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Search results

  1. .LiamC.

    V6 Airbox

    I see alot of people saying that they don't make any difference, but i just want to see what the noise is like!
  2. .LiamC.

    V6 Airbox

    i've had a look on some of the other threads and i can't see it, the V6 airbox which some people are putting on the 172/182's, is the one from the Espace or the Clio V6? Or are they the same lol? Cheers,
  3. .LiamC.

    Pro Race 1.2's or Speedline 2118's?

    Yeah i'm in Parkstone too mate, i'll have a search around. Don't really want to buy brand new for cost reasons, but might end having to do that! Think i found the 1.2's for about £660 and 2118's for around £850 i think. What you got on yours?
  4. .LiamC.

    Pro Race 1.2's or Speedline 2118's?

    Where about's in Poole are you mate? Where's the best place to look for turbine's? Price?
  5. .LiamC.

    Pro Race 1.2's or Speedline 2118's?

    As above. Not sure which to go for, any pro's and con's to each? I've got an Silver 04' 182 on Eibach Sportlines
  6. .LiamC.

    team dynamics 1.2's will they fit?

    Yeah they look nice, but i just fancy a change tbh. Plus a couple of mine are kurbed and have the paint falling of them. Where is the cheapest place to look for wheels?
  7. .LiamC.

    team dynamics 1.2's will they fit?

    I'm going to get 15" on my 182, will they look ok? The only thing the car has had done to it is have some Eibach Sportlines on it.
  8. .LiamC.

    team dynamics 1.2's will they fit?

    Will they need spacers etc? Or are they a prefect fit?
  9. .LiamC.

    team dynamics 1.2's will they fit?

    I'm also looking at getting some of these on 15" for my 182. Hopefully they are a straight fit!
  10. .LiamC.

    if you had to sell your clio tomorrow......

    If it could be another Renault, i'd go for a Twingo 133. If not, realisticly, probably a Ibiza Bocengra. If money was no object, Ferrari 550 Maranello, most gorgeous car ever made made IMO.
  11. .LiamC.

    172 Insurance Nightmare

    I brought if from a garage near me in Bournemouth.
  12. .LiamC.

    172 Insurance Nightmare

    What do you mean?
  13. .LiamC.

    172 Insurance Nightmare

    I've just brought my 04 plate 182, and the cheapest i could get it was just over £1500 with Elephant. I'm 20 with 3 year NCB. It all depends on your post code, mileage etc.. Doesn't help its not off the road at night time. Which wasn't terrible as i was previously paying £1200 for a 55 plate...
  14. .LiamC.

    White Speedline 2118's

    What tire sizes are best to use of the Speedline wheels?
  15. .LiamC.

    slight play in stearing wheel side side movement steering rack?

    I've just had a problem similar and it was the steering rack bushes that were completely shot away. It was allowing the steering rack to move from left to right on it's own abit lol.
  16. .LiamC.

    Steering Wheel not Centrallising

    No i havent got them anymore, had a look at them at the garage and let them throw them away lol. Sorry
  17. .LiamC.

    Steering Wheel not Centrallising

    Mine wasn't cracked at all, just worn heavily. But if your steering wheel is doing the same, it could well be the steering rack bushes.
  18. .LiamC.

    Steering Wheel not Centrallising

    Yeah, it was the bushes that hold the steering rack in place. They were completely shot, the p/steering fluid was contaminated, so that wasn't helping either.
  19. .LiamC.

    Steering Wheel not Centrallising

    Got the suspension bushes changed yesterday, along with another flush through of some new power steering fluid and tracking re-aligned and the car is spot on now :). Liam
  20. .LiamC.

    Steering Wheel not Centrallising

    They reckon that when the power steering fluid was topped up with windscreen wash, that is what has done the damage to the steering rack and/or steering rack bushes. I hope it hasnt done the rack in as well. Also found out that it has already been fitted with Eibach Sportline springs, so...
  21. .LiamC.

    Steering Wheel not Centrallising

    Had 2 opinions on the car now, one from K-Tec and another from a garage that we've used for a few years. K-Tec reckon that it is the steering rack that is worn, and the other garage thinks that it is the bushes that hold the steering rack in place, as they can move the rack by hand lol. Both say...
  22. .LiamC.

    Steering Wheel not Centrallising

    Yaeh cheers, i'll give them a ring and see what they suggest.
  23. .LiamC.

    Steering Wheel not Centrallising

    No the car is 100% standard, and i want to keep it that way if possible atm. Liam
  24. .LiamC.

    Windscreen Wash Leak..

    I definetly wasn't coming from the headlight washers themselves. It wa dripping down from underneath the bumper. Is there a way of 'turning off' the headlight washer then? I'm really bothered by them if i must be honest... Liam
  25. .LiamC.

    Steering Wheel not Centrallising

    Yeah that's true, probably is the bushes or something unfortunetly! It's going in on Saturday so i'll post back when they tell me whats gone. Any idea on the cost of the bushes? Liam
  26. .LiamC.

    Windscreen Wash Leak..

    Surely if it was the washer bottle it would leak nearer to it, like the back of the wheel arch? C2kev, is it a easy fix when it is headlight washers? Cheers, Liam
  27. .LiamC.

    Steering Wheel not Centrallising

    I was having a proper good look at it this morning and it is about 15' at worst, but most the time it is around the same as your's Gardus (5'-8'). But sometimes it is central, which is really wierd.. The car seems the handle fine, i.e. the same left and right, so i'm hopeing it is just the...
  28. .LiamC.

    Windscreen Wash Leak..

    I parked up at home after work today and after a couple of minutes there was a puddle underneath the front right corner of the bumper... It's definetly windscreen wash. Will the problem be with the washer jets for the lights or would it be the bottle itself? Any help would be greatly...
  29. .LiamC.

    Steering Wheel not Centrallising

    I've been told by the garage where i'm getting a new tire fitted at the weekend that it could be the tracking on one of the corners. I've been looking through this forum and it seems as though lots of people's Clio's have wonky steering wheels... Maybe something i've got to put up with...
  30. .LiamC.

    Steering Wheel not Centrallising

    No i havent, as i only picked the car up on Friday. I've done the tire pressure's as that hasnt done anything either. I dont think it could be the tracking as it would be out when you go both left and right..