182FF
I see it this way from what has been said.

You asked them to replace the engine. They did and you paid.
You found a leaking sump gasket, you asked them to fix it and they did.
They gave you the car back, and an error at the garage allowed you to take the car before paying. You still owe them the money for the job.

The fact it took them 4 months to replace the sump gasket is utterly ridiculous, but immaterial to you paying. You could request that they cancel any bills considering the vast time it has taken them to complete this minor job, but ultimately they have carried out work at your request and are charging you reasonably for it.

I didn't ask them to under go any work, I asked how much it would cost to fix and then they just fixed it!
  RenaultSport 182FF
So let me get my head around this.

Renault sacked a bunch of your mechanic mates who are now employed at a Hyundai garage.
Your engine dies so your mechanic mates supply and fit you with a replacement engine (£700)
Replacement engine has a leak
Garage takes ages repairing
They let you drive away without paying the £75 fee that they are now charging.

No offence but your mechanic mates sounds like right cowboys, and no wonder Renault let them go if they are supplying unknown parts to customers and then bringing the garages reputation into the frame when things go wrong. Why didnt they (your friends) hold their hands up??

Stop being a dick, pay the £75, chase your mates for the money later as this reads like their **** up. You only paid the garage to fit the engine your mate supplied which they did, you cant argue that!

Yeah pretty much :D

A dick? why does everyone assume 'I'm not going to pay' all i originally asked is where I stand :D
  Volvo XC60 T8
Took two months when I had an engine changed in my 2nd car. Cost £1500 in labour too :( good reason to get the cambelt changed in time ;)
  clio diesel
I run my own small Garage - No Payment , No Keys is how i operate on Cash customers , Account is 30 days , no settlement on account on 30 days , anything ive got of theirs doesnt get touched , and if its finished they dont get it back.

why has it taken 4 months to do?

Unfortunately, it would be illegal for you to prevent a person collecting their property. If you did with hold it and it went to court, they could sue you for damages if the vehicle was required for business or getting to work.
  Twingo Dynamique
Unfortunately, it would be illegal for you to prevent a person collecting their property. If you did with hold it and it went to court, they could sue you for damages if the vehicle was required for business or getting to work.

I don't think he means he says "pay me or you don't get your keys"

It will be more along the lines of "that's £xx.xx please, excellent thank you very much here are your keys, see you next time"
  Clio Cup
I don't think he means he says "pay me or you don't get your keys"

It will be more along the lines of "that's £xx.xx please, excellent thank you very much here are your keys, see you next time"

What he Said :)

Its how it generally works - Pay bill get car.

Plus my invoices state that all parts remain the property of my garage until the invoice is settled in full - if this isnt the case within 30 days , the parts will be removed :)

To be fair its a very grey area and to be fair ive never had a problem with it

An also on a personal note why the feck should someone get their car worked on for free and just take it away - the OP didnt refuse to pay they just didnt ask


ClioSport Club Member
Hi mate, you seem like a decent lad from previous posts/threads on here.

Putting aside the length of time it has taken etc. You knew you had to pay £75, the staff has obviously made an error with not asking you there and then, however, the fact remains that you knew there was a charge, just because you have left without being asked doesn't make it ok for you to now not pay.

morally do you not feel like your doing the wrong thing her? Surely you know to just go back and pay what you already knew you had to is the rite thing to do here.
