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Search results

  1. cava83

    Server p**n

    Nice, what ESXi hosts are you running and how do you have it set up ? Just about to purchase 3 x R515's with dual Hex's or 3 x R720's :D for a small ESXi environment
  2. cava83

    SSD on Macbook

    That is the thing, if it meets your requirements, then you don't need to. SSD's make such a difference, specially with a clean OS.
  3. cava83

    fuming with crap iphones!!!!

    Don't be so silly.
  4. cava83

    Headphone recommendation?

    Why does this keep on coming up, don't people know how to use the search function?!!
  5. cava83

    Mountain Lion - OS X.8

    You just killed mine (got same spec) :(
  6. cava83

    New iPhone this October??

    Re: iPhone 5 this October?? Slight alteration.
  7. cava83

    SSD bargain

    Hi, Intel 120gb SSD on amazon for £54.99 including free delivery (through reseller) This is a great price, if you are looking to upgrade your main HD. I realise this is small for most, but if you have a NAS/external storage...
  8. cava83

    Just switched to Android from iOS

    I bought the Google Nexus S, could not get on with ICS, yes you can do more, but everything seems to be all over the place. I am now using a Lumia 710, I prefer this to Android as it's nice and simple, functionality wise, not as good. iOS is very good, but it all comes down to personal choice...
  9. cava83


    Sadly, it doesn't get great reviews on Amazon, as most users complain about the wireless range or frequent disconnections, sometimes these reviews make you think if they are somewhat retarded. It's good to hear you have not found any issues. The Asus top tier products are good too, like the...
  10. cava83

    Update: Network people, help extending wifi signal please

    Re: Network people, help extending wifi signal please Unifi is a great product too. Have a look at it and the reviews in such places as hard forum
  11. cava83

    2012 Retina Macbook Pro

    I guess that answers that question. Did you do any updates or did it work straight away? The lock thing sucks.
  12. cava83

    Difference in time between OSX and Windows re-installs

    You are not reading things and being a show off. Windows 7 does not install on a normal HD in 8 minutes.
  13. cava83

    Difference in time between OSX and Windows re-installs

    Wise man. Very good answer
  14. cava83

    Difference in time between OSX and Windows re-installs

    Seems like you didn't read all of this properly, I will quote myself below ;) Just to recap, it is easy if you have the disks! But if the machine comes with a restore partition, it messes up and you don't have the disks, it's ridiculous! Not paying x amount for disks, that's a joke! Not a mac...
  15. cava83

    Difference in time between OSX and Windows re-installs

    Anyway, for you cheeky sh1ts, most laptops don't come with the recovery disks anymore, as it costs them too much money! If you try and return a machine to it's default settings via the recovery and that crashes, you're kinda screwed which is what happened. I was simply demonstrating how on OSX...
  16. cava83

    Difference in time between OSX and Windows re-installs

    Far from a spazzy. You are doing a clean install aren't you....... I was doing an install from the HP recovery partition so not quite the same, as they come full of rubbish. I would have loved to do a normal install, but with no disks and no recovery partition, your kind of screwed.
  17. cava83

    Difference in time between OSX and Windows re-installs

    What do you mean ignoring the driver side of things? The machine came with vista, the recovery partition is obviously going to be vista, rather do windows 7 but normal users don't have a clue if it's vista/7....... some people don't want to spend the extra. It's not a descent machine.
  18. cava83

    Difference in time between OSX and Windows re-installs

    That's a bit harsh and not required. It's a friends laptop and most consumer HP's don't come with the recovery disks (smart, as they make you pay for them) instead, it has the recovery partition which you normally utilise in this kind of scenario. Cheeky s**t
  19. cava83

    Difference in time between OSX and Windows re-installs

    Re-installing lion 1) Boot up into MAC OSX Utilities 2) Format the drive you are installing it on 3) Start lion installer, choose options. 4) Install updates, make sure all updates are done = 268mb 5) restart 6) Make sure all updates applied 7) Done (some steps cut out, such as backups) Simple...
  20. cava83

    Mac Media Players - XBMC vs. Plex vs. VLC

    Can we even put VLC in the same category as XBMC or Plex? VLC would be on the same category as quick time or those kind of apps.
  21. cava83

    WWDC 2012 -- June 11-15

    It's ok, I am with you, I am not the biggest fan of facebook.
  22. cava83

    Piratebay blocked?

    I knew about Virgin, but didn't know about o2 blocking it ! Ridiculous, pointless.
  23. cava83

    Piratebay blocked?

    Seems blocked, don't know if it's my ISP (o2) Anyone else?
  24. cava83

    One for the storage geeks.

  25. cava83

    Good website Designer?

    It's not too bad, considering the hours it takes and also the branding. Additionally, he uses ZenCart for the majority of their e-commerce stuff. It's not too bad really. Just pay in stages, so initial deposit, 1/2 way through and then a final payment upon completion. Ask for a 10% reduction...
  26. cava83

    WWDC 2012 -- June 11-15

    Ethernet via thunderbolt. That will stop you running dual none-apple monitors if you need gig ethernet too. Shame.
  27. cava83

    WWDC 2012 -- June 11-15

    Let's say another £250 because it's the UK and you get shafted. £1850 :)
  28. cava83

    WWDC 2012 -- June 11-15

    I hope so, if so, sold. Come on MacPro
  29. cava83

    WWDC 2012 -- June 11-15

    Me too, but doesn't look like it as Tom said. I don't understand the reasoning behind it, rather frustrating. Bring on being able to drive non-dual external screens without third party devices such as Matrox. Looking forward to the MacPro, hopefully there might be a slight re-design of it and...
  30. cava83

    WWDC 2012 -- June 11-15

    I have a 30" and it's too big.