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  1. c5 swh

    [Nov 14, 2014] CSSW:Central - Monthly Meet - 14th Nov - Exeter (Exeter)

    Ive got the night off so may come if i can. Im a newbie to this so would be my first meet hope you are all friendly:blush:
  2. c5 swh

    Exhaust hanger mod in situ

    Yes alot more solid, but just enough movement to allow for flex in the system
  3. c5 swh

    Exhaust hanger mod in situ

    @andrewc2102 You can fit them in situ, ive just done it this afternoon. Was not as hard as i thought i used a bosch cutter to get rubbers out, just cus i had it to hand could easily be done with a knife etc. I used a jack to hold my exhaust in postion whilst marking the mount for where to...
  4. c5 swh

    Halfway through my dash conversion..

    Do you have any pictures of what you have to actually do?
  5. c5 swh

    The Fatty's KTEC alternative induction setup that works just as well!

    Had mine fitted since saturday, brilliant sound but nice and quiet when you want it to be. Car seems to pick up and rev a little better but i did fit a decat at same time. Thanks @The Fatty
  6. c5 swh

    Halfway through my dash conversion..

    Is there a guide to do this? Is it difficult?
  7. c5 swh

    Car died and wont start

    Brilliant glad you got it sorted Well done
  8. c5 swh

    Exhaust hanger mod in situ

    So your best to to trim the powerflex slighty instead of really trying to force them in?
  9. c5 swh

    Exhaust hanger mod in situ

    Sounds like a plan, How are you thinking of removing the old rubber bits out the hanger? Do think a sharp knife and cutting them away will work? Keep me posted
  10. c5 swh

    Exhaust hanger mod in situ

    Please do, the only issue i could see with mine was getting the exhaust hanger out of the exhaust mount bracket itself as there seems to be no play at all in mine to wiggle it out. Keep me posted
  11. c5 swh

    Exhaust hanger mod in situ

    I had the exact same problem as you, so i left it and washed the car instead:disappointed: Will keep a eye on this thread, would be great if you didnt have to remove the hsngers
  12. c5 swh

    Car died and wont start

    Start with the easiest things first. I would double check all earth points
  13. c5 swh

    Sticking rear brake

    Over the past week ive noticed my drivers side rear brake seems to be sticking. When i release handbrake and move forward out the garage you can hear it and feel a little better pressure. Ive jacked up the car and you can move the wheel by hand but its definetly sticking slighty compared to...
  14. c5 swh

    The Fatty's KTEC alternative induction setup that works just as well!

    Still waiting on pipe too, says its been shipped must be coming by pigeon post.
  15. c5 swh

    The Fatty's KTEC alternative induction setup that works just as well!

    Will do, got a decat to fit same time but will try the filter first and go for a drive then fit decat day after. Will post my review:cool:
  16. c5 swh

    The Fatty's KTEC alternative induction setup that works just as well!

    My filter come on tuesday, still waiting for the pipe work. Im just hoping theres no loss in power. But by what you all said should be ok. So fingers crossed
  17. c5 swh

    The Fatty's KTEC alternative induction setup that works just as well!

    Will there be a drop in performance becuase of the smaller filter?
  18. c5 swh

    [Nov 14, 2014] CSSW:Central - Monthly Meet - 14th Nov - Exeter (Exeter)

    Cant make this one as im working but if theres any meets or drives planned for a weekend im there.
  19. c5 swh

    Lamba thread size,

    If i can get it out am i best to fit it to de cat or just cable tie it up behind heatshield?
  20. c5 swh

    Lamba thread size,

    Quick question what is the lamba sensor thread size. Cannot get my sensor out of my cat so going to just bung the decat hole.
  21. c5 swh

    South West Beginning of Year Combined Meet - RR + Photos + Karting

    Ok thats fair enough,like i said it was a fair few years ago. Is there many others in south west?
  22. c5 swh

    South West Beginning of Year Combined Meet - RR + Photos + Karting

    What about enginetuner in plymouth for RR? Had my R5 on there a couple years ago and was a decent day.
  23. c5 swh

    RenaultSport SouthWest meet

    Found it
  24. c5 swh

    RenaultSport SouthWest meet

    What the name of the group?
  25. c5 swh

    RenaultSport SouthWest meet

    It wont let me see the facebook link, do i have to send a request?
  26. c5 swh

    Differance in performance between scorpian systems?

    When i brought my car it came with a scorpian system. Im not sure on which model it is buts its the one whick has only one rear box that both tailpipes come out of. My question, is there any performance differance between the one ive got and a newer 192 system?