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  1. cava83

    Thinking about getting an iPad 2

    Depends on how you role. If possible buy things outright, credit cards are dangerous for a lot of people, 0% balances are ok, but what a lot of banks/cards do is forget you to setup the DD or they don't do it properly. So if you fault the first payment, you lose your 0% interest and pay back...
  2. cava83

    Ios5 upgrade

    Should really keep this in the apple chat :) You sure they are lost? Are you able to still reach your email account? Hopefully you did a backup before updating it, but all depends what email platform you used
  3. cava83

    Thinking about getting an iPad 2

    If you are really struggling to buy one outright, I would consider not buying it at all. Just save and buy it out right.
  4. cava83

    Android for business use

    Talking about Android here. If you have an iPhone query, start a new thread ;)
  5. cava83

    Thinking about getting an iPad 2

    Typing after a while hurts and can be time consuming. I prefer replying to emails on my iphone, as I can turn it landscape, and works very well. Some people complain about Flash not working, I don't care. Used to love it, hate Flash sites now, not required, in fact, if a website is in Flash, I...
  6. cava83

    iPhone 4S - Read post #1 before asking questions

    I thought that would be the case, I know 3 people on Tesco's, they say signal is shocking, they used to be with o2, I don't see how that is the case.
  7. cava83

    Android for business use

    You being serious or taking the p1$$? Speak to your IT department, they will have your credentials available and your external exchange server URL
  8. cava83

    Android for business use

    Gash, you could have 50 before :( that screws that idea. Can't be arsed to setup 50 individual Gmail accounts. Android is gay for business use :s
  9. cava83

    Android for business use

    Ah ok. Maybe I can create a free Google Apps account, with our domain, without changing the MX records, create the users and see if that works :s
  10. cava83

    Android for business use

    I did indeed, thanks for replying then and now. Do you just use one google account? Or set one up for each person? Additionally, do you remove the market place? Apologies for all the questions, it's just a bit of a pain
  11. cava83

    htc sensation xe, any good

    You must be single then :rasp:
  12. cava83

    Android for business use

    BBerry doesn't work with our exchange servers, we are tight and I personally don't like them. All I want is an easy tool, I would love iPhone's at work, they just work perfectly but they are too much money, plus I will probably end up smashing someone in the face, because they don't look after...
  13. cava83

    Android for business use

    As above, Android for business use? How do you guys go about it. We currently use E71's, we are phasing them out with Androids. In order to get the market place working and all the other aspects, you need to have a google account. I really don't want to have to setup a gmail account for...
  14. cava83

    iPhone 4S - Read post #1 before asking questions

    I just don't see and find it extremely hard to believe that they have outsold their iPhone 4 pre-orders. The numbers can't be right.
  15. cava83

    iPhone 4S - Read post #1 before asking questions

    Such a loss of money :( 1/2 of the RRP of what it was bought for.
  16. cava83

    iPhone 4S - Read post #1 before asking questions

    That seems really cheap....... What tariff is that?
  17. cava83

    MBP RAM question.

    Try an SSD too, ridiculously quicker.
  18. cava83

    MBP RAM question.

    Tom, that's really helpful, thank you for that link/info.
  19. cava83

    MBP RAM question.

    It is a bargain, considering that when I purchased my 4GB of RAM for the same MBP in October 2010 for £96 !
  20. cava83

    MBP RAM question.

    Thanks, last time I looked it was the same price. (6 months ago) :) 8GB for £48 is a bargain.
  21. cava83

    MBP RAM question.

    Why buy it through eBuyer?
  22. cava83

    iPhone 4S - Read post #1 before asking questions

    Re: iPhone Event - 4/10/2011 - Read post #1 before asking questions Things go out of date really quickly, but I don't think it's a fair statement. There are phones out there with 12mp, doesn't mean they are any better. It's all numbers which don't really mean that much in the grand scheme of...
  23. cava83

    iPhone 4S - Read post #1 before asking questions

    Re: iPhone Event - 4/10/2011 - Read post #1 before asking questions Orange is ok, not the best though, specially since linking with T Mobile, as many people are getting issues with dropped calls and or failure of signal, my GF uses them and found o2 a lot better. Another thing which is handy...
  24. cava83

    iPhone 4S - Read post #1 before asking questions

    Re: iPhone Event - 4/10/2011 - Read post #1 before asking questions iPhone 4s, same design. Shame.
  25. cava83

    iPhone 4S - Read post #1 before asking questions

    Re: iPhone Event - 4/10/2011 - Read post #1 before asking questions Me too, that looks immense for some reason.
  26. cava83

    iPhone 4S - Read post #1 before asking questions

    Re: iPhone Event - 4/10/2011 - Read post #1 before asking questions Still doesn't feel or work as good as iPhone4. Speed isn't everything.
  27. cava83

    Hi, Who uses them on here? They sound good, I know 3 people on them, have no issues and dirt cheap. Having come across this > makes it sound bad. Feedback appreciated, Thanks, G.
  28. cava83

    Email problem?

    For some reason, it default's the option to archive instead of delete, make sure that's unticked. Time to change to googlemail or something else maybe ?
  29. cava83

    BT - Internet issues throughout the UK

    Just in case you don't know or you've been affected but didn't realise why....
  30. cava83

    LED 3D TV, what do you think of this set?

    Are you lot who are saying it's s**t actually watch much 3D content apart from checking out a demo in a store? Personally I can't say yes or no, but why not buy a 3D TV, since they all have standard 2D and therefore you have best of both worlds.