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Search results

  1. N

    Dealing with dust as summer draws in!

    Any recommendations on plush microfibres then or are they generally as good as each other?
  2. N

    SLR Pic Heavy 172 Cup

    Looks very tidy :)
  3. N

    Twingo 133 Detail. It's also for sale...

    Looks great Chris, I too have a soft spot for the 133s!
  4. N

    Thanks to all!

    Managed to make a start on my car today, washed, iron x, de tar, clayed etc. Can I just say iron x is brilliant, but oh my word the smell! Its horrific!! Looking forward to another day of it tomorrow though with final prep then the ep800!
  5. N

    Dealing with dust as summer draws in!

    As brilliant as ever, thanks all :)
  6. N

    Dealing with dust as summer draws in!

    Would you rate the Sonus/Z6 noticeably over the NXT quick detailer I have already? Also seen this on cyc thoughts/opinions? Thanks again!
  7. N

    Dealing with dust as summer draws in!

    As it stands, nothing, but after this weekend it will be protected with Zymol Carbon.
  8. N

    Went for a drive in the shed...

    Looks like a good day out :)
  9. N

    Austin's OEM+ BG 182

    Loving that a lot! Great work :)
  10. N

    Dealing with dust as summer draws in!

    Whats the best way to deal with the summer dust that is going to be attacking my black paintwork very soon?! Any quick methods to keep on top of it etc, any products that may help repel it etc? Or is it a case of putting up with it until the cars next proper clean?!
  11. N

    Renault Clio Dci 8O

    Looks very tidy, quite tempted to get the other half to trade her ph1 1.4 in for a dci.
  12. N

    Ibis White A3 S-Line Sportback C1 Detail...

    Looks superb mate, great job :)
  13. N

    My Full 2x2 Twill Carbon Fibre Clio 182 Cup

    Not at all, I own a clio and I can assure you I get nothing but stick from loads of people, as I did with my previous car which was a Skoda (despite being a VRS). To me both cars were very nice, subtly moded etc however to others the car was not so. Thats their opinion and they are right to have...
  14. N

    BG 182 - The story so far!

    Colour coded and everything ;) And thanks :)
  15. N

    What have you ordered? *Detailing*

    Danke! :)
  16. N

    BG 182 - The story so far!

    Haha glad im not alone! I work in bath so will no doubt see you about a bit!
  17. N

    BG 182 - The story so far!

    Tbh I couldnt really say, I was running with my exhaust detached from my manifold for about a week, then had the new exhaust fitted and seats out at the same time. I obviously noticed an improvement but it would have been the re-attaching of the exhaust! Its going to be what, about the...
  18. N

    What have you ordered? *Detailing*

    I thought I may have been pushing it, its the highest my local auto shop had, will try halfrauds tomorrow!
  19. N

    BG 182 - The story so far!

    Oh was you there? Sorry I really need to put some names to faces! Only been back in the area since November so will make sure I get to some meets! As for the re-map I will fire over a PM!
  20. N

    What have you ordered? *Detailing*

    Picked up some Meguires Scratch X and some 1200 wet sand paper so I can have a bash on the hazing on my lights at the weekend!
  21. N

    My Full 2x2 Twill Carbon Fibre Clio 182 Cup

    Some really nice bits despite the attitude!
  22. N

    BG 182 - The story so far!

    Well had the 182 now since October last year and haven't got round to creating a project log. I never got photos of it when I first got the car however it really just was a standard 182, im sure we've all seen plenty! I got the car quite cheap due to the belts etc needing doing so the first...
  23. N

    Ideas/Advice on my very standard Clio!

    Bosh aerotwin wipers, silver vision indicators and ctr aerial all cheap, easy and nice mods :)
  24. N

    A few shots on the Canon EOS 60D last night!

    Haha but lets be honest, its all about OEM+ ;) ML seems to offer some great features for the video side but I guess its something I will consider when I actually have the body!
  25. N

    A few shots on the Canon EOS 60D last night!

    This is certainly going to be my next purchase, have you tried magic lantern?
  26. N

    Euro Tour '11 (Long over due)

    Looks like an epic trip, good write up :)
  27. N

    Car Alarm

    Depends on the Alarm and the alarms likely to make the difference will probably not save you enough to warrant the cost of the alarm. Thats if its soul purpose is to save you money.
  28. N

    A few shots on the Canon EOS 60D last night!

    I have consistently heard good things about it I must say. Have you used the video on it at all?
  29. N

    A few shots on the Canon EOS 60D last night!

    Some funky shots! How do you find the 60d? I've been toying with the idea of getting one for a while now. More so for the video with magic lantern but also want to have a pop at photography after seeing some of the ace work on this forum!
  30. N

    The SatinGrey 172s final ride

    The Satin Grey looks awesome!