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  1. N

    I'm in LOVE... Enhancement Detail BMW 1M in Black with Crystal Rock!!

    Awesome job as ever and what a fantastic car!
  2. N

    Arctic 182 on the move!

    Looks very smart :)
  3. N

    Eventually got round to take pics of my RB 182 after a good clean..and a lovely day!

    Re: Eventually got round to take pics of my RB 182 after a good clean..and a lovely d Looks awesome mate :)
  4. N

    Post Winter Detail - Renaultsport Clio 182

    I love BG when cleaned! I still need to give mine a good clean but I just cant be bothered knowing its just going to rain straight after :( Wish I didnt have such a long commute lol!
  5. N

    A few new additions to Trophy 147/500 - update 07.04.2012

    Re: A few new additions to Trophy 147/500 Looks epic, really great job done and mods all sound spot on!
  6. N

    At home with the Williams

    Very nice indeed, congrats on your first home too!
  7. N

    Renault and Ford by night.

    Looks great :)
  8. N


    What age are you and what clio is it you have?
  9. N

    iPad 3 - Released March 16th. Pre-Orders start 7th March

    Re: iPad 3 - March 7th. $100 wasn't it?
  10. N

    Quick clean seeing as the sun was out yesterday

    Really loving that colour!
  11. N

    Engine Dressing

    Out of the above I would go orange.
  12. N

    who's fault was this ??

    Personally I think its your fault for being on that stretch of road that time/day. :)
  13. N

    Z4 - Perfect No More (Being fixed so it's all OK (Courtesy post#149))

    Re: Z4 - Perfect No More s**t so sorry to see this :( Fingers crossed it all gets sorted asap mate.
  14. N

    February Photography Competition - Voting Thread

    Love number 2, really like the colours caught in 15 too but 2 got my vote!
  15. N

    My MG ZR 160

    These are so cheap, a friend of mine once had a 160 facelift one. It handled and performed generally really quite well, I was quite shocked.
  16. N

    advice needed

    Your doing the right thing, for the sake of £150 he is not going to spend £x on legal fees, then there is his time etc. He really is just employing scare tactics and with no grounds. Its actually making my blood boil just reading this :/
  17. N

    Its been a while ...

    That actually made me, excuse the expression, 'lol' :D
  18. N

    The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

    You've probably already mentioned in another thread but how is it you get access to all these places?!
  19. N

    Best £12.67 Ever Spent...

    Think i might just grow a pair and get one tomorrow as mines snapped in the middle.
  20. N

    PE2's to P Zero's, Good Choice??

    See now I had P zero neros 205/45/16 on my Fabia VRS, drove to the Nurburgring and went round etc and I thought they were brilliant tyres for the money.
  21. N

    Front End tidied up + Clean

    Looking good mate :)
  22. N

    First attempts at detailing (LY 182 content)

    Car looks fantastic mate, I really want a 'ghey' liquid yellow 182! Best colour by a mile imo!
  23. N

    Chances of getting insured on a sport at 19?

    Im 23 with 5 years NCB and my 182 was £620 for the year with Bell. I remember at 18 however when I had my first 182 with 1 years NCB it was £3800 with Admiral.
  24. N

    Few shots of my Civic Type-R

    Looks good mate :)
  25. N

    This carbon bonnet - yay or nay

    I wouldn't let him pay me to put it on my car! Its a no from me.. :)
  26. N

    Taking the 172 on a 4500mile road trip, do I dare?!?

    Where are you driving?!
  27. N

    Headlight Correction..

    Good work, need to get mine sorted at some point!
  28. N

    Arctic 182 Washed and Waxed

    Very tidy indeed :) I was going to clean mine but, well didnt get round to it!!
  29. N

    BG reflection shot

    BG is great when clean :)