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Search results

  1. B

    weight of clio16v engine

    two men should lift one fine ive lifted mine lots and it aint too bad wimps;)
  2. B

    Valver not starting when it is wet out

    ive got an ecu from 92 j plate clio which is fine when refitting drill holes in bottom off box and seal it up
  3. B

    Wiring loom question

    a fair few get a valvewr loom mate so simple
  4. B


    if you do need tappets pm me
  5. B

    Valver not starting when it is wet out

    mmm first thoughts would be water down plug holes but if its not catching at all sorta puts pay to that ecu is good idea to check although if it rains once water has killed it would of thought you will be getting lots of probs
  6. B

    Valver Just Broke Down - Help!

    would guess at a cv or as jay said in the box very much doubt shafts will come out off box unless roll pin has sheared on drivers side you really must off been on full lock to get it to go ?
  7. B

    Anyone weld in the Essex area

    iam in maidstone can do em no probs is it rubber bush near rack ? will they need remvung or just welding pm me
  8. B

    best road to increased Williams power

    sounds good mate if any cams are needed guys pm me bondy
  9. B

    head gasket blown

    yup he would or car surgery 01634 829 020 rochester £under 400
  10. B

    cams are in! car feels slower

    spider power for me:D well spider race power
  11. B

    roll cage info

    why ? ask SD dont try making one very hard to get bends right and no calculated strenght
  12. B

    cams are in! car feels slower

    cannot say if it has or will damage them but the instructions in with the cams clearly state not to let it idle for the first 15/20 mins for reasons ben mentioned above i would defo drop oil and replace with new
  13. B

    cams are in! car feels slower

    glad you agree generaly i prefer to run in any new parts purely to clean and flush out engine hows the car coming on any way ?
  14. B

    cams are in! car feels slower

    yup totaly agree with you there mate after rebuilds i cover a few hundred miles with mineral oil then drop change filter and replace with good quality stuff . that make sense or am i totaly wrong ?
  15. B

    cams are in! car feels slower

    ive always been told to let new internals bed in on mineral oil basic castrol is fine although i stand to be corrected
  16. B

    cams are in! car feels slower

    if its only done 20 mile i hope you have let it bed in and running on mineral oil ??
  17. B

    cams are in! car feels slower

    stan pm me mate about parts thanks bondy
  18. B

    valver tech help please

    do you supply larger fuel tank !!!!!! free of charge ???? nice work mate ;)
  19. B

    Engine problem (full story, very long)

    check rotor arm and cap and dizzy could be cracked and fuking about when warm
  20. B

    powersteering has gone

    all the secrets gona start charging!!!!!! std clio rack with welded brackets i can get them for around £60 on exchange only as for belt one that fits duno wat it is off will find out
  21. B

    powersteering has gone

    no probs get yaself volvo 340 bracket direct fit works a treat plus smaller belt
  22. B

    powersteering has gone

    fitted manual rack last nite fits fine working great more power to be had ;)
  23. B

    16v Maxi vent

    how much for the vent nick ?
  24. B

    Willy adjustable top mounts

    cusco do some great parts although pricey
  25. B

    can a valver have no power steering

    its easy done remove pump make bracket 4 alternator get smaller belt buy quik rack fit rack job done result is lighter faster and less drag on engine more bhp ;) ps full powersteering setup for sale with two pumps pm me with offers
  26. B


    i have complete setup for sale from early clio with nearly new rack iam after standard rack pm me iam sure it kan be done maybe with saxo or corsa pump
  27. B

    Willy adjustable top mounts

    only passing this on weld holes up in bottom ball joints outer only redrill to give greater caster. as for top mounts ditch rubber (things) and rose joint. i know neither answer your question . next option adapt from another car. like you are trying france is a good bet. pm me if you get stuck...
  28. B


    there are lots of companys down south john lepsons rimtech spit and polish fat wheels all these are in kent
  29. B


    try a flux aithough i wouldnt use em again !!!
  30. B

    16v/willy 4 pot conversion behind 15’s

    hi spec and willwood are cheapest although had a few problems with our willwoods due to stones getting in alloys and smashing bleed nipples off coz was running 15s and was facking tight