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Newbie- DC5 to 182?!

  Clio 182
Evening all!

Just joined up as I'm looking to purchase a 182. Currently own a Honda Integra DC5 but need to free up some loot for house deposit and the price of these is really appealing! Plus recently had a dabble with a 182 and it REALLY suprised me :eek:

Anyway here are some pics of my DC5






If anyone lives in Warminster, Wiltshire and "saw" it over the weekend, it was me!
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Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Where's Christopher? Straight swap for an RB 182. :eek:

Welcome mate.
  Clio 182
Cheers guys. Test drove a 182 and was really impressed with it. Just need to sell mine now and away I go!

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
The 182 is much better on fuel too, although I'm not sure I could make the same transition myself!
182's are suprising the handling and performance is brilliant for the price with good MPG considering, your DC5 looks like a really clean example I wouldn't mind going for one someday :)
  Clio 182
DC5 really is an excellent piece of kit. Every box is ticked, but personal and financial preference has won me over. I'm sure I'll have a good amount of fun in a Clio
