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Search results

  1. Dave

    182 cup 36k service - ripped off?

    That include the belt?
  2. Dave

    Ill kill the little t**t!

    The Courts are crap.
  3. Dave

    Now sat on 18's

    I dont like them.
  4. Dave

    police + insurance/modified cars

    Not to mention the other Vehicle Registration and Excise offences. Bonnet cable snapped? Jack it up and look underneath. I like giving the old insurance companies a bell and telling them that their customers have lined about there Peco Big Bore 4 and there 19" alloys on Fiestas.
  5. Dave

    Illegal Downloading

    Posting about it wont help. I think basically they try and take out some of the huge sharers/downloaders to discourage others.
  6. Dave

    Ebay Help

  7. Dave

    Ebay Help

    If you've got paypal whats the problem. Its protected.
  8. Dave

    Write off help please guys!

    I'd WANT that to be written off too.
  9. Dave

    Anyone on here actually work for renault, if so sort this out!!!!!!!!!

    Paul Look at Mike@Rentech. His dealership closed and he opened his own garage in Portsmouth. Its small, but is well known and you only need to check the threads in the dealer section to see how many people use him. I travel from Essex to Portsmouth just to go there rather than a dealer.
  10. Dave

    Orange unlimited

    I used to be on the old Genie o2 Unlimited chip years ago. They T&C read something like as long as its not excessive. I sent 1200 one month and they capped it back to 600 a month after that saying I was an excessive user. c***s!
  11. Dave

    What should I do?

    Dont forget the leather!
  12. Dave

    Poxy Halfords!!

    BOSCH from Halfrauds on the front. Best wipers I ever had TBH.
  13. Dave

    Their goes another......

    TBH its not the coppers decision ultimately. It will go through CPS and the the magistrates if it gets that far. Careless is when your standard of driving falls below what could be reasonably expected of a careful and competent driver. TBH piling into the back of someone you could pretty...
  14. Dave


    Just did the Windows Update thing. Quite like it thus far....nice Firefox style Tabs!
  15. Dave

    3 points and a 60 quid fine for tints! + have to remove nur

    It would be about 6 sheets of A4 paper for me I reckon. With a tick box form for the main part. So what do you reckon? And I'm no traffic cop! If they wanted to examine your vehicle - Yes.
  16. Dave

    3 points and a 60 quid fine for tints! + have to remove nur

    Go and look up the following - And no, they are not the same principle at all. Further the police dont always need a warrant to search your house.
  17. Dave

    3 points and a 60 quid fine for tints! + have to remove nur

    You have obviously been listening to a little much Jay-Z. For the unitiated I think BUFFALO studies Jay-Z's American Law Book called "99 Problems". I heard "Son do you know why I'm stoppin' you for?" Cause I'm young and I'm black and my hats real low? Do I look like a mind reader sir, I don't...
  18. Dave

    3 points and a 60 quid fine for tints! + have to remove nur

    This goes beyond my knowledge of Construction & Use regulations, well beyond if I'm honest. I've never even seen a traffic car with the light meter and db reading machine thing. However, from what I do know, lots of Traffic Offences are pretty much absolute offences, as in if you use a motor...
  19. Dave

    2005 182 cup????

    Best you make that 1 of 9. Mine has recaros. Sort of.
  20. Dave

    182 headlights 'To low'

    Then they arent Xenons.
  21. Dave

    IS it worth changing my 172 steering wheel

    If I was selling a car I would definitely fix those bits. As a buyer in todays market where there are any number of RS Clios around the quality is important. I would want a car in the condition you descirbe to be around £500 cheaper than a comparable car in good condition. Not only that, but...
  22. Dave

    Tyre Bubble

    I wouldnt be driving over 30mph with a tyre with a bulge in it. And only then to get it replaced.
  23. Dave

    Racing Stripes....YES or NO??

    Get them off. They dull themselves. And if you leave them on now you will ALWAYS have to have them on as the paint underneath will NOT match the car.
  24. Dave

    opinions on handling, gti-6 or 172

    You grow to love the squirm under hard braking in the 182!
  25. Dave

    Baby Ds South East Meet pics!

    You took your mum to a CS meet?
  26. Dave

    my 197 decison. help please!

    Seb would have been the camp looking bloke. Wearing a t-shirt so tight it looks like it would be painted on ;)
  27. Dave

    real life grand theft auto

    That is absolutely f**king shocking. THis is the reason that some force areas have a "no pursuit" policy. Some namby pamby liberals will say it would have been better for him to get away than write off the learner car and risk lives of members of the public. As for the window I also...
  28. Dave

    Pistonheads scam?
  29. Dave

    I know i have asked before but need some prices !!!

    I've just realised they are inserts and not full bumpers! Apologies. Maybe yeah £200.
  30. Dave

    I know i have asked before but need some prices !!!

    £200.00 is far too cheap to be paying for that work and expecting good quality work. I'd expect to be paying £300 upward.