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  1. jinjur

    Clio Sport 182 slightly lumpy idle and advice!

    No pencil coils, coil pack...........and i dont think its a problem. They are all very lunpy at idle, its what they do and as you have pointed out, the dog bone mount makes it more noticable. You should get the car on a diagnostics (Clip or RSTuner) to see what the stored error code is from...
  2. jinjur

    Black 182 (RY04) on the M1 Belfast this morning

    Hi :D Jj
  3. jinjur

    Power loss above 5k RPM 182

    What ever happened to this.......sounds a wee bit similar to my motor at the minute. Although im not gettign the wee surge at the end And Renault did my belts..........and then checked them again after i went back A
  4. jinjur

    Engine/Gearbox mounts - (clio 172 2002)

    I just beat the shite out of the rubber in the dogbone with a BIG hammer and it came out. I guess thats down to exactly how worn it is. J
  5. jinjur

    Engine/Gearbox mounts - (clio 172 2002)

    Dogbone first IMO mate...............but saying that. It didnt solve shite for me.... J
  6. jinjur

    Funny noises again :( of these look like my driveshaft at all. Does Dialogys list the proper stuff for RenaultSport cars or what? 'Elp!
  7. jinjur

    Funny noises again :(

    WTF? Why are my local Reno dealerships insistent that I can replace the boot? Why are they also insistent that I can use one of their recon driveshafts? FFS Baldocks Renault at least are speaking a bit of sense regarding a note on the system saying its a no-no How can you have any...
  8. jinjur

    FAO JMS Art Department (dephaser content)

    Sleggggggg, What would you define as "regularly" by the way? Is that in line with Reno service intervals or more frequent? Could that be more to do with where the problem lies? Maybe poor oil too? J
  9. jinjur

    FAO JMS Art Department (dephaser content)

    So you dont think there is a problem with the dephaser design then? J
  10. jinjur

    FAO JMS Art Department (dephaser content)

    Doesnt say much about the design of that part.... Has it been revised at all to address how it fails? J
  11. jinjur

    Engine noise....

    Hey team, Nothing technically wrong with Bonk, its just I was out in a friend's wee 172 cup last night and I have to say, his engine is so quiet, it makes mine sound like a washing machine. Now, his has a s/s exhaust as does mine, the only notable difference would be that mine has an RSTuner...
  12. jinjur

    Uniroyal Rainsport 2

    lol. Glad you took it in humour as intended, good on you. J
  13. jinjur

    Uniroyal Rainsport 2

    lol at your face
  14. jinjur

    Uniroyal Rainsport 2

    Agreed, these are going on wifeys Bee Emm to replace the Conti CS3's when they are dead J
  15. jinjur

    Chassis number question

    Hey, I have a 2003 Clio 172 FF and noted that the chassis# has a CB1N in it. I was under the impression that CB1N was the Cup? Am i wrong? J
  16. jinjur

    Cam belt tools

    The French and their tools............. oooh er. LOL
  17. jinjur

    Engine vibration after cleaning engine bay

    wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too many electrical bits n bobs under the bonnets of these to get wet J
  18. jinjur

    Uniroyal Rainsport 2

    Might I just add that this morning on my motorway commute, the tyre has continued to impress..... All the Clio's skittishness on high speed motorway travel as all but gone. Solid and safe J
  19. jinjur

    182 engine randomly shuts off

    RSTuner should will be looking for historic errors as mentinoed above. J
  20. jinjur

    Uniroyal Rainsport 2

    Were yours the XL ones? Mine are.....which is odd as i'd expect them to be WORSE J
  21. jinjur

    Uniroyal Rainsport 2

    Christ on a bike, mine feels like riding on silk compared to Avons/Michelins........all stock suspension.
  22. jinjur

    Uniroyal Rainsport 2

    AFAIK, Conti make Uniroyal...........well, it was Conti who replied when I contacted Uniroyal about stock dates.... JJ
  23. jinjur

    Uniroyal Rainsport 2

    My friend got Conti CS3's for around 15 more a tyre.........another obvious consideration mate. I know both are technically Conti tho Regards A
  24. jinjur

    Uniroyal Rainsport 2

    Utterly Utterly dogs bor wax........ Compared to the Avon ZV5's that were there, night and day Compared to the Conti CS3's on wifeys Bee Emm..................different league. Ran the Michelin Primacys that are on the back currently on the front for a comparison. Different league, all IMO...
  25. jinjur

    Uniroyal Rainsport 2

    F T W Thats all :D JJ
  26. jinjur

    Engine vibration after cleaning engine bay

    Harsh Fred....Harsh But entirely necessary :D
  27. jinjur

    How Accurate?

    Seems about right to me, comparing to my 2003 172 with a similar driving style J
  28. jinjur

    Engine vibration after cleaning engine bay

    Has to be water somewhere matey....check the spark plug wells / coils are dry etc? J