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  1. L

    Help! Exhaust Probs

    Any help pls peeps?
  2. L

    Help! Exhaust Probs

    Got a bit of a problem - 1.4 phase 1 RT. Anyways, driving home on my way back from Chester and a massive clunk and the car sounds like a plane about to take off. After an inspection I can see the cat is dragging on the floor - and after waiting for 45 minutes in the rain for an RAC guy to...
  3. L

    cars at uni

    Im at uni in Liverpool and not seen any problems from students themselves - just the thieving little scouse scallys that think its fun to put a window through or nick ur motor. I live in a student village with secure parking - well worth the extra money. People who dont pay it and park...
  4. L


    I had a similar problem on my phase 1 1.4 RT. It only shuddered when my foot was down, and when I pulled it off it stopped no matter how fast I was going (were talking 70mph and above). I took it in when my MOT was due and it was found to be that my recently fitted o/s drive shaft was faulty...
  5. L


    I had a similar problem on my phase 1 1.4 RT. It only shuddered when my foot was down, and when I pulled it off it stopped no matter how fast I was going (were talking 70mph and above). I took it in when my MOT was due and it was found to be that my recently fitted o/s drive shaft was faulty...
  6. L

    Remote Locking Failure

    Disconnecting and reconnecting the sensor used to fix it for a bit - not anymore...
  7. L

    Remote Locking Failure

    you mean like pylons or the big TV signal reciever thingys? Im not near any of them i dont think
  8. L

    Remote Locking Failure

    When I first got my RT, the remote locking worked. Over the course of a month or 2 it then only started to work sporadically - now it never works. Its not the batteries in my key as Ive had them changed. Has anybody experienced this before, any ideas? Cheers.
  9. L

    Valver Bonnet

    Im after a valver bonnet for my phase 1 RT, have been looking at the vents but do I need a bulge and rain catcher to go with them? If so how much should I expect to pay for one? What would happen if i got one without the other? Cheers.