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  1. c5 swh

    182 cat mod in southwest

    Yeah the putty is rubbish so a flexible sealant would be better? If so which?
  2. c5 swh

    182 cat mod in southwest

    Ive just picked up a silenced decat to try which is a sleeve fit. Hoping it will slide straight in. If not i will get the center section fabricated to fit it and also geth the cat fitted with a sleeve so come mot time its a straight swap. Just got find a fabricator in Torbay:confused:
  3. c5 swh

    South West Beginning of Year Combined Meet - RR + Photos + Karting

    Yeah im up for the RR too
  4. c5 swh

    182 cat mod in southwest

    Will a sleeved decat pipe fit inside or over the top of a scorpian cat back system. I dont think its the 192 system. Or will it not fit at all?
  5. c5 swh

    South West Beginning of Year Combined Meet - RR + Photos + Karting

    Could be intrested but need dates and locations:cool:
  6. c5 swh

    182 cat mod in southwest

    Would you say its worth having done? It seems like im for ever under the car redoing the join
  7. c5 swh

    182 cat mod in southwest

    I think they have gone bust, they used to do my work for me but dont no who to try now Its a scorpian system but dont think its the 192 system
  8. c5 swh

    182 cat mod in southwest

    I want to get rid of the olive joint as its got a constant blow, either fit a sleeve or new flange joint
  9. c5 swh

    182 cat mod in southwest

    Can anyone recomend anywhere in the south west (devon) that can do the cat mod. I took it to one exhaust place explained what i wanted doing. He looked at me with a blank expression and said he cant do it. Hoping it will stop the constant blow and sagging
  10. c5 swh

    Exhaust mount mod

    Ok think ive found them exh008. What about the middle hanger? Also when you fitting do you jack and hold the exhaust into postion you want and then mark and drill holes into mount?
  11. c5 swh

    Exhaust mount mod

    I want to get this job done at the weekend, i have searched the forum and yes ive come across alot of ideas but they all seem diffrent. Some use silicone, sockets, powerflex mounts etc. I like the look of the powerflex mount mod. Is this the best way to go? If so can someone post a link to...
  12. c5 swh

    Speed wipe, spray wax sealant

    So does what i am aftet come under the quick detailer catergory?
  13. c5 swh

    Speed wipe, spray wax sealant

    I have been out of the detailing game for a few years now. I used to use a spray which you spray on the car whilst drying it and it give a added shine and topped up the wax. I cant remember what it was called. What do people use and recomend now??
  14. c5 swh

    Pub discussion, engines last longer if driven hard

    If run a engine at say 2k revs and one at 6k would they last the same amount time as they both within there tolerances? I know theres alot of what ifs, just found it quite intresting .
  15. c5 swh

    Pub discussion, engines last longer if driven hard

    Bit of weird one really, whilst at the pub a group of friends got onto a discussion about what would last longer a 1*2 thats driven carefully or one thats thrashed. Now i know if yoy drive a car slowly and carefully it should last longer as less pressure on mechanical parts. But im sure ive...
  16. c5 swh

    Relacing/flushing coolant

    Will it flush if i just run hose into one of the header tank hoses??
  17. c5 swh

    Relacing/flushing coolant

    Im going to service my 182 next week. Ive also brought a new expansion tank as mine was looking dirty and tired. My question is i want to flush the coolant system and replace with fresh. When i did this on my r5 and clio williams i just removed the header tank, connected hose to one of the...
  18. c5 swh

    Leaving lambda sensor disconected

    I think its the after cat sensor
  19. c5 swh

    Leaving lambda sensor disconected

    Just about to fit a decat to my 182, got the cat off but cannot budge the lambda sensor it does not want to come out! if i fit the decat, blank off the lambda hole and just leave the lambda disconected will this be ok? Will it cause any changes in mpg or running?? Thanks
  20. c5 swh

    Rstunner fastchip

    So where is best for a custom remap? im in south devon, thanks
  21. c5 swh

    Rstunner fastchip

    Is this the one to go for then, will this compliment the decat, exhaust and panel filter?
  22. c5 swh

    Rstunner fastchip

    thanks for the replys, so once ive brought that is that all i need? is it easy to do? and where do you get the programs from to put on the ecu? im guessing i would use the group n? thanks in advance
  23. c5 swh

    Rstunner fastchip

    Hi, im gooing to get my 182 cup remapped, after looking at many posts on here everybody seems to recomend rstunner. Ive had a quick browse on there website but not sure what i need to order. Does anyone have a link to the exact kit i need, also how much is it including delivery in £'S :o ...
  24. c5 swh

    ITG or Green

    I want a replacement panel filter, Other than the price what is the difference? which would give better gains? It will be for a williams thanks:cool: