Could use some opinions here. I have a job opportunity - different discipline & industry. And I'm mulling it over.
As some/no-one may know, I am a Network architect. Been doing networking (mainly) and security since 2006. Engineer, senior, team leader, pre-sales, consultant and so on.
I've been in defence about 4 years. Business is booming, sadly, but obviously a safe industry to be employed in as it stands.
I've been offered a job in the aviation industry (tour operator). Not something I've been in before as contractor or permy. So I'm a bit wet behind the ears with the sector. But, that's not usually an issue (in terms of learning) but not sure how stable it is.
Not only is the industry different, but the role is purely security architecture. So, it'll be overarching, not just networks. Technical design authority for various disciplines in IT. Apps, servers, storage, cloud, networks blah blah.
Obviously there is some learning to be done, which is fine. Fresh challenges and all that, new skills.
My main issue is - is this a more future safe discipline and role to be in? Security, rather than just Networks AND security (mainly network security TBF - which does encompass a fair bit of overall infra security).
My reasoning is... There is little new innovation in networking. It is not like the 2000's. Innovation has stagnated. Cisco are not the power house, RFC creator they were. It appears to me, unified security is just on the rise. Cyber security in particular is (and has been) a booming chapter in the last decade. Cloud hosted solutions and cloud in general seem to have lit the touch paper.
If I'm leaving networking, (fully) it's a big deal. I'm trying to crystal ball gaze, that the aviation industry will be ok for the next decade + security roles (senior ones) also will. AI is here and that plays a role, not sure if good or bad, in security either.
Any thoughts?