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Search results

  1. cava83

    Decent vmware test server spec

    Of course it is, but depending on what you need. If you are just testing ESXi it's more than enough, if you are building a clustered XenApp/Desktop farm, of course it's not......... :) all depends on requirements.
  2. cava83

    Decent vmware test server spec

    Trust me, I mess around a lot too ;) Again, this is a test environment and many test environments are proof of concepts........ ;) Anyhow, even "real servers" which are on the HCL's can have issues, could be anything but normally the network cards, for instance if they are using broadcom...
  3. cava83

    Decent vmware test server spec

    True, quite pointless in a real environment but fun.
  4. cava83

    Lumia 920 hurry up and come out

    Looks superb, I don't understand how the managed to get the screen to work, even if you have gloves on. Let's hope it's a winner, as that could help Nokia a little bit........
  5. cava83

    Decent vmware test server spec

    OP said "I'm after a decent vmware server which will be used within in a test environment..........." Hence why I said "The two best test servers, which are cheap and work well (not for production) ;) ........."'However, I should'nt have said the two best test servers, as there are...
  6. cava83

    Decent vmware test server spec

    Well, when you download 5.1 (latest) same as in every version, you get the full evaluation version with all the features that lasts up to 60 days, which then stops all the fancy features working. The two best test servers, which are cheap and work well (not for production) are the HP NL40 & the...
  7. cava83

    Company phone upgrades x 40 handsets (not contract upgrades)

    Right. Supplier won't/can't match the price and o2 won't sell it to us, as we go through a broker. Awesome :)
  8. cava83

    Company phone upgrades x 40 handsets (not contract upgrades) Awesome, trying to see if our supplier can match that, if not, will go to o2 directly. Fingers crossed.
  9. cava83

    Company phone upgrades x 40 handsets (not contract upgrades)

    Hi Tom, They only have 1 in stock sadly. Tried Misco, but they will charge £210 + VAT. Not spending that much as it's ridiculous and people smash up their phones here, winds me up. Might have to go down to the Lumia 710/610.
  10. cava83

    Company phone upgrades x 40 handsets (not contract upgrades)

    Expansys can offer me a £4 discount per phone....... so £210 inc VAT. Which is not enough really. Rather stuck on this, seems just easier to upgrade the contracts but rather not until they are all inline.
  11. cava83

    Company phone upgrades x 40 handsets (not contract upgrades)

    Andy, I was looking at this option, however, decided not to go down this route. When people leave the company, how do you go about it, just give them the phone? It's so hard meeting everyones requirements, people just love complaining. :( Lumia's, even though no iPhones, are great. I love...
  12. cava83

    Company phone upgrades x 40 handsets (not contract upgrades)

    It's a work phone, as long as get emails and make calls :) Currently have E71's. Only the new phones about to be released will be on 8.x and they are a lot more money, but I see what you are getting at. Which phones would you recommend then? 40 phones, budget of 8k. Thanks, G.
  13. cava83

    Company phone upgrades x 40 handsets (not contract upgrades)

    We are too small, they send us to distributors which then send us to people like CPW. :( Thank you for replying :)
  14. cava83

    Company phone upgrades x 40 handsets (not contract upgrades)

    Hi, Need to upgrade 40x handsets. Was going to get the Lumia 710's but now that the 800's have come down, thinking about them. I will need to get them sim free, as we already have the contracts in place and using our provider, their prices are extortionate. Asda are selling them for £149 inc...
  15. cava83

    Thinking of buying an iMac

    SSD would have probably reduced a lot of your problems. It isn't always the CPU / RAM that limits the performance. Even though I must agree that photoshop is very ram hungry and most professional setups use a scratch disk too :)
  16. cava83

    [AUS] Blue Mountains Drive Day #2 Report + Photos

    I am really loving that red 86 GTS
  17. cava83

    NAT - between two organisations

    Public? Give me an example :D
  18. cava83

    NAT - between two organisations

  19. cava83

    NAT - between two organisations

    /24 suits a lot of businesses requirements. /8/16 is just overkill. Sometimes, it's best to split it by department or floor. but I guess I am lucky, as we don't have more than 200 employees per building. Also not the biggest fan of 192.168 for businesses, even small ones but I am just being...
  20. cava83

    NAT - between two organisations

    What a mess :S
  21. cava83

    Managed Wireless Solutions (Home)

    Jammy :) where abouts in Australia? You'll like the UniFi stuff.
  22. cava83

    Managed Wireless Solutions (Home)

    I see. There are so many products and they can range so much in price. It's ridiculous. Here is what I suggest you look at > this is a great company, provide excellent products. Their reseller in the UK I would recommend...
  23. cava83

    Managed Wireless Solutions (Home)

    What is cheap to you? Additionally, 1GB capable, on the LAN connection or on the wireless (wireless you will need compatible devices and it will be bloody expensive?) There are many options you have available. Some people like purchasing compatible hardware with DD-WRT and using that, as it...
  24. cava83

    Pembrey trackday, bike content

    Respect B1lly, amazing.
  25. cava83

    Wireless Router Help - Garages
  26. cava83

    App devolopment

    Or create a web app, launched from a "desktop" shortcut on your iPhone, that would stop you requiring a developer account and recompiling the code, but you'd always require the internet.
  27. cava83

    FAO Server install geeks.

    What are you doing/trying to do?
  28. cava83

    Adobe Creative Suite 5 & Mountain Lion??

    SL is a great OS, not much reason to change if you don't need to. ML is working really well on my old MBP, but to be honest, all the fancy stuff I don't really need, doesn't increase my work flow. I don't like the dock, it's harder to tell if apps are open or not. Quite a few people...
  29. cava83

    Server p**n

    You can also use an USB stick, if your servers don't have SD slots, most motherboards have 1 or 2 as a minimum internal USB slots..... use a good quality USB stick though. There are a lot of professionals/consultants, that still have ESXi installed on a couple of drives on a RAID 1, even seen...
  30. cava83

    Server p**n

    Awesome :) DC licenses are based per processor and with 2008, you need a minimum of two per server, so in this instance you will require 6 licenses :p but yes, it's great as you can really scale up. There are many other advantages with the datacentre licenses. That is a lot of storage, what...