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  1. cava83

    iMac 27"

    Now now boys, no need to get the hand bags out.
  2. cava83

    Danny's Stupid Apple Questions Thread.

    Re: 2011 MacBook Air 11" 13" air would be nicer I think. My sister just swapped her 11" Air to a 13" Air and prefers it so much more. I'd like 8gb if I bought one, but not paying those stupid prices.
  3. cava83

    Apple TV any good?

    Did you get it working?
  4. cava83

    Something To Raise The TV?

    What's wrong with the PS3, good DVD/BR player !
  5. cava83

    Need to create a public Wi-Fi spot

    Just thought I would update on this. DD-WRT works really well, and now using it in various projects, which is excellent, thank you. Secondly, for the wifi hot spot, will be looking at setting up SputNikNet - there is a paid for service and the free express service, as it's only a small amount...
  6. cava83

    Smashed iPhone 4 screen

    Phone replaced for brand new one. £139, however, apparently if it was within the warranty (12 days out) and depending on how it broke + the Apple guru feels, you can get a discount of that £139. Waited 30 minutes over my appointment, the lady was really polite. As the phone was out of...
  7. cava83

    Smashed iPhone 4 screen

    :o i'm yet to grow one.
  8. cava83

    Smashed iPhone 4 screen

    +1 ! I have no idea what would happen on this instance. The iPhone that's going for repair is outside it's warranty status, but wonder what would happen with the example above.
  9. cava83

    Smashed iPhone 4 screen

    Revels, is this still the case (cost wise)? I have a colleague who's smashed their iPhone 4 front screen, there is a place near by that replaces the screen for £90. Research on the internet states that with apple, it's the full cost for a replacement, I don't see how that is right. Have...
  10. cava83

    Which mouse?

    Logitech MX Revolution is far more comfortable, easy to use and has a good weight to it. Had you tried it?
  11. cava83

    remote access - work users (x10)

    The alternative is getting them to VPN in, then RDP, this would avoid having to forward ports. Are you against users using logmein free? I'll have a look at RDSS and see what costs are associated to it. Thanks for your feedback :) G.
  12. cava83

    remote access - work users (x10)

    Hi there, I have x10 users who wish to have remote access. We don't have citrix in play for those users. Obviously there is the option of VPN's, however, don't like that as I don't really want to be looking after their home comps, making sure they are clean and so on. Log me in - great tool...
  13. cava83

    Apple TV any good?

    PS3 media streamer seems to make my fans speed up big time. What settings are the apples built in networking that I need to use for XBMC? Thanks for the update.
  14. cava83

    Apple TV any good?

    SMB on Lion & XBMC, fail? Apparently SMB doesn't work on Lion properly, is that correct? Recently upgraded to Lion, so was going to setup XBMC but could not find the mac, through further research, it would appear that apple have changed how they use the SMB protocol. Any thoughts ?
  15. cava83

    Apple TV any good?

    Did you get it working in the end?
  16. cava83

    Mouse or Trackpad

    Magic mouse is far from magic and too light. Trackpad is nice, but can be annoying when doing work, the idea of it is great. Best mouse I have used and still do is the Logitech MX revolution.
  17. cava83

    O2 Data in Europe (roaming)

    Thanks for sharing Sym0n, I wonder if this would work for business contracts too ?
  18. cava83

    Whats the best sat nav?

    This. Why is it that with the TomTom iPhone App you get map updates for free but with standard units you don't?
  19. cava83

    new setup

    Could I be cheeky and ask if you still have your revision material for the VCP 4.1 and if so, could I have a copy :) pretty please
  20. cava83

    Unlocking phone, data secure?

    Strange, as I have had to unlock many orange iPhones, both on Pay as you go and contract. ETA is normally 5 working days, but usually much quicker. It must have been locked beforehand. I would have never thought of taking the phone to a newsagent, dodgy places. Authentic methods such as going...
  21. cava83

    Whats the best sized screen for a smart phone??

    I must admit it is, I find it much easier landscape. I think that is why I am not a massive fan for typing on the iPad because it's too big to hold it like an iPhone and type :)
  22. cava83

    help me....

    Perfect advice from Sym0n, Get the previous owner to call up, should be free unless still in contract.
  23. cava83

    new setup

    You're right, I hate you. Are you using this at home? I did the VCP 4.1 course, havent taken the exam, need to get cracking on 5.0, going to buy the training from, they are awesome. Need a better home lab, some of that would work wonders :)
  24. cava83

    Danny's Stupid Apple Questions Thread.

    Re: Can IOS5 go backwards? Glad to hear you are up and running again :)
  25. cava83


    Joomla is great and we use it for our Intranet, however, do you not finding the menus and articles too complex, i.e first create an article, find the menu you want and then link it to the article? WP is easy, lovely and lots of developers for it :)
  26. cava83

    new setup

    I want some :( Just about to upgrade our 2950's to 32gb as well :( Want them for home though *nerd alert*
  27. cava83

    Pong case - radiation reducing cell phone cases Anyone bought one of these cases? G.
  28. cava83

    new setup

    Big investment though for that setup ......
  29. cava83

    13 inch vs 15 inch

    Nice summary there of the office suites. I sort of agree that SSD's are a hype, but having one i'd say that it's incredibly increased the speed of my laptop and increased my battery life. Shame they are expensive and small sizes.
  30. cava83

    new setup

    Test VmWare environment, maybe he is working towards a VCP 4.0/5.0? I would if I could.!