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Cool i will book a 9.30 session.
If you dont use the track time can you sell it on or get a part refund?
Im just wary of booking it and car going wrong after first session.
Sorry for all the questions
Im hoping to have two sessions was thinking of doing a morning one hoping it will be quieter them maybe one in afternoon.
What times are you thinking?
Can you book track time on the day?
Ok i see the tickets are on now availble, is it per person or car?
Also do i book the track time through castle coombes site.
Its my first track day, what seesion would i be best to do? Im thinks of getting two 15min sessions
hope this is in the right section. Im going to donnington this weekend i got it as a birthday present and never been before. Just wondered if anyone else been and where you recomend standing etc.
Also once parked is it a far distance from track? Im just wondering as im going with the...
quick question will be reasembling my front dampers tomorrow after fitting new springs.
What is the torque setting for the top mount nut? It was a bugger to undo but im sure ive read it only needs nipping up is this correct? Whats the correct torque?
Also the thin nut that goes on after the...
Ok im debating removing the center section silencer on the scorpian. Instead of getting a full system can you buy this or is it a custom job.
Is yozza raspy?
My 182 as currently got a decattrd scorpian system on it which im pretty happy with at the min.
My cars being turbo'd in march and i believe this brings the exhaust note down. Ive been offered a yozza system and i no they are loud, does anyone on here have one fitted on a turbo'd clio. Is it...
Thanks, for help, is it worth replacing the top mounts whilst there off?
I will be getting the tracking done as its never been done in the time ive had the car so will get it checked