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  1. Dave


    Hmmm. Seems to me a lotta people have let impatience get the better of them and gone for non-cupped 182s, or have gone somewhere that cant supply the vehicle with Cup packs. Cant understand it!!! I havent driven a 182 without the packs mind, but even so lol!
  2. Dave

    Just done the deal on a 182!!!!!!

    Thanks mate...cant be arsed to read everything! Cant understand this non cup pack ordering!
  3. Dave

    Just done the deal on a 182!!!!!!

    Does it have Cup Packs
  4. Dave

    Telling insurance Co bout colour coding

    You should tell them anyway. If u have a big accident and a loss adjustor is involved and sees them - they are a modification and will void ur insurance.
  5. Dave

    Rogue Renault Dealer has ripped me off.

    Ah well. at least I get a 54 plate!
  6. Dave

    Rogue Renault Dealer has ripped me off.

    Had another call from sales manager today reassuring me. sending me paper work through post. Mid September I have to wait til now. But hey, when do regs start?
  7. Dave

    Rogue Renault Dealer has ripped me off.

    Right, at the end of today I have been told that I can have a car at 22%. I wont hold my breath until I see and order form and paperwork, but it looks promising at the very least.
  8. Dave

    Rogue Renault Dealer has ripped me off.

    I figured it would be September. However if I push for the courtesy car, I wont get the deal, and will then have to fight through Trading Standards which will result in long draw out procedure. I can manage until 1st Septemeber without a car, which lets face it is likely to be the earliest...
  9. Dave

    Rogue Renault Dealer has ripped me off.

    I considered this point but in the long run I think it would be faster and less consuming if I can get a deal thrashed out. If he comes back to me tomorrow with a big fat nothing, then I will get nasty.
  10. Dave

    Rogue Renault Dealer has ripped me off.

    Right, an update. Today I spoke to the Sales Manager (who has only been there a month). Apparently, the salesman who did the deal with me has actually done this before, as last week just before he left a customer turned up demanding to know where his Renault Espace had got to, which, the same...
  11. Dave

    Rogue Renault Dealer has ripped me off.

    Ive a signed order form.
  12. Dave

    Rogue Renault Dealer has ripped me off.

    Of course they wanna get out of it!!! Trouble is...can they?
  13. Dave

    Rogue Renault Dealer has ripped me off.

    Local papers can affect a dealers trade a LOT wouldnt u think?
  14. Dave

    Rogue Renault Dealer has ripped me off.

    So far I hae obtained numbers for Trading Standards, RUK, local newspapers in the area and also Watchdog. Any others appreciated.
  15. Dave

    Rogue Renault Dealer has ripped me off.

    I will keep this post updated but for now, it has had 85 reads in 21 mins. Thats excellent. If anyone has useful numbers for people at RUK etc, Id be very pleased to have them.
  16. Dave

    Rogue Renault Dealer has ripped me off.

    I have a recipet for £50 of the deposit which is a card reciept. The deposit is mentioned on the order form and deducted.
  17. Dave

    Rogue Renault Dealer has ripped me off.

    Have not given any names as I havent reached a conclusion in this matter yet. On 26.04.04 I ordered (or so I thought) a Clio 182 with both Cup packs in arctic blue, with a Friends and Family discount due to a friend of mine working at a dealership. I got my order forms, he even gave me a...
  18. Dave

    Laser Jammers!

    How much are they?
  19. Dave

    182 at the dealer now.

    Woulda thought they overallowed on the clio at that price!
  20. Dave

    my 182

    Supposedly the 24th July. Am gonna get on the phone tomorrow morning and see if I can get a reg plate number and the rest. They havent been very helpful TBH.
  21. Dave

    182 auto relock

    If you unlock the car but then fail to get in it relocks. If u open a door at any point it stops this process.
  22. Dave

    my 182

    Cup was made to a lightweight version so i would expect that TBH
  23. Dave

    182 windscreen

    a gap i the heat shield i think
  24. Dave

    182 exhaust

    Looks like a SS replacement will be on the cards for me then.
  25. Dave

    Thatcham 1 alarms

    Or Matty is buying an import?
  26. Dave

    First Alternative gave me a great quote!

    Just got a quote...or not as Im too young apparently.
  27. Dave

    First Alternative gave me a great quote!

    U got a webby or a number mate?
  28. Dave

    Clio door edge paint

    Heard someone somewhere (not on here) whining that the paint on the door edges was too THIN and came off far too easily if the door edge took a knock (on another car for instance) Any thoughts? I know I ruined my door edges on brick walls.......
  29. Dave

    *scotland trip*.

    Could they have made the pic any smaller?!
  30. Dave

    Cup Insurance

    Thats f**king MARVELLOUS I am 21 with 4NCB and will be paying twice that on a 182