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Search results

  1. cava83

    Big screen on MacBook pro?

    RRP is £899 for the ACD. Let's say it's £900 just to make the numbers look prettier. ACD inclusive of 20% VAT has net cost of £750.00 and a VAT element of £150.00. If he is getting student discount, then getting the VAT off, I don't think it comes up to the price suggested. Just wondering...
  2. cava83

    Big screen on MacBook pro?

    Can you explain to me how you work it out to be this price? Not questioning, just interested. Thanks very much, G
  3. cava83

    recommend me a laptop for £600-700

    I suppose, if I lived in Birmingham I would rather have and would do, a Nissan GTR :D Not a waste of money, I work in IT and I know what stuff is a waste of money (Mac Mini and Marriage :p )
  4. cava83

    URL Rewriting? .HTACCESS?

    DNS. What are you using to build your intranet? Good project :)
  5. cava83

    recommend me a laptop for £600-700

    Macbook air is not heavy. Breaks? Depending on how you look after it. Expensive, agree with you there. But you are used to this, you drive a Porsche :p
  6. cava83

    recommend me a laptop for £600-700

    Interesting, we have had nothing but issues with Acer (desktops) but all our HP stuff has been solid. Samsung range are quite descent too. Thanks, Gabi.
  7. cava83

    Media streamers

    +iTunes or are you using XBMC/Plex?
  8. cava83

    Any Office 365 Experts

    Jimmy has sorted this issue out. It was a DNS issue. Jimmy will fill you in, when he has recovered from celebrating this victory against Microsoft. :D
  9. cava83

    Any Office 365 Experts

    Give me remote access to your desktop and I will have a look for you if you like. Check your PM. If I find resolution, I will post on here, if not, I will hide in shame.
  10. cava83

    Any Office 365 Experts

    JimmyJ What DNS entries do you have on your domain? Would be easier starting that way. G.
  11. cava83

    Any Office 365 Experts

    They probably have autodiscover setup on the internal DNS, but on their office 365 they have not set it up properly. :D
  12. cava83

    Any Office 365 Experts

    Ah, nice company. You work with a guy called Darren Roberts ( I realise you guys are big ) Thanks, G. :D
  13. cava83

    Any Office 365 Experts

    Internal network issue. What is your office 365 domain? Should be relatively easy to fix. AdamH1, what hosting company do you work for? Thanks, Gabi.
  14. cava83

    Media streamers

    With Plex or XBMC? :)
  15. cava83

    Best website host?

    Absolutely owned.
  16. cava83

    Media streamers job done.
  17. cava83

    Mac mini

    Any model which is not the server model would require the dual disk conversion. OWC do a kit and so do many other companies, they have a video of it too > Please note, this voids your warranty (apparently) I think you might be better of with an...
  18. cava83

    Mac mini

    Media center will be what I will be using it for, when the new Mac Pro comes out, that will be the job for the MacMini. Will you be using XMBC/Plex or something else? (don't come back, the weather is sh1t and tubes are worse than when you left them !!)
  19. cava83

    Mac mini

    First and foremost, it's not usual for Tom to admit his an "idiot". I have the 2012 version, no optical drive. I went for the 2.3 quad. Tom's description of it is relatively correct. So far, so good, I added 16GB of RAM and a Samsung 830 256GB SSD, it will be used with my 30" ACD, which I...
  20. cava83

    Mail is a complete POS on iPhone 5?

    Could be a bug. Do you have it setup as gmail or exchange ?
  21. cava83

    Media Player under £100.

    :P Take it back and get the WD. There is a new boxee out too............ :D
  22. cava83

    Media Player under £100.

    Bought one of these for my mum last year and plugged in an external HD. Just works, no need to mess around. :)
  23. cava83

    Decent vmware test server spec

    Come on boys, kiss and make up. :)
  24. cava83

    2012 Retina Macbook Pro

    That answers pretty much everything, thank you for taking your time to reply. I didn't explain myself properly ( was tired) I meant to say I would go for the 32gb if it was possible :) What is the speed like on the USB to ethernet? Love to see more pics of how it's setup if possible? Might be...
  25. cava83

    2012 Retina Macbook Pro

    J273, that looks awesome !! Can you explain to me how you have both Dell monitors connected and are you using an ethernet adaptor for your rMBP at the same time? Agreed on the 16GB, if I could and it was reasonable, I would go for the 32GB, what CPU did you choose? Lovely, Thanks, G.
  26. cava83

    Media Centre legalities

    Prior to youP0rn and the likes of cheap external mass storage.
  27. cava83

    Media Centre legalities

    It's the media you used to use when you shared your home p0rn collection with your mates........................
  28. cava83

    Decent vmware test server spec

    The ML110 G7's are excellent, are you using ECC ram on it? (I have a couple of G6's for messing around with) They are actually surprisingly quiet, apart when you reboot them. Some people have up to 32gb in them, shame their cash back offers have gone. Thanks, G.
  29. cava83

    Media Centre legalities

    Hi, Just wondering if you guys have any information on this, cannot find a concrete answer on Google but haven't spent too long on it. If you burn a DVD without modifying the DVD and store it on a drive/NAS is that illegal? Some people state that it's illegal to copy DVD's due breaking the...
  30. cava83

    Decent vmware test server spec

    Totally agree, for that money, no way. You need to ensure it's on the HCL, at that price, I would consider that as going towards enterprise grade and you would want that to be on the HCL.