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Save yourself the 4 quid and snip the corners off a wire coathanger - shape them into a U shape and slot the "U" in either side of the stereo until you hear a click and then slowly extract the existing headunit.
some fella posted a link to a die cast car site on the renaultsport forum. It's in French but they sell what looks like all types of renault cars.
you're hardly gonna find a non-biased opinion on a clio site are you??
+ points ibiza - Tuneable for not much money.
- points ibiza - looks too narrow and sits too tall, handles poop and ask urself why the fr sold a helluva lot better?
+ points clio - lots
Less than a day to go, if you want some cheap springs for your Clio...
I have a set of sportlines on my 182 Cup. They've been on the car about 2 weeks now. Handling and ride is very much improved than the Renault Cup springs. As for lowering the car..... take the 45 - 50mm lowering claim on the box with a BIG pinch of salt. They give the car a very subtle drop...
Chris, what about the holes that you are going to drill into your car?? A couple of stonechips or 4 holes? Stonechips any day. Plus Rally mudflaps look cack - in fact all mudflaps look cack.
Mine snapped. Swan Renault in Chichester replaced the whole cage, no questions asked. Although a couple of weeks later i noticed some scratches to the paintwork on the top nearside wing. Where the technician was obviously leaning in.
I think you should buy yourself some replacement tweeters. Cos as Dink says your music will sound s**t but then again some of your cd collection might be s**t in the first place!!! ;) (I'm joking there mate!)
Years ago I was driving in the outside lane of the M27 going to Southampton in my MG Metro at around 80mph and the bonnet flew up. Couldn't see jackshit - luckily i had a mate sat next to me, he wound his window down, stuck his head of the window and guided me to the hard shoulder. Frightening...