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When 2 becomes 1, kangoo build incoming


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 sport
Evening all, I’ve been on here 4 a while & was running a BG 172. Had it for 6 years but it’s proper rotten & I’ve not got the time nor money to fix it! So my next plan is to do a kangoo build! Say next plan I’m well into it already. Engine & running gear is out the Clio ready 2 b striped & cleaned. Will upload pics when I figure out how 2 do it 🤣


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 sport


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 sport
Hi all, bit of an update!
So, 2 weeks ago I removed the rear beam off the van because it was picked up on the last MOT that the rear bearing on the driver’s side was shot. I tried nipping the nut up but it still had play in it, he also said the rear bushes in the arms were split as well! Nice1 cheers 4 that 🤣.
Having got the beam on the floor I set about trying to get the torsion bars out, I already new after reading a few posts on here that it was a pig of a job! & boy you wasn’t wrong!! It took a good few hours with a sledgehammer & a peace of 30mm solid bar ground down with a point on the end to fit into the hole in the bar, after smacking the crap out of it it started to move!. It peed me off that much I nearly spat my dummy out & smashed it up! 🤣
Fast forward today, I set about stripping the hubs off to find the bearing was fxxked along with the brake shoes & wheel cylinder. Quick look online to find the price for the bits need. How much! Lol sod spending on bits when I'm braking a Clio to do the conversion. Let’s see how hard it is to convert to rear disc. After a dry run it seems to b doable!? The only problem I’ve found is the thread pitch in the beam that holds the original bk plate on are a fine thread, can anyone point me in the right direction on some countersunk bolts that will fit? Also what handbrake cable can I use for rear discs? I’ll upload some pictures next.
Long winded post I no 🤣 there not all gunna b like this! Thanks 4 reading 👍🏻


ClioSport Club Member
  S/C Iceberg 172 Cup
M8 x1mm is the pitch. Can usually find a countersunk screw with that pitch online. I’ve just sold the last of the ones I had. 👍🏻


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 sport
Wow 2023 was the last post! How time flys, family kids house work etc 🤣🤣. Massive update on the build pictures to follow. So the boring bits, engine is out the van & sold on. Removed the kangoo sub frame along with the lower arms, hubs etc. I’ve just gone full swap with the 172 subframe because it already has the hole in the frame to take the second gearbox mount. Easy swap along with the steering rack, so job lot happy days. I’ve also fitted the Clio ABS unit along with the brake survo because the van didn’t have ABS to start with but I won’t to run it, again easy job all fits a treat, I’ve also fitted the Clio pedal box witch all lines up. So when I get loom in it’s plug & play. So far so good everything is literally unbolt of the Clio & bolt onto the van.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 sport
So engine wise this is what’s going in. Fully stripped & cleaned along with ARP stud & nut throughout, plus all bearing. Thicker head gasket, new exhaust & inlet valves plus valve springs, port & polish u no the score 🤣


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ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 sport
Loads of people have done this & to fair the mechanics side is easy! I’m gunna concentrate on the wiring side on things coz that’s what I’m struggling with, so will go picture heavy on that side


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 sport
Evening all, question for the CS team, so the Clio 172 steering column doesn’t fit into the kangoo bulkhead inside, so I’ve put the kangoo column bk in, the 172 barrel doesn’t fit the kangoo column so I’ve had to put the kangoo barrel bk in, will I b able to use this set up with the Clio loom? Hope this makes some sort of sense,
Basically will the van key work with the Clio loom?
