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  1. Matt_Pleece

    How much difference does shell V-Power make????

    You will feel absolutely no diffence at all but i been using it for a couple thousand miles cos it cleans up the gubbins inside the engine.
  2. Matt_Pleece

    pics of my car with new 172 interior!

    useless without pics
  3. Matt_Pleece

    tell me what u think

    LOL well dunno looks like ur going for the bad boy image bit too much, but mayb wat u want?? as long as ur happy with it. looks sweet with the angel eyes tho
  4. Matt_Pleece

    tell me what u think

    angel eyes yes V.Nice, brows ..NO
  5. Matt_Pleece

    eibach sportlines

    i asked this question a while ago have decided to go for it but just need to save up Fred at Yozza said it would not need short shocks for the MK2 Ph2 1.2 16v if u were putting on Eibach Sportlines.
  6. Matt_Pleece

    I've Got Mayonnaise

    Thanks for the advice guys now i can sleep easy. LOL ^^ had that effect on me too
  7. Matt_Pleece

    British roads and there diabolical state, absolutely fuming.....

    They spend it on Immagrants! and lazy f*****s on the doll that can't be arsed to get a job......u know the really inmportant things!
  8. Matt_Pleece

    I've Got Mayonnaise

    yea just the lil mayb bout 16 miles each day broken into 4 journeys each allowing enough time for the engine to go cold. yea ok ill stop worring
  9. Matt_Pleece

    I've Got Mayonnaise

    Bump any ideas?
  10. Matt_Pleece

    Blue L.E.D Conversion Clio 182

    If anyone knows how to do this down near the Surrey area I will pay for someone to do this to mine, don't blag it i want someone who knows what their doing! PM me.
  11. Matt_Pleece

    What's this?

    All wrong it's a 'Time Machine'......take me with you.
  12. Matt_Pleece

    I've Got Mayonnaise

    Help just been out in the car and had a quicky under me inspection cap once everything was all warmed up and i've got a ring of mayo around the edge and some of it on the funnel thingy going down into the engine, there seems to be a fair amount of it :dead:. could this be the ominus head gasket...
  13. Matt_Pleece

    Stainless Steel Induction Kits

    aparently they suffer from heat soke or summit and basically no ur better off with stock. im sure someone will come along with an indepth explanation for you!
  14. Matt_Pleece

    Out with the old in with the new

    Oh No No No, such a shame :nono: that colour is gunna give me nightmares
  15. Matt_Pleece

    Eibach Sportline Spring Kit

    Sold by K-tec if i fit these to a 2003 1.2 16V will my dampers die or will they be able to survive? benefits and drwbacks of doing this please? will it make a difference??? thanks for the help. Matt
  16. Matt_Pleece

    Stop Press!! Liquid 182 On Auto Trader!

    Two words for that car = THE SEX
  17. Matt_Pleece

    I've only gone and done it!

    WoooooooWHOOO! Look At You Go, Legend. What happend to the old beast then to make way for this monster. Well Done and nice work with the cleanin the colour is awsome. Lovin' it my friend.:D
  18. Matt_Pleece

    My bike wheels 'Lightweight'

    WOOOW That some serious Roady shizzel!
  19. Matt_Pleece

    What will I actually expect??

    Have your spatchalor ready to scrape the entrails off the wind screen! thats gonna be some serious stopping power!
  20. Matt_Pleece

    Gunk in Oil filler cap

    if it's greeny/yellow s**t means u got water getting in = head gasket on it's way.
  21. Matt_Pleece

    liquid yellow 182's

    Liquid Yellow 182 = Sexual I think they are like hens teeth from what i've heard
  22. Matt_Pleece

    New Face lifted Clio2

    How many more times will this be posted, but it's pretty orrible
  23. Matt_Pleece

    insuranfce site for those with no NCD

    Tesco seemed to be ok i'm paying £1800 with pass plus and 0 No claims
  24. Matt_Pleece

    If Carlsberg Made Washmitts...

    1. K-TecRacer - 1 2. Brasseye - 2 3. Matt_Pleece - 2 4. EvilJohn- 1 5. Gareth - 1 6. MRBILLYUK - 1 7. Rufstuff - 1 8. phil_white16 - 2 9. Jay - 2 10. dibraggio - 1 11. GUNN - 1 12. Johners - 1 13. s22 jgs 14. V1NNY - 1 15. nosluom - 1 16. -karl- 1 17. Munchkin - 2 18. Avstar - 2 19. Makavelli -...
  25. Matt_Pleece

    Removing dealer stickers....

    Nail varnish remover on cotton wool is pretty gd to get sticky s**t off dunno what effect it may have on the heated rear window tho.
  26. Matt_Pleece

    EBC Greenstuff, where to buy???

    many thanks cheers m8
  27. Matt_Pleece

    EBC Greenstuff, where to buy???

    Ow i tried but im hopeless
  28. Matt_Pleece

    EBC Greenstuff, where to buy???

    Need some EBC greenstuff pads for a 2003 Mk2 Ph2 1.2 16v if they are possible to get hold of 4 my model where is the best place to buy and how much £££?? Thank You.
  29. Matt_Pleece

    If Carlsberg Made Washmitts...

    Put me Down 4 group Buy
  30. Matt_Pleece

    tell me what u think

    I like um a lot betta IMO, but the anti-fog lighters won't like ur pic.