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  1. cava83

    new setup

    Will you be using 4.1 or 5.0? 4 nodes? or will one be a NAS/SAN? Are they revision III'? That's an awesome spec, excellent solid servers, energy efficient too. !! The only downside is that they are bloody loud !! How much did you get those bad boys for and more importantly, are there any left?
  2. cava83

    Apple TV any good?

    Temper tantrum :) These kind of things should just work, so much messing around, it's ridiculous.
  3. cava83

    Apple TV any good?

    Do you not find it a bit sticky somewhat and maybe not intuitive enough? What skin are you using? Thanks, G.
  4. cava83

    Apple TV any good?

    Exactly, it's about time that they open up the blasted thing. We should not be forced to choose what format to use. :(
  5. cava83

    Apple TV any good?

    Thank you, very helpful. A lot of work though. :(
  6. cava83

    Apple TV any good?

    Ah, thought that would have been the case. XBMC is for people who can't be arsed to change them all, a bit like me, but by having them as you have saves a whole world of pain, I might need to start doing that then. Do you use handbreak for it and if so, what settings? Thanks for replying back...
  7. cava83

    Apple TV any good?

    I have 325 films in various formats such as .avi and so on. Are all yours MP4?
  8. cava83

    Apple TV any good?

    I have a jailbroken ATV2 too, using XBMC connected to my NAS, but I just don't find it intuitive enough for the people that use it at my house, plus it doesn't always behave. Can you tell me more about "So downloaded (and paid for now) Playback and it streams lovely :)" what you bought and how...
  9. cava83

    WWDC 2011 & iOS5

    Re: WWDC 2011 Danny133, be nice please. Revels and Sym0n are ok....... It's Tom you have to worry about ;)
  10. cava83

    Danny's Stupid Apple Questions Thread.

    Re: iPhone on IOS5 This happened to my own phone today, I have a developer account. Use image capture on the mac, that will grab all your pics. Your phone still works i.e everything is running in the background, however, you can't really access it. Things like your notes and all that...
  11. cava83

    Skype rant !

    Definitely. I'm back in the account, using it. Haven't reset my password. Haven't changed anything.
  12. cava83

    Been having a few problems with my MBP

    Do you have bootcamp? If so, turn off indexing your bootcamp partition. That will solve a lot of your speed issues. Secondly, check the permissions on your HD and make sure that they are all ok, do it through utilities. My question is, if I back up through time machine, and they wipe my laptop...
  13. cava83

    What desk does your iMac sit on?

    Desktop PC = when doing work that required a larger screen, i.e design stuff, or simply because you want the biggest screen you can buy. Personally I would rather dual screen. Laptop = for out and about, when seeing clients, when at your gf's house as Track'd has stated, you need to be mobile (I...
  14. cava83

    Considering a Macbook Pro worth the cash?

    As stated, get an iMac 27" and an iPad. If you want games, buy yourself a PS3/Xbox360/Other console.
  15. cava83

    Skype rant !

    Was it something I did in the end?......
  16. cava83

    Has anybody coded their own app?

    First of all, apologies for hijacking. Secondly, I have lots, would you mind if I PM'd you? Thanks, G.
  17. cava83

    iPhone 5?

    I was setting up a 3G the other week for a guy at work. The phone was so slow compared to an iPhone4. Hope you can cope :)
  18. cava83

    Skype rant !

    Update. Unfortunately my primary email address was my old boltblue account, which sadly the service closed down in march 2011, so can't access my emails. The system wasn't sending the password reminder, after speaking to someone in customer support via chat, it suddenly worked.?! I had a...
  19. cava83

    Skype rant !

    There is definitely something wrong with Skype. Their customer support is actually shocking regarding this incident, they aren't listening to what I am saying and responding answers which aren't even applicable to my questions, I can tell as they have copied and pasted text, different colour...
  20. cava83

    HP Web OS devices.

    Been to x2 best buy's in South Carolina, none on the shelves. Shame, looks like ebay is going to make a fortune from this.
  21. cava83

    Skype rant !

    Same thing as me. I emailed Support and they would not help me out.
  22. cava83

    Skype rant !

    I know it's not.
  23. cava83

    Skype rant !

    Been using Skype for around 5 years. Never had real problems, sometimes outage but that's fine. I was unable to login 5 days ago and thought maybe there was an issue, still unable to login, said I was using the wrong password, it's the same password as always, nothings changed. I've asked for...
  24. cava83

    HP Web OS devices.

    I wonder if best buy in USA has sold out where I am. If not, will get a couple.
  25. cava83

    MacBook Pro Question

    No. You'll be fine.
  26. cava83

    Buying an iPad 2

    Thanks very much AK, seems like the AT&T should work as it's GSM, however, Verizon iPad's won't due to them being CDMA networks. Excellent stuff. Thanks very much. Gabi.
  27. cava83

    Buying an iPad 2

    Went to to pick one up yesterday and the apple lady at best buy informed me that the iPads would be locked to Verizon or at&t and would not work in the Uk unless they are unlocked. Is this the case?
  28. cava83

    iPhone 5?

    I take it you haven't looked at brand new iPhone prices. ;) All my iPhones have been brand new, hence £510 being my last one. >>>
  29. cava83

    iPhone 5?

    £650 would be ridiculous.! Every iPhone I have bought, i've purchased outright, last one being £510, which is a stupid amount for a phone really. Any more than £550 for a 16gb and I think that will put off a lot of people.
  30. cava83

    OSX Lion Thread

    No worries. I installed Lion using a USB stick and it worked great. As stated, make sure to format your HD first, or it will just update SL to Lion, and that isn't what you want in this scenario. Please make sure you backup all your data, double check and tripple check you have grabbed...