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Search results

  1. C

    Silver cup on coilovers <3

  2. C

    259.5 BHP & 5.2 Secs 0-60 Sunflower

    not only does this car look unbelievable but it's bloody quick aswell! My fav rs on here atm!
  3. C

    Few pics from work

    i like the wheels.
  4. C

    hellatrack ?

    love the wheels on this!
  5. C

    A messy afternoon - CV boot clip failure. And the clean-up afterwards...

    my cv boot used to split every 3/4 months. was a right pain! always the same one as well after it's been replaced
  6. C

    Now that's what I call FCS pics 79

    love this!
  7. C

    FCS 11 - lots of photos

    nice pics
  8. C

    Few Changes To The 200

    nice! a must mod on a 200 imo.
  9. C

    My Iceberg, white ultraleggera's fitted :D Pic heavy

    never thought white would look good on silver but I like it!
  10. C

    Clean Silver 172 Cup

    really like that. didnt think i'd like the wheels on it but looks mint
  11. C


    wow perfect
  12. C

    la racing blue 182

    love this combo especially in the flesh! One near my way and it looks unbelievable!
  13. C

    Black Wheels

    wow that is stunning. love the wheels and red decals! Height is bang on aswell.
  14. C

    Anyone Tried This ?

    I've used R222 and found it gave a nice finish. Not the longest lasting though. Not tried that one but i assume it's the same but better. For a bit extra i'd get Swissvax onyx though
  15. C

    Standard Sunday. More Zymol...

    perfect as ever !
  16. C

    Cleaning soft top advice

    not using a DA so you probs right i'll say £60
  17. C

    Cleaning soft top advice

    ye was thinking £60 as covers a bit of products used. i got people saying £80 - £100 but not sure if that bit to much
  18. C

    Cleaning soft top advice

    cool cheers for that. As for how much to charge what you reckon is reasonable?
  19. C

    Cleaning soft top advice

    Going to clean a friends dad's A4 convertible (soft top). Never done a soft top so any advice? Would a decent scrub with car shampoo and rinse do the job? Any treatments i could use? Also he says he will pay me and wants me to give him a price. I have never charged before so bit unsure...
  20. C

    RB 182 Black Wheels black stripes Harrogate

    Saw you driving past the cinema sat afternoon. Everytime i see your car it makes me feel sick it looks so nice lol. perfect colour combo.
  21. C

    German p**n thread

    unfortunately not mate
  22. C

    rb 182 with black wheels.. wanted

    i love this combo. There is one around where i live and when clean it looks unbelievable in real. Makes me a little sick i don't have one
  23. C

    The ph1 Replacement :D

  24. C

    Frayz's Inferno 182 - Back in the old flame

    wow thats low mileage!!