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Search results

  1. N

    Clio Cup 200 Nürburgring Nordschleife 2012

    Very good driving!
  2. N

    The favour that nearly broke me

    Great job :)
  3. N

    Sim City (5)

    I'd end up getting far too addicted!
  4. N

    Petrol Blue

    Looks stunning :)
  5. N

    my BG 182 picture thread

    Looks great mate :)
  6. N

    Thanks to all!

    I have a nice long drive Fri/Sat but hoping to get back early Sat to commence the clean and continue through Sunday. Might have monday off of work as well and then finally get some pics of my car up! Just keeping my fingers crossed that the weather stays as it has been!
  7. N

    Why did you choose a RenaultSport Clio?

    Re: Why did you choose a clio sport?? Had one when I was younger but was short lived after acquiring points and insurance rocketing. Had a few practical/sensible cars since and just felt the need to get another!
  8. N

    Renault Tuning Club annual seasonstart 2012

    Looks like a good day but a bit far out for me :(
  9. N

    What have you ordered? *Detailing*

    Also ordered AF Rejuvenate, revive and Lather on the 3 for 2 deal at polished bliss!
  10. N

    Liquid Yellow RenaultSport Clio V6 - Crystal Rock/Zaino Z2 Enhancement Detail!

    As fantastic as ever! What a beautiful car!
  11. N

    Thanks to all!

    Just wanted to say thanks for everyones in-direct advice. Been toying with getting back in to detailing since getting the 182 but the weather has always been putting me off! With recent topics, tips and what not I have picked up from here I decided to bite the bullet and Purchased the bits I was...
  12. N

    What have you ordered? *Detailing*

    Just purchased an ep800 with menzerna polish etc. Dryinging towel, new wash mitt, Bilberry wheel cleaner, some Iron x, Zymol Carbon wax and also some AF tyre dressing to try out.
  13. N

    Is Officially A Sheep Part 2

    so much better!!
  14. N

    What wax?

    I used to top it up every other week just by habbit so I guess I never really tested it for durability! What would you recommend for a BG 182? Soon to want to get the clio up to shape with the weather getting a little better, I've been considering the Zymol Carbon? Don't really want to go above...
  15. N

    My French Clio 182 "White Pearl"....

    This is just superb! Absolutely fantastic work!
  16. N

    What wax?

    I used to use R222 on my Silver Fabia and that came up brilliantly. Really easy to use etc, I dont ever hear much about it on here though?
  17. N

    Tutorial - Creating a rig shot in Photoshop

    Brilliant tutorial, thank you for posting :)
  18. N

    flame kit

    Lmfao at that video, really made my day!!!
  19. N

    Subtly making clio look better

    Just do bits that wont effect your insurance. For me I like the CTR aerial, bosh aerotwin wipers, silver vision indicators, phillips blue vision sidelights (they are white not blue despite the name). The above are all cheap, subtle and make a great difference in making the car look so much...
  20. N

    Poor Liquid Yellow Clio

    What a great read, nice to see you restored her back to her former glory :D
  21. N

    BIGASH/FF-Racing X85 Clio Cup Racer Project

    Re: James/BigAsh 182 Race Car by TDF... It doesn't get much better than this! *Pic He What an epic read, you really can't make this stuff up! So sorry to hear about the day but as you have said, a few lessons were learnt and I'm sure this is a story you will look back on and have a bit of a...
  22. N

    iPads @ Tesco £50?!

    Frantic bargain hunters crashed Tesco Direct after a glitch on the website meant brand new iPads were being sold for just £49.99. Hundreds of shoppers raced to buy the iPad 3 Wi-fi 4G 64GB black model, which was advertised on the supermarket’s site at the 90% discounted price. News of the glitch...
  23. N

    iPads @ Tesco £50?!

    I can only imagine, similarly to the amount of people that are going to sue the two ISP's I've worked for because their broadband speed doesn't hit the advertised, 'upto', 20Mb.
  24. N

    iPads @ Tesco £50?!

    It was a joke, but its nice to see you are taking this subject very seriously.
  25. N

    iPads @ Tesco £50?!

    I do agree that someone will be losing their job thats for sure lol :D
  26. N

    iPads @ Tesco £50?!

    Yeah a guy at work was talking about this, he didnt get to it in time however his friend apparently ordered 5? Again I couldnt find any news so just thought he was bullshitting!
  27. N

    fitted fabia splitter before and after

    Been in my local skoda garage 3 times now and they never have any in, apparently Clio owners keep snapping them up :D
  28. N

    3/4 plates, are they worth the hassle?

    Wow they must really have it in for you! Before the 182 I had a stick on numberplate on my VRS which was 3/4 and had that for 2 years with no problem!