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Search results

  1. black kro

    3 Polishes In 4 Days Later...

    nice one - a 40mm drop would help avoid the 'gravel rally' look unless that's the intention
  2. black kro

    Just spec'd up a 197 for fun...

    Overpriced? - try 'Overweight' that's the biggest problem! why turn a small fast car into a comfy medium sized car that's 'almost' as quick?
  3. black kro

    panel filter!

    K&N are top banana - mine rev cleanly to 5000 now - was 4200 before!
  4. black kro

    quick shop of my car...

    ditto - turbines!
  5. black kro

    Pothole has bulged my tyre!!!!

    :-( bad luck mate get it sorted - from about £50, pay a mate at a tyre garage a fiver to fit!
  6. black kro

    Clio Trophy #297/500

    I want it for the weekend - spare 10K anyone?
  7. black kro

    Clio Colours... How many different blacks are there?

    ONLY one black from Reno - Pearl - if it's after-market it might NOT match, but if Reno defo will!
  8. black kro

    carisma colchester

    Sod the leather - take 'em out and fit a rear strut brace instead! ^ ^ Trophy's still look cool when stationery ;-)
  9. black kro

    [oo06 Cup] & [my06 Vee] £799

    Cool number plates still available from ...........
  10. black kro

    Brake pad life

    bloody hell mine's done 39K on originals and still going!
  11. black kro

    Servicing Madness!!!

    that's bonkers change the air filter yourself and get it done at 12K (a few stamps in UK will help) - sell in UK no issue!
  12. black kro

    can i tune my diesel?? want more bhp!!

    oh bugger, was ready to say chip it! I've got a chipped dCi 80 with a performance air filter that fu**in flies - sub 10 0-60, 120 mph! as for 1.9 - 1) keep it well serviced, K&N performance air filter (worked a treat on my 19td - same basic engine) 2) weight - clear all the crap out...
  13. black kro

    Renault Warranty

    1st year Reno Yr 2,3 dealer - should be covered - contact Reno HQ if have probs.
  14. black kro

    two problems

    knocking is only mounts - should just need a jiggle or new mount
  15. black kro

    How Low?

    p.s: even with 40mm (more like 45 with heavier diesel) I have scraped a few kerbs on parking spaces!
  16. black kro

    How Low?

    40mm allround
  17. black kro

    0-60 and 1/4 times on this site(fcs)

    plenty of imposters! French ONLY list has Clio at the top
  18. black kro

    Another FCS Gallery - I think i've got a pic of almost every Clio

    VERY Nice Pics, but why on earth do ppl modify 5 door cars, and as for the 206SW with wire wheels :-O YUK
  19. black kro

    Yes or No to this spoiler

    more pics!
  20. black kro

    Two new tyres, now steering wheel is out of alignment?

    can't suddenly go out! I bet they conned you for about £30 for tracking - rarely needed unless kerbed badly get 'em to redo it
  21. black kro

    Lowering Petition

    40mm drop on 17s (with a heavy diesel lump) handling & grip improved, but ride harsh (even tho I love it) the wife hates it cos the rides firm - perfect! - she's driven it twice in last year and crunch an alloy each time :-(
  22. black kro

    Odd noises??

    it's a Reno - what do you expect! my sunroof creaks 2 - ditto on loud music
  23. black kro

    Leave it or mod it!!!

    leave it - nice motor!
  24. black kro

    * HELP NEEDED - Clutch Slipping............

    I drove a clapped-out Cavalier for 40K on a slipping clutch, but I ain't gonna do it on a nearly new car! anyone?
  25. black kro

    How Much Do You Think Its Worth?

    Only £15 ads with pic. - Easier to go down on price!
  26. black kro

    How Much Do You Think Its Worth?

    trouble is, Car Supermarkets are knocking out new 1.2s under 8 1.2 more poupular cos of insurance that's a MASSIVE loss in a short while, but try 6750 - focus on the MINT, one owner, as new type words and get a perfect pic with tyre dressing on - take 10 and get soemone to choose best one...
  27. black kro

    Clio sport eteched gear knob

    keep it standard I had real trouble pulling my knob off..... needed a hacksaw in the end but now I got a nice leather one!
  28. black kro

    I'm New!!!
