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Search results

  1. trailerparktrev

    182cup quicker than a 172cup !

    OI I ain't slow!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. trailerparktrev

    It ends, here...?

    I can confirm as I was there there were a couple of higher mileage 172 Cups, with basic mods making very good at the wheel readings, beating the majority of the 182s (mine included) in fact I think they beat every 182!!?@!!!?!?!?
  3. trailerparktrev

    Help needed.....182 Cup

    Definitely dodgy temp. sensor. The only button you need to worry about is the button that switches off the traction control!
  4. trailerparktrev

    BMW Priceless!

    Probably get removed though ;)
  5. trailerparktrev

    172 and VTS - Comparison

    sorry but a vts would whip a focus st170's arse in any shape or form. Owned a a vts for 2 years and the focus for 6 months..... i wonder why i changed it???
  6. trailerparktrev

    ***warning Potential Inferno 182 Buyers**

  7. trailerparktrev

    Someone, somwhere, doesn't want me to buy a Valver

    Keep it Chris. Sell it when you are ready to buy a house. As you know you can sell it easily enough. You will still have six or seven people queueing to buy it in a years time because it is mint - a car with one stone chip!!
  8. trailerparktrev

    ***warning Potential Inferno 182 Buyers**

    So what did you get to replace your 182??
  9. trailerparktrev

    36k service myself...Should I, shouldn't I???

    Auxilary belt is a bumper off job - if you've got air con.
  10. trailerparktrev

    Just part-exed for a 182 cup

    I love my 182 Cup - The aircon is nice in the summer. Good choice Pug!
  11. trailerparktrev

    Just sold my 182....

    Don't let GazCB see this post...... ;)
  12. trailerparktrev

    Slowest MK 2 Clio?

    That's if you could of caught of with him by the time he gets to the twisties... ;)
  13. trailerparktrev

    Am I being scammed??

    That's how the yanks and the canadians spell it. So maybe he is a nigerian scammer based in north america .........????? ;)
  14. trailerparktrev

    Loads of clio vids

    Just seen the pug against the 172 - why did the pug driver keep trying??
  15. trailerparktrev

    Loads of clio vids

    That's an old one. Apparantly the Integra only had a decat and filter and that was it - don't forget all the power comes in at around 7000rpm. V6's power is lower down the rev range that's why the integra pulls as it gets higher up the rev range.
  16. trailerparktrev

    More Clio RenaultSport 3 III Spy shots

    I won't judge the car until I have driven it. But all I can say is that doesn't really look "hardcore" enough whereas the previous model did.
  17. trailerparktrev

    Just Ordered A New Car Friday....

    Slovenia - Steve. A real bargain they're something like £5700 new aren't they?
  18. trailerparktrev

    took some pics, slate away !

    Try waiting for Eibach's Sportlines....... I've been trying to get some since mid January!!! :(
  19. trailerparktrev

    Looks like Mike T's V6 met the....

    censorship police :(
  20. trailerparktrev

    Installed my dual optics

    Look good. I speak from experience when I had my 1.6 Si, years ago - the first version came out with single optics within 2 months of me owning the car from new, Renault decided change the headlamps to double optics. So of course I had to have them.
  21. trailerparktrev

    can't handle my 172 - please look help !!!

    My 182 clutch has quite a high biting point, especially compared to when I had a Saxo VTS, a few years ago. The Saxo's biting point was almost as soon as it left the floor. You'll get used to it. But then again I have driven a fair few cars since I passed my test in 1989.
  22. trailerparktrev

    Why some many v6's for sale?

    Engine out job - at least a grand from a specialist. I dread to think how much Renault would charge?!?!?!
  23. trailerparktrev

    14yr old Valver, 32k! (Autotrader)

    Definetly worth a look I say - get the price down though.
  24. trailerparktrev

    Why some many v6's for sale?

    Yeh but if you've got an ounce of common sense you won't go to Renault for these parts. Umm how much is a set of front pads for an Mitsi Evo7 something over the 400 quid mark if you buy them from a ralliart dealer - I imagine they don't sell many of them a year??
  25. trailerparktrev

    Tottal Loss

    Is there much difference in build quality? Seeing as your 06 Clio was built in Slovenia.
  26. trailerparktrev

    Guess The Car

    a fiat cinquecento?
  27. trailerparktrev

    stripped out 172turbo!

    Then take the fake roll cage out - you'll save a few more kilos there! ;)
  28. trailerparktrev

    1 V6, 4 Cups, 2 182s and 2 Meg 225s!

    The Racing blue 182 was me Chris - me and missus were house hunting in Trowbridge. My girlfriend saw ur car, i missed you, looked in the wing mirror and saw your number plate. Put in an offer for a house so you'll probably spot me more often.
  29. trailerparktrev

    anyone from southampton?

    Portsmouth..... who cares about scumhampton???
  30. trailerparktrev

    Importing a V6 to Australia

    So's Canada and Gibraltar and they drive on the Right - Oh I love being pedantic.