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Danny's Stupid Apple Questions Thread.


ClioSport Club Member
Re: iPhone on IOS5

If the pictures mean that much to you then $99 should be peanuts ...
  Tesla MP3 2021
Re: iPhone on IOS5

Yeah but at least you would have a working phone. Im sure people on MR have downgraded back to iOS4.
  Tesla MP3 2021
Re: iPhone on IOS5

In fact you can as my mate did it as he wasn't happy with one of the early beta's!

He just downloaded the latest iOS4 IPSW file and restored to that.
Re: iPhone on IOS5

If it's bricked, you're going to need to restore. No matter what version is currently out, it isn't going to back up first.

You're only real hope is getting your ID re-registered. Just pay for the dev account and save the pictures.
  Inferno 182 CUP
Re: iPhone on IOS5

i need to find a Dev to help me register it - either for or not for a fee

with a pregnant mrs & a wedding booked and half paid for £99 isn't pocket change atm and i just aint got it ..
  Citroen DS3 DSport
Re: iPhone on IOS5

It's $99 so should cost you roughly £60-£65. It cost me £59 last year but I didn't bother to renew when it expired.
Re: iPhone on IOS5

i loose all photos from my stream that i have of the pregnant mrs and of our nursery in the making - she would axe me if i lost them ..

i lost them all before just from doing a sync .. all i want to do is literally get my UDID registered and turn it on so it works as it should again lol :(

This happened to my own phone today, I have a developer account.

Use image capture on the mac, that will grab all your pics.

Your phone still works i.e everything is running in the background, however, you can't really access it.

Things like your notes and all that, you're fucked unless you have a backup on itunes.

I'm fucked, because I didnt backup my HD properly when I upgraded to Lion, and lost the library with my iphone backup.

Good luck.
  Inferno 182 CUP
Can IOS5 go backwards?

Can i revert to 4.3.5?

When i try to do it in recovery mode it hangs for 10 minutes then gives me an error and locks my phone into recovery.

I then have to restore using the 5.0 ISPW

Anybody know why? :S

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Re: Can IOS5 go backwards?

It can't get any more backwards than you.
  Bus w**ker
Re: Can IOS5 go backwards?

Ooooooh snap, you showed him with that come back! *fist bump*
  Inferno 182 CUP
2011 MacBook Air 11"

I had a 13" MBP and honestly couldnt fault it. Upgraded the RAM again and installed Lion. Fantastic machine, fast, portable, stylish.

Anyway, found myself wandering around the house with it - and it was heavy! (not as heavy as some other windows bricks) but heavy.

Today traded it for a 2011 11" Air, 4GB RAM, 128SSD. WOW s**t on a stick!

I thought for days oh f**k im gonna regret this on a shitty 11" screen. But i cant genuinely notice the size difference between this and the 13". Its stupid fast - battery life is awesome .. I had to call applecare as i had a problem. My machine was restarting and rebooting faster than he could read his script lol!

If anybodys thinking of buying a MB anytime soon ..

MacBook Air 11" - A f**king star!


ClioSport Club Member
Re: 2011 MacBook Air 11"

I need to swap my MBP for an air really.

I needed it with me today, but I left it at home due to how big and heavy it is to transport. An air would of been ideal.
  Bus w**ker
Re: 2011 MacBook Air 11"

I don't get the point, why not get the 13" MBP? For the same price you get a better processor, larger HDD (fair enough the Air has SSD but capicity is more a concern for me than the slight weight increase or load speed) and 2" larger viewable screen area.


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
Re: 2011 MacBook Air 11"

I don't get the point, why not get the 13" MBP? For the same price you get a better processor, larger HDD (fair enough the Air has SSD but capicity is more a concern for me than the slight weight increase or load speed) and 2" larger viewable screen area.

If you have to lug even a 13" MBP about regularly, then you'll realise just how heavy it is. The Air is significantly lighter.

If you have to lug around 2 13" laptops regularly, then you'll definitely realise how heavy they are.

Plus the Air has better resolution screen.
  vauxhall corsa vxr
Re: 2011 MacBook Air 11"

I was lugging a 15.6 hp laptop for months, the 13.3 Mbp will be easy compared to that, the air is superb it's really quick
  Bus w**ker
Re: 2011 MacBook Air 11"

TBH I am rarely anywhere that I need a laptop/ for me the extra ~1kg of the MBP wouldn't be an issue. The screen res is a fair point though, but how much this would factor in on a 11" screen I'm not sure about. I'd still rather have a much larger capacity HDD and much better processor for my money.
