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Search results

  1. cava83

    AD/domain reorg helpplease

    You can create the new domain and then use the migration tool. Is it defo a new domain you need, i.e are they going to be a completely different business entity to what you are at the moment? Secondly, are you sure you want to go to exchange 2010.............? Looks and sounds good...
  2. cava83


    Only realised the capitals after it was posted, I was writing a document before, titles in capitals :o
  3. cava83


    New gadgets we hope. More info on possible products
  4. cava83

    MacBook Charger Woes

    I've had two replaced, no questions asked? I think I was lucky
  5. cava83

    PS3/PS3 SLim

    Not me :)
  6. cava83

    Folder views - on client side, file server storage.

    Hi buddy, Thanks for your reply. None had that, this is to why I am confused. :S
  7. cava83

    Folder views - on client side, file server storage.

    Hi, Server = Windows 2008 Standard Client = Windows XP Pro SP3 I've got an issue where the user wants to modify the view for all the folders, When opening a folder on the server the standard headings are: - Name - Size - Type - Date Modified The following have been added to all the folders...
  8. cava83

    Entry Level Blu Ray Player?

    You don't know what you're talking about!
  9. cava83

    3008WFP - thoughts please

    Balls, look how much cheaper it's in the USA Should have ordered it a while back....... Damn!!
  10. cava83

    3008WFP - thoughts please

    Hi, Done a search already. I know you used to use one for work and you have mentioned it on a thread here before, was hoping you would reply. Why HP over the Dell? Thanks for replying though and hope all is well, G.
  11. cava83

    3008WFP - thoughts please

    Hi, Thinking of buying this bad boy and linking it to my MBP. Any thoughts on the monitor, has anyone here got it? Was going to get the apple one but it's very limited and more expensive. Basically, need a 30" monitor. It's either the Dell, HP or Apple, NEC have released this bad boy...
  12. cava83

    d drive? `

    Have a look on your C drive and see where all your documents are, most likely your downloads in some sub folder and "my documents" They will be easy to move, if your downloads are linked to a application, just change it in the settings to the new path i.e D:$location$
  13. cava83

    HDMI Cable / Wall Mount help

    Just in America at the moment, went to Best Buy yesterday and they are selling HDMI cables for stupid prices. They add on the packaging things like, ultimate speed, 1080p certified, 10.2gbps data transfer and stuff like that crazy! most are $80 + There was a 5m cable for $389.00!!!! Cheap...
  14. cava83

    Small office network for 3D studtio max...

    What you have suggested will meet his requirements and increase productivity. It's not a costly option, I would go for that. :)
  15. cava83

    New TV but which one?

    The new samsung LED's* are fantastic. 6000 are good, 7000 are excellent, just went to see an 8000 yesterday and it was fantastic. I have pioneer's at home, considering they are no longer in the game (big shame :( ) I will be going to a 7000 samsung next. I used to be a hardcore sony...
  16. cava83

    Flash Intro Help

    pmsl !
  17. cava83

    IT business continuity plan

    Not quite what I am looking for ;)
  18. cava83

    IT business continuity plan

    Hi, Looking and doing the DRP now, The one we have is extremely basic. Does anyone have one I could have a look at? Please note, this will not be distributed or copied, it's simply to have a look at it and make sure I am covering what I need to. I know this is a lot to ask, but...
  19. cava83

    Hosting! is good, Lots of people I know use them and they have excellent reviews. :)
  20. cava83

    IT business continuity plan

    Your mum is "loose"! Is this in the right context? Sorry, English is my second language!
  21. cava83


    Thanks for letting me know by email..................................... ;)
  22. cava83

    Snow Leopard - 28th August

    Can you elaborate on the problem ?
  23. cava83

    Dock for Tom-Tom?

    Are you sure? ........................................ I certainly didn't and don't know anyone else that did, Plus having tomtom on the iphone stops me carrying my massive 910!
  24. cava83

    Must have firefox add-ons..

    Chrome is fantastic, what are you on about?!
  25. cava83

    exchange 2k3 message tracking ?

    forward a copy of all sent emails to your postmaster mailbox
  26. cava83

    Web hosting server reset?

    Cool :) php is great, simply the includes function saves so much work. ever thought of using something like wordpress as a cms? Could use all the plugins for forms and galleries........
  27. cava83

    2G to 3GS Questions

    I got the black one purely as it's less obvious it's an iphone :s 32gb version is a lot of money. :)
  28. cava83

    2G to 3GS Questions

    One thing I noticed. If I restored the 3GS from a backup, the battery life was atrocious. If I set it up as a NEW phone, battery was much better. Might not be the same from a 2g to 3gs but it was for me. :) You'll like the phone
  29. cava83

    Web hosting server reset?

    Hi, I don't use them, has a similar thing with another company. They restored a 2 week old backup and I lost all the changes I made through them, thankfully, I had a local backup. I was peed off and left, due to the fact that a service cannot run like that. Not much help here, but I would...
  30. cava83

    3g down for anyone else?

    been down all day.