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Right, whilst Josh would have won the Isle of Wight Photographer of the year with a Nikon or Canon, this seals the deal...
Taken from.. some NWS images...
Right, feel I should dump all my useful links into this as other people have done a good job of explaining most stuff..
Canon Metering Modes, how your camera reads light.
Complete Newbie Guide (based around Canon's modes TV, AV etc.) Very...
Yup, spot on!
And thanks everyone!
ukaskew cheers, ran it through PP with a bit more though and gave is a noise clean up!
Click to view, to many pics on the page already...
Yup used them a lot, if your going to shoot anything that can move I'd recommend having an external flash! The working distance can be very very small and its hard to get enough light to the subject and depth of field becomes tiny.
Thankgs guys, went back and did some more PP, used a demo of neatimage to clean up the mess from my poor exposure and went for a natural look, had enough of HDR.
Yup, you just need a tripod, you can then layer blend or HDR.
If you want a natural looking exposure from the camera it...
With an f/3.5-f/5.6 lens? in gloomy england?
As said, hope your not the main shooter. Best thing you can do is either get some fast primes or slap a 430EX on the top, shoot in M and bounce the flash...
Ideally learn to read the meter and understand what shutter speeds you need to achieve...
... and just got rained on!
I'm afraid they are a bit samey and probably need some noise reduction but wondering what people think works best.
2-4 were taken using a Cokin 2 stop medium grad.
Number 1. HDR. Taking shelter, should have got closer to the Sea IMO.
Number 2...
Had a brief play with the 75 I bought my rents, the flash blew out everything in full auto! My 4 year old Sony DSC-P100 gives much better results in auto.
or look on eBay for Hong Kong sellers or stick 'Kerso' into google. I get my gear from him. Cheaper if you e-mail him..
For another 100 notes you are into 70-200 F4L territory or might be able to get one...
Please don't buy a Nikon fit lens though lol
Whats wrong with the kit lens, not wide enough, not long enough, not a fast enough aperture?
If the focal length is good and you just want faster and sharper glass look at the Canon 17-55 F/2.8 IS and Tamron 17-50 f/2.8
It zooms from 200-500 whilst maintaining f/2.8 = sh*t loads of glass. So with a 2X tele converter is a 400-1000 f/5.6.
It's also acts as a giant bill board for Sigma...
You'll love having a decent flash, its big but makes a massive difference to what you can do.
I'd get the 24-105 and a nice CP if your doing skiing/travel shots, then get yourself a nice prime like the 85 f/1.8 for those god daughter pictures, super fast AF and good build or even live with the...
What he said...
Went a bit crazy. Used the shadow/highlight tool to bring out the tree and some more detail in both. Also straightened the horizons and cropped.
The first picture has the curves and levels adjusted.
The second picture is duo tone with similar changes.
Hmmmm one of those so often asked questions, only you can decide.
What other lenses do you have, shoot indoors much? If so do you use a flash gun anyway? What about the 17-55 f/2.8 IS?
Since you'll be using a 10mm lens, you'll need the Cokin P-wide angle minimum, which only holds 1 filters. Pair this with a Hi-tech soft ND grad 0.6 and you should do ok. If your more serious the LEE system is worth a look but your looking at just under 200 notes for a 2 filter setup + wide...
Your probably better off using a tripod and layer blending than using a screw on grad IMO.
I get all my stuff into a Mini Trekker AW, really like it, can be fiddly to get into though. Looked at the Slingshots but found them to small (100 and 200) and don't think they can carry a tripod.