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BT Openreach socket help

  RS6 C7
Hi, Just had a new broadband line fitted by bt, I rang up yesterday to say my internet wasnt working, The guy on the phone told me to remove the cover from the main bt socket and as i did this all the wires that go into the socket fell out, Here is a picture of the back of my box

There are 3 wires, Orange, Blue & White, i need to know which wiring sockets they go into, I did tell the bt man that the wires had fallen out but he could only send a BT engineer out and last time one came out i ended up paying about £80 for 10 minutes work, If someone knows where each wire needs to go it would be great, I have looked for wiring diagrams but cant find one i can read.
  Tesla MP3 2021
They have to be pushed into the back of the socket with a special tool so I cant see how they have just fell out, it seems they haven't been connected in the first place.

I know its ports 2 and 5 you need but not sure which colour goes where, I'll see if I can find out.
  Tesla MP3 2021
Actually, the answer is in your picture anyway, though I cant quite see the colours clearly, it looks like A (2) is Orange and B (5) is white. Blue isnt needed.
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ClioSport Club Member

I'd also take the test socket off and check the back of that to make sure there is a blue and a blue and white wire screwed onto the back of the test socket.


ClioSport Club Member
Yeah impact tool is needed, can be done with a flat head screwdriver or a knife for the time being though, just make sure you strip the end of the wire you put in.
That missed half my post?!

Yes a tool is needed to do it correctly but it is achievable with the aforementioned tools. Its a c**t of a thing to do though.


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
99% of the time, Blue white 2, white blue 5, ringer orange is 3. You can be a pikey and jab them in with a terminal type screwdriver........ but I didnt tell you that ;)

They fall out all the time, even if the correct punch down tool is used. Feckking hate socket wiring.

To test it, jab a non fancy phone into the test socket before you screw the face plate back. Ring out,then dial back in off a mobile to check the ringer works.
  RS6 C7
Got it all wired back in now :) Thanks guys, Next issue...

My homehub connects to the internet when connected to the master socket (In the kitchen) When i plug my homehub into the extension socket(In the office) it will not connect to broadband, It worked perfectly fine before, I tried plugging a phone into the extension socket and it works perfectly fine but no broadband :(. Any ideas?


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
its better to keep it off the master tbh.

If you must have it in the office, have you tried swapping adsl filters? Ie take the working one from the kitchen, plug it into the office. Also i presume the office is wired directly off the kitchen master?
  RS6 C7
its better to keep it off the master tbh.

If you must have it in the office, have you tried swapping adsl filters? Ie take the working one from the kitchen, plug it into the office. Also i presume the office is wired directly off the kitchen master?

Yep ive tried that, Also tried the usual restet the box and all that, I was informed by BT that as i have just had a new line fitted (so has the whole village) that there will be some service disruption for a few days, It may be down to this although as soon as i plug the router into the main socket it comes straight on and works fine. Im baffled :(

And yep office is just an extension of the master.


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
Strange, the phone woks as normal in the office, and you can make/receive calls? What lights are you getting on the unit?

Can you not keep the hub in the kitchen for now?
  RS6 C7
Yep phone works as normal in the office, I can make and receive calls, Lights on the box are: Wireless, Power & the broadband light is flashing. Problem is the wireless struggles to reach the office, Our house is an L shape and the office is right at the other end of the house. For now i can use the laptop but its a bit of a pain trying to do work in the kitchen ;)


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
I suppose, with the mrs in the way by the sink and what not ;)

Dunno strange one. If you plug a phone in to the socket without an ADSL filter, you should hear a sort of interference sound (thats broadband) You will hear it in the kitchen for sure, check it in the office...... Also if you have a digital multimeter, you should have near 50 dc between 2 and 5 at the connections. I bet you've just got a bad connection to the office somewhere. Might be OK for the phone, but broadband is fussy
  Clio 182
The reason is most likely down to the wiring cotball. Basically the phone signal is rarely affected by any defective wiring and what not due to the frequency of the signal. Now although the dsl and voice signal travel on the same line, the broadband signal is of a much higher frequency and thus a lot more temperamental. Extension sockets are normally fitted with crappy wiring hence why all ISPs will always advise you to connect the router/modem to the master socket. Thats not to say it will never work in an extension socket but majority of the time you will always get much better sync speeds running directly from the master, or better still test socket.

Another thing worth noting is that BT will definitely charge you if they send an engineer out for the extension socket as they will only take responsibility up to the test socket and anything beyond there will be classed as internal wiring.

A possible solution for your issue would be Home Plugs, google them. They work very well and should solve your issue.

Hope this helps.
  RS6 C7
The reason is most likely down to the wiring cotball. Basically the phone signal is rarely affected by any defective wiring and what not due to the frequency of the signal. Now although the dsl and voice signal travel on the same line, the broadband signal is of a much higher frequency and thus a lot more temperamental. Extension sockets are normally fitted with crappy wiring hence why all ISPs will always advise you to connect the router/modem to the master socket. Thats not to say it will never work in an extension socket but majority of the time you will always get much better sync speeds running directly from the master, or better still test socket.
Another thing worth noting is that BT will definitely charge you if they send an engineer out for the extension socket as they will only take responsibility up to the test socket and anything beyond there will be classed as internal wiring.

A possible solution for your issue would be Home Plugs, google them. They work very well and should solve your issue.

Hope this helps.

Shall i get a stronger router? My bt seems to struggle to make it past a couple of rooms, Our house layout is a real pain, Worked best in the office as thats where a work most, Its right next to the lounge and the bedrooms are directly above, The kitchen is miles away from anything :( , Looks like i will need to get something sorted, I think i will leave it a couple of days to allow for the issues BT mentioned with the new line.
  Clio 182
The BT home hubs are generally pretty good in terms of wireless range, have you gone through the wireless settings with BT? Changing the wireless channels etc?

But as I mentioned above look in to home plugs and you will see it is an ideal solution for your issue!
  182, SQ7, Trafic
The BT home hubs are generally pretty good in terms of wireless range, have you gone through the wireless settings with BT? Changing the wireless channels etc?

But as I mentioned above look in to home plugs and you will see it is an ideal solution for your issue!

Home hub 3 is horrendously bad, I'm sitting in the room back to back with the router, literally though the wall and I'm getting 1/3 loss, connected to shitty old Belkin WAP in my room a lot further away and it's spot on. Basically same wall between each too!
  Clio 182
Again have you tried playing with the wireless channels etc? People under estimate how much of an effect it has.
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Lol yes I have, I deal with this most weeks with work and customers houses. Home Hub 3's are crap, constant bad reviews online. Taken off auto channel and put well out of the way on a really obscure one, 3 I think, then the other is on 9.
  Clio 182
Fair enough, the home hub at my mums house is fantastic. Well at least a lot better than my Sky router which is a complete waste of space!
