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Search results

  1. trailerparktrev

    would you go to view a 182 if

    Yah right! You won't get a 182 that cheap down south -
  2. trailerparktrev

    Campus Sport - rear speakers

    Save yourself the 4 quid and snip the corners off a wire coathanger - shape them into a U shape and slot the "U" in either side of the stereo until you hear a click and then slowly extract the existing headunit.
  3. trailerparktrev

    Racing Blue 182 - M275

    ^ M275 is the motorway route into/out of Portsmouth, I was on there around 4.45pm yesterday. So probably wasn't me.
  4. trailerparktrev

    182 12K Service??

    Why don't you take it to a Renaultsport specialist??
  5. trailerparktrev

    Little Update

    Looks nice - Hope it doesn't rain today.
  6. trailerparktrev

    182 To A V6

    A Fabia looks poop.
  7. trailerparktrev

    Clios on Watchdog now!!

    You're not having much luck with your new car, are you Rallypug??
  8. trailerparktrev

    Trophy 00/500

    Not surprised. Seeing the price they're asking for it!
  9. trailerparktrev

    Mk.2 sport model cars

    some fella posted a link to a die cast car site on the renaultsport forum. It's in French but they sell what looks like all types of renault cars.
  10. trailerparktrev

    172 cup or ibiza cupra

    you're hardly gonna find a non-biased opinion on a clio site are you?? + points ibiza - Tuneable for not much money. - points ibiza - looks too narrow and sits too tall, handles poop and ask urself why the fr sold a helluva lot better? + points clio - lots
  11. trailerparktrev

    Airfield Galleries

    You're not the only one bub!
  12. trailerparktrev

    New renault clio sport pics

    admit it you really took the photo so you could have the wagon r for your desktop picture ;)
  13. trailerparktrev

    Airfield Galleries

    I don't envy the person who buys Nik's car when he decides to sell it..... The brakes look like they exploded. heh heh.
  14. trailerparktrev

    Cup Springs

    Less than a day to go, if you want some cheap springs for your Clio...
  15. trailerparktrev

    is this 172 or 182? help!!

    90 quid for a new one............ yeh and the rest
  16. trailerparktrev

    Springs for a 182 with cup packs..

    I have a set of sportlines on my 182 Cup. They've been on the car about 2 weeks now. Handling and ride is very much improved than the Renault Cup springs. As for lowering the car..... take the 45 - 50mm lowering claim on the box with a BIG pinch of salt. They give the car a very subtle drop...
  17. trailerparktrev

    Quick Vid of GDI car....

  18. trailerparktrev

    Video showing Renault F1 Pilot Kovalainen testing the New RS MK3!!!

    Either the car is is very tall or the seats are very big........ That fella looked a bleeding midget.
  19. trailerparktrev

    Dunno if this has been on here before??

    Oh dear me.
  20. trailerparktrev

    Fitting Sparco Mudflaps?

    Chris, what about the holes that you are going to drill into your car?? A couple of stonechips or 4 holes? Stonechips any day. Plus Rally mudflaps look cack - in fact all mudflaps look cack. JUST DON'T DO IT!!!!!!
  21. trailerparktrev

    Cup Springs

    They're up on ebay:
  22. trailerparktrev

    Fitting Sparco Mudflaps?

    Don't do it mate!
  23. trailerparktrev

    ECU Holder

    Mine snapped. Swan Renault in Chichester replaced the whole cage, no questions asked. Although a couple of weeks later i noticed some scratches to the paintwork on the top nearside wing. Where the technician was obviously leaning in.
  24. trailerparktrev

    What to do?

    Do insurance companies charge you more if you own a three door car??? If they do, does anyone know why?!?!?!?!?!!?
  25. trailerparktrev

    Disconnecting 182 tweeters

    I think you should buy yourself some replacement tweeters. Cos as Dink says your music will sound s**t but then again some of your cd collection might be s**t in the first place!!! ;) (I'm joking there mate!)
  26. trailerparktrev

    Chavs in other clios....

    Lacoste decals NICE!!! I think Rene Lacoste would turn in his grave.
  27. trailerparktrev

    woohoo got my blueflame

    Makes kids give me the thumbs up when I drive by. Top exhaust.
  28. trailerparktrev

    Eibach Sportline Springs

    Yeh got mine fitted on Tuesday by Mike at Rentech. Lovely ride, so much better than the Renault Cup springs.
  29. trailerparktrev

    Me & My cup just nearly died!

    Years ago I was driving in the outside lane of the M27 going to Southampton in my MG Metro at around 80mph and the bonnet flew up. Couldn't see jackshit - luckily i had a mate sat next to me, he wound his window down, stuck his head of the window and guided me to the hard shoulder. Frightening...